6 Bathing Suits Under $30 That Look Great on Every Body

Summer is almost here. Sure, we still have May to get through, but once June rolls around, don’t tell me you aren’t thinking about beach trips. As a self-proclaimed mermaid, I’m all about the beach (ice cream, a new novel, getting some good old vitamin D, that salty smell… need I say more?).

That being said, bathing suits can be intimidating — even for the most confident of mermaids — but they don’t have to be. Because you are beautiful. In anything you decide to wear. No, really. Sure, there are so many styles and patterns, it’s hard to know what to choose — coupled with the fact that swimsuits always seem to be way more expensive than they should be. But, there is no secret swimsuit that looks good on everyone — they all do.

That being said, a little guidance doesn’t hurt — especially when it comes to your wallet.

Personally, I love retro-inspired two-pieces, mostly because I’m a self-identified 1955 goth (goth mermaid, if you will), but also because they look good no matter your body shape or size. The two-piece will conform around your own curves, not curves dictated by a fashion company. Hell yeah.

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One-pieces, of course, also work for everyone — and they don’t have to look boring. Opt for a scoop-neck (hello, cleavage) or boy shorts with a halter if you want comfort and support. There’s also the one-piece dress that has become more popular — it’s like blending the best of both worlds, a bouncy summer dress and a bathing suit.

Let’s also not forget the classic bikini, which seems to intimidate many. It looks good on you. Just wear it. I chose one below that has some fun strappy strings that create dimension. And who doesn’t love dimension when we all contain multitudes and contradictions? Thanks for that one, Walt Whitman. Happy beaching.

Best way to start a Sunday before you workshop some poems.

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1. Black and White two piece, Amazon, $21

black and white bathing suit

2. High waist floral two piece, Amazon, $23

floral bikini

3. One piece boy shorts, Amazon, $20

flamingo one piece

4. Scoop-neck one piece, Amazon, $25

black and white scoop neck bathing suit

5. Sailor dress, Amazon, $28

sailor bathing suit

6. Vintage strappy bikini, Amazon, $14

stringy bikini

Joanna Valente

Joanna C. Valente is the author of Sirs & Madams, The Gods Are Dead, Marys of the Sea, Xenos, and the editor of A Shadow Map: An Anthology by Survivors of Sexual Assault.

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