Introducing Dear Talia, Alma’s New Advice Column

Do you have everything in your life figured out? Or do you spend your days and nights thinking about why that one person said you were “a lot” in 2013, or how you can possibly ever be an adult considering you just had to Google “mortgage,” or when you’ll find a life partner who appreciates both you and your penchant for live-tweeting The Bachelor?

Oh, is it the latter? Then have we got the advice column for you!

Alma is very excited to announce our first advice column, Dear Talia, authored by our favorite dirtbag yenta, Talia Lavin.

If you’re not one of her 62K+ Twitter followers, it’s high time you get to know Talia. She is a queer Jewish freelance writer in Brooklyn who’s been married, divorced, dealt with a complicated family, fended off trolls online and in person, and can cook a mean bowl of soup. She’s never been able to follow well-meaning advice. But as an incorrigible dirtbag — and an even more incorrigible yenta — she’s delighted to dispense guidance in a form so palatable even she could maybe give it a try.

A Humble Request:
Hey Alma's content is free because we believe everybody deserves to be a part of our radically inclusive Jewish community. Reader donations help us do that. Will you give what you can to keep Hey Alma open to all? (It's a mitzvah, ya know.)

Talia will be tackling questions about love, family, money, despair, jobs, weddings, online etiquette, and whatever else that’s making you groan in frustration these days.

Got something on your mind? Send your questions now to (all questions will be kept anonymous). And stay tuned for the first column coming soon.

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Who Is Este Haim Engaged To?!

Jewish band Haim made a grand return to social media today, announcing Este's engagement and sparking speculation that a fourth album is coming.