It’s a scary time. Many of us are feeling despaired. Many of us are feeling hopeless. And we could all use a boost. So, we asked our favorite rabbis to send us voice notes of hope, reminders that as bad as things feel now, we must not give up. Here’s Rabbi Sandra Lawson, a rabbi, author, speaker, musician, and army veteran living in North Carolina.
“In thinking about how we maintain hope with so much going on in the world. I want to draw our attention to a lengthy conversation in the Talmud. In the Talmud, the Rabbis ask why is the creation story in Bereshit (Genesis) so clear that we are all descended from one ancestor and the answer the Talmud gives is so that no one person can say that my lineage is better than your lineage or I am better than you (Sanhedrin 37a)
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