Treat Yourself to a Little Tree of Life Jewelry

The Jewish symbol makes for some great jewelry — and we gathered our favorites, ranging from totally affordable to extremely aspirational.

In preparation for Tu Bishvat (which starts tomorrow at sundown) we’ve declared it Tree Week here at Hey Alma. And what better way to celebrate such an auspicious occasion than to treat yourself to a little Tree of Life jewelry?

You’ve probably seen and heard of the Tree of Life before — maybe your rabbi has a print of one hanging in her office, maybe your crush has a tie-dye t-shirt with the emblem in the center, maybe your synagogue is even named after it — but do you know why it’s a special symbol in Judaism? The term has its origins in the biblical story of the Garden of Eden — it was the tree God planted for Adam and Eve to eat from (as opposed to the other tree, the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which God did not want Adam and Eve to eat from). In Hebrew we say “etz chaim,” which literally means tree of life. The term is also used as a metaphor for the Torah.

Beyond the beautiful symbology, can we also just admit that trees are just very pretty? With all that in mind, we’ve gathered an array of cute pieces (ranging from totally affordable to extremely aspirational when it comes to pricing!) that you can wear to your Tu Bishvat seder or all year long. You’re welcome and chag sameach!

Gold Tree of Life Necklace, $61.50

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It’s simple, it’s minimalist, it’s so pretty.

Tree of Life + Star of David Necklace, $79

This Tree of Life looks regal and antique and has a bonus Star of David charm!

Personalized Birthstone Tree of Life Necklace, $87

The only thing better than a Tree of Life necklace is a personalized Tree of Life necklace!

Sterling Silver Tree of Life Ring, $32.35

A classic!

Funky Tree of Life Ring, $34

If you’re looking for something less traditional, this ring is the one for you. The lifelike branches hug your finger and the green enamel sparkles. This says “I’m not a regular babe with a Tu Bishvat ring, I’m a cool babe with a Tu Bishvat ring.”

Sapphire and Ruby Tree of Life Pendant, $450

Is this 14k gold pendant with sapphires, rubies, pearls and gorgeous etchings absolutely stunning? Yes. Is it $450? Also yes. Win some, lose some, right?

Tree of Life Hoop Earrings, $20

Looking for something a little bit different, extremely affordable and very beautiful? These open hoops are it!

Huge Tree of Life Hoop Earrings, $14.95

If dainty jewelry just isn’t your thing, you might be looking for giant wooden hoop earrings with intricate Tree of Life carvings. We’re obsessed with this pair that come in three different shades.

Tree of Life Hamsa Necklace by Susan Alexandra, $168

Has Susan Alexandra ever failed us? Absolutely not. This bronze Tree of Life Hamsa has two Jewish symbols for the price of one, and is quirky and beautiful.

Colorful Tree of Life Pendant, $1190.70

Look, we’re not saying this is practical or affordable, but we are saying it’s absolutely gorgeous and if you happen to have the means to buy it… we support you 1000%.

Welcome to Tree Week! In the days surrounding Tu Bishvat 5784, we at Hey Alma are celebrating all things tree and natured-related. Check back in all week for more on the special Jewish connection to our planet.

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