Here are previously posted Hey Alma Classifieds:
Reply to a classified posted on December 7, 2023:
MANHATTAN NJB SEEKS DREAMY FEMINIST. Romantic 30M looking for NJG to explore the city (and maybe the world) with. Passion for adventure and the arts a plus. Reply here.
NEW JEW IN PERU: 24 y/o gal looking for fellow Jews in Lima. I enjoy both walking and talking, particularly at the intersection of food. Maybe we can spin a dreidel together or something? (Of relevance: I live in front of a park that many dogs visit and most are eager.) Reply here.
GAY SEPHARDIC 21-YEAR-OLD ACTOR (he/him/London). Looking for other queer Jewish friends in the area and perhaps the potential someone? 👀Hit me up if you want someone to attend a Hanukkah event with, discover bookshops and museums together or if you want to start a band 😎L’Chaim!! Reply here.
QUEER FEMALE LOOKING FOR ANY JEWISH SOUL IN PLYMOUTH, UK (20-ish)! I am moving to Plymouth for my masters in Jan. and looking for Jewish friends! I like to read, art, travel, game nights & the occasional vino. The current situation is making me really afraid so happy to meet anyone else. <3 Reply here.
ME: UNPROFESSIONAL BISEXUAL ICON, SEMI-PROFESSIONAL POET, AMATEUR KISSING BOOTH OPERATOR (23, in nyc). you: thinks i’m funny, likes to eat the treats that i bake, leftist (23-29, in nyc). Reply here.
EARLY THIRTIES JEWISH LESBIAN SEEKING COMMUNITY, COMFORT AND JEWISH JOY. Located on the North Shore of Boston. Let’s just be queer and Jewish together. Reply here.
24 Y/O NJG LOOKING FOR LOVELY JEWISH FRIENDS (Melbourne, AUS). Happy with a pen pal or in person — I enjoy hiking, baking challah, traveling, spending time with my cat, art and picnics! Let me know if you want to connect. Reply here.
LIKES CHICKPEAS, ZEMIROT AND ETYMOLOGY (25/F/London). looking for a nice frum boy for an oat latte/museum date combo. is this you? message me! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on November 30, 2023:
JEWISH GIRL LOOKING FOR A HANUKKAH MIRACLE (23). Going to be in Barcelona and Seville over Hanukkah this year and am hoping to find some young Jewish people to light the menorah with! Reply here.
NJB LOOKING FOR AN ADVENTURE PARTNER (29M, Jerusalem). Liberal orthodox guy looking for a NJG to go on hiking, baking and watching rom-coms on the couch adventures with. Bonus points if you geek out over meteor showers! Reply here.
ISO A NJB IN THE AREA AROUND UMBC (20F). Must be between the ages 20-22 and love video games, science, soccer and musical theater. I am wheelchair-bound so must be accepting of people with disabilities. Reply here.
MID-30S COUPLE WITH A V CUTE TODDLER (Central Illinois) looking for other Jewish friends of any age or background to do Shabbats with. Haven’t met a local Jew since moving here and it’s lonely y’all! Reply here.
PANSEXUAL KITCHEN WITCH (36) in CDMX seeking queer hottie to do the dishes. must love: hugging trees, petting dogs and living room dance parties. Reply here.
NONBINARY TRANS MASC FRESH CONVERT (32/southeast TX) looking for folks in a similar place who would be open to meeting up for coffee or joining a game of DnD. Reply here.
REFORM LONDON TRANSPLANT BACK IN THE MOTHER CITY UNTIL MARCH (M/33/Cape Town). Open to dating/meeting Mr. Right-Stein. Friendship with any gender would also be nice. I love walks on Sea Point prom, mountain hikes, delis, local Jewish history and movies at the Labia. Reply here.
ANDROGYNOUS AFAB NONBINARY ISO OF MY BASHERT (47/NYC/East Coast). Into reading gossipy biographies, 70s/80s camp culture, Turkish food, classic rock and dance music. Trying to get into long walks and meditation. You should be 35+, queer/lesbian, somewhat masc-identifying. My Instagram profile for yours. Reply here.
QUEER EUROPEAN JEWESS IN SE LONDON (early 30s) would be keen to start a Shabbat dinner potluck. Challah and chill! Holla at me if this sounds like your shtick. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on November 16, 2023:
EXPAT JEWISH GIRL BASED IN ROME, ITALY (20-something). i am discovering my jewish roots and looking to celebrate my first hanukkah! Reply here.
NJG ISO A TRAVEL BUDDY OR SOMETHING MORE IN NZ IN DECEMBER/JANUARY (27). Bonus points if you like to camp and are down to skip a few showers. Starting on the South Island and will be making my way to the North Island. Reply here.
CHICAGO-BASED NJB SEEKING FELLOW NJB (22). Let’s go hiking, travel the world, watch my pitiful sports teams, eat way too many latkes or beef brisket (or both 😉 ), ask each other ridiculous out-of-pocket questions about life and get sloppy in a gay bar. Bonus points if you speak Spanish or Hebrew — I want to learn!! Reply here.
NJG SEEKING COMMUNITY IN SYDNEY, AU (28). Not the most traditional, but I bake rugelach with the best of them. Would love to come to shul with you xx Reply here.
N(ERDY)JB IN TORONTO (31). Widowed (but still a real hoot), not-so-new Scottish expat seeking a NJG or fellow grief buddy. Looking for someone to bake with/for, explore the best bites in the city together and talk useless trivia. Accent included. Reply here.
BUTCH DOCTOR LOOKING FOR HER FEMME LOVER (late 20s/Denver). Bonus if you’ll go to a drag show with me! Reply here.
QUEENS NJB LOOKING FOR HIS QUEEN ESTHER, MINUS THE PATRIARCHY (30M). Wanting to settle down with NJG. Bonus points if you love dancing and can help find the best kugel in New York. Reply here.
NICE JEWISH PRIMATOLOGIST (24, she/her). Reform NJGoth from the Chicago suburbs, newly living in Austin for my PhD. Looking for Jewish friends and maybe my bashert if you happen to be out there. You can count on me for fun primate facts, homemade latkes and emergency bagel runs (although I urgently need someone to reveal where the best ATX bagels are hiding). Reply here.
LOOKING TO START A JEWISH CO-OP IN THE CAMBERVILLE AREA! We’re a small group of Jews (and one cat) ranging from our twenties to forties. We range in our interests from climbing and board games to Shabbos meals and going to raves. We want to come together to create an intentional space for bonding and living Jewishly. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on November 9, 2023:
MUSICAL MYSTERY MENSCH (36M/Los Angeles) seeks creative and joyful Jewess who loves kids but doesn’t want them. Let’s be the well-rested aunt and uncle who travel a lot. Reply here.
CHUTZPAH-DRIVEN DISABLED WRITER SEEKING JEWISH PEN PAL (28F). Neurospicy, LGBTQ+, anxious creatives, and cookbook-lovers/bakers encouraged; anyone interested in letters handwritten in fountain pen welcome! Stickers & goodies possible. (I could be persuaded to use old-fashioned emails/texts instead.) Reply here.
GAYSIAN JEW ISO SOMEONE LIKE YOU! (36, she/they, Brooklyn) A Korean Jewish genderqueer lesbian, good at rhyming, is looking for a lasting love connection with another 30-something NJG. Let’s be nerdy homebodies together and make kimchijeon for Hanukkah. Must love cats. (Fellow JOCs, hmu!) Reply here.
TRANSMASC WANNA-BE CONVERT STUDENT (Saint-Nazaire, France/19) looking to make Jewish friends around my age, whether online or irl. I’m currently in arts college so if you got artsy vibes or love to share, hit me up. Reply here.
TORONTO BASED TURKISH JEW (mid 20s/F) of Sephardi and Mizrahi origin. Would love to get coffee and explore the town! Open to long distance connections. I love crafts, cooking, choir music, books and traveling. Reply here.
WISCONSIN NJG (29) looking for nerdy friends. Let’s show each other pet photos and talk about books over hummus. Reply here.
ISOLATED NJG LOOKING FOR FRIENDS (LONG DISTANCE OR IN-PERSON) OR SOMETHING MORE (19F/Santiago De Chile). The community here is quite small so I don’t have many Jewish friends and I need some given everything that’s going on in the world rn. Let’s bake challah together, in-person or on Zoom 🙂 Reply here.
NJB DOCTOR (33) Miami native living in Center City, Philadelphia. Looking to find friends, NJG to date and all the above. Reply here.
SEEKING COMMUNITY IN MONTREAL. Let’s kvetch & connect. 27, nonbinary, and ready to find my tribe. Let’s meet up for bagels, banter and a bissel of fun! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on November 2, 2023:
BISEXUAL BOSTONIAN CHINESE JEWISH MUSCLE MOMMY (23). Looking for people similar and/or into heavily tattooed Jewish/Asian American women with ADHD + IBS. Neurodivergence preferred but not required. Reply here.
NJB WHO LIKES LONG WALKS ALONG LAKE (26M): I’m a fun, pretty busy guy in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, looking for a NJG in her 20s. Been dating around for a few years with the goyim. Open to something with a little distance, but not too far. Enjoys going to Shabbat, sporting events and Broadway shows. Reply here.
ISOLATED JEWISH YENTA (24) in Dublin — looking for like minded people to meet up over coffee and connect with the community. Ideally looking for people who share a desire for a liberated Palestine and for peace in the Middle East 🤍 Reply here.
SEPHARDI FEMALE, POLITICALLY CONFUSED CREATIVE (30s/London) looking for company for Shabbat dinners, hang outs, discussion, museum trips. Reply here.
NJG LOOKING FOR A NJG IN MORMONLAND (21MTF). I’m a trans girl (still pretty early in transitioning) living in Salt Lake City, Utah and looking for a nice sapphic relationship. I like watching Star Trek, going on hikes and apparently studying all night. Don’t be a TERF, for obvious reasons. Reply here.
AMERICAN HUMANIST, ZIONIST JEW IN SCOTLAND (late-20s/nonbinary) feeling really isolated due to Edinburgh’s virtually non-existent Jewish community. I’m looking for people to connect with either in-person or even just UK/Scotland IG friends! Reply here.
LOOKING FOR A FRIEND (LONG DISTANCE OR IN-PERSON) IN THE NETHERLANDS (19F). Looking for someone to bake challah with, celebrate shabbos and just connect and talk! Reply here.
BIG APPLE BEAUTY SEEKS NJB CUTIE (25F). Looking for a guy to hold me accountable for finishing my book and to have long-winded debates over who went to the better summer camp. My family lives locally and my mom will cook you a fabulous Passover meal. Reply here.
GAY JEWISH MAN IN LONDON (31) looking for a date with a handsome, smart, funny Jew. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on October 25, 2023:
CANADIAN SEPHARDIC IN MADRID (31F) looking to connect with my community during these tense and isolating times! Happy to make some Adafina and chill. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR FRIENDS AFTER MOVING TO FAIRFAX, VA FOR GRAD SCHOOL (she/they/22). Extremely Reform and just looking for people to have a low key Shabbat / watch the Prince of Egypt with. I love cats, writing and those little fairy choose your own adventure TikToks. Reply here.
STUDENT FROM BREMEN, GERMANY (24f). as a jew in germany (half of my family is from here/half is from israel), i found it hard to find other jews to connect to! (also people that feel similar right now.) would love a penpal but also open to meet in person!! <3 Reply here.
25 Y/O ANTI-ZIONIST NJENBY IN INDIANAPOLIS LOOKING FOR COMPANY AT SHABBOS DINNERS! Come over for challah, wine and a good time as we reflect on the week that passed and ease into rest 💛 Reply here.
PASSIONATE LEFTIE ZIONIST (20s/London) looking for people to have cute shabbat dinners with, bake delicious treats (challah? apple pie? croissants?) and explore museums together! All ages and genders are welcome. Let’s celebrate culture, heritage and life’s beautiful moments. 🕊🕯🧁✨ Reply here.
AMERICAN WOMAN IN PARIS (30s) looking for friends or more to share meals and holidays, Shabbats, bake challah, cycling, nature walks and other escapes from the city. Reply here.
JEWISH SAHM IN CENTRAL TX SEEKING FRIENDSHIP, LONG-DISTANCE OR IN-PERSON (mid-30s). I love art & music, family, iced coffee and highlander romance novels. Need a human distraction from doom-scrolling and would love someone to play mah-jongg with. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR JEWISH BUDS IN WESTERN WASHINGTON (36/non-binary/Olympia). I’m in need of Jewish community, open to any form of connection from just IG friends to finding my beshert! I’m into music, art, walks, good food, movies, learning and new experiences. Let’s hang out! Reply here.
JUST YOUR EVERYDAY MONTREAL JEWISH BOY LIVING IN OTTAWA (28). Looking for a community to share Jewish joy, get up to fun shenanigans, question if Kettlemans makes the best bagels in town and find support during the unprecedented times we are living in. Reply here.
MAINE JEW (20F) hosting a Shabbat dinner in Central Maine in an effort to center community during these times. Reply here.
YOUR FAVORITE JEWITCH (25F). Book-loving, coffee-shop-going college student (located in Davis) looking for friends/pen pals. Have always wanted to have friends all around the states/world so would love to connect! Would be nice to have friends to do Shabbat dinner with! Reply here.
DC TRANSPLANT SEEKS NICE JEWISH FRIENDS IN THE BAY (34/F). Secular Jew in the East Bay ISO Jewish pals! Let’s chat about our favorite comedy podcasts, go for a hike and find the best bagels in the area. Other interests include baking, Bravo and being a general goof. Reply here.
JEWISH WOMAN IN NOLA LOOKING FOR HEBREW LESSONS (31). I’ve been wanting to improve my Hebrew and had a dear Israeli friend teaching me but he sadly moved away this past year. I want to feel more connected to my Judaism by building my confidence in my Hebrew. I’m open to any in-person or online lessons. Reply here.
MILLENNIAL JEW-ISH MOM IN WILMINGTON, NC (34) seeking fellow yenta to have fancy coffee/dinner dates with or just veg out on my couch together and complain. Reply here.
SINGLE, 40-SOMETHING WOMAN LOOKING FOR FRIENDSHIP. I’m a writer, editor, communications pro. I live in Reno, Nevada. I love to read, do embroidery and spend time with my family. Reply here.
NJG ISOLATED IN THE SOUTH WANTING TO CONNECT WITH THE TRIBE (27F). Essentially 2hrs from Charlotte or Atlanta aka the middle of nowhere. Avid reader, baker, hiker and animal lover. Conservadox. Leftist. Oh and PBS documentary watcher. Reply here.
EAST LONDON NJG (30F). If you’re also feeling depleted and isolated by recent events (and subsequent instagram repost trends, iykyk), hit me up so we can arrange some wholesome Jewish activities together! Now more than ever am I looking for Jewish friends in London and yearning for community. Reply here.
JEWISH INDIE FILMMAKER (she/her, 27) seeking like-minded creatives to make artsy and Jewish projects with. Located in San Antonio, TX but down to meetup in surrounding cities. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on October 4, 2023:
SOFT LIKE SILK CHALLAH (32) femme rabbi looking for my sapphic life hevruta. fall in love deeply and suddenly, will shower you with taurus energy and good communication. in the philly area but open to other spaces. looking for 30+ ppl of all genders, plz know what you want. must love dogs + glitter. Reply here.
SEEKING FRIENDS IN CAMBRIDGE UK: British-Israeli in her twenties looking for friends and/or other couples to speak Hebrew with and celebrate some Shabbats and the fun holidays with. Love cooking, binge-watching TV and dog walks. Anyone with a good gluten-free recipe for challah also welcome. Reply here.
NICE JEWISH GIRL FROM MEXICO (18F) seeking love or friends for penpal fun! Looking for new friends or a NJB to talk about books, culture and food. Let’s exchange recipes, share book recommendations and send each other long letters! Reply here.
CHAOTIC LEFTIST JEWESS SEEKING SIMILAR. Big-haired bisexual early 30s New York native living in Pittsburgh, PA. Cat mom of two w/ a dark sense of humor and a penchant for baking. Looking for a kind, emotionally intelligent progressive to go on long walks, eat babka and watch Crossing Delancey. Reply here.
JEWISH GIRL LOOKING FOR SOME MIZRAHI PALS TO EMBRACE HER HERITAGE (Boston/20-something). My family is Moroccan but assimilated pretty hard in the last generation and I just want to embrace my culture! Hit me up if you are Mizrahi and want to start a Mizrahi in Boston group! Reply here.
NJB NERDY DOG DAD (26) looking for a 20-something NJG to cook for and go to concerts with. Can be found trying out new recipes, reading Percy Jackson or exploring Chicago — show me your favorite “hidden gem” spot! Reply here.
NYC LEFTY IN SEARCH OF LUST AND LOVE (29M). Seeking an intellectual and adventurous woman into politics, pegging and poetry. Let’s take refuge from the world while trying to change it for the better. Please be COVID-conscious. If interested, send your favorite outdoor spot for a first date. Reply here.
ASHKENAZI NJG IN DETROIT LOOKING FOR FEMME & QUEER JEWISH PALS (27) I’m a fun-loving Jewitch in search of Jewish friends! I did not grow up religious so I’ve been exploring on my own what it means to be a Jew. Looking for friends who like to go on walks, read tarot, go to concerts and attend Shabbat services. Reply here.
BI NJG SEEKING QUEER NJP OF ANY GENDER (28). LA based romance + thriller novelist, Reform, nerdy in many ways, owner of super cute dog looking for a potential romantic partner for exploring LA, using AMC A-list liberally and building a life together. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on September 28, 2023:
SOON-TO-BE KIWI (22F) LOOKING FOR JEWISH PALS: Moving to Auckland in January and hoping to build intentional, progressive Jewish community. I love coffee, spending all my money on travel and blending my religious practices and leftist politics. Reply here.
DENVER NJB LOOKING FOR A NJG TO DO CUTE FALL ACTIVITIES AND CO-ACTIVITIES WITH (23). Can be found at the botanical gardens, a local museum or a thrift store. I love early morning hikes, baking, skiing, bouldering and nights in watching movies. If we get along I can make you nice Shabbat dinners w/challah. Reply here.
TORONTO NJG (24) grad student, recently appointed student body president, and seasoned DM looking for a person of any gender who’d be down to eat cake from Sobeys on a whim. Bonus if you have a piano at home 🙂 I’ll impress you with my extensive knowledge of Queen’s discography (this is unrelated to the piano). Reply here.
30+ JEWISH LATINA (she/her, Berlin, Germany) into visual arts, photography and sporty-nature activities searching for a “Mensch”: same age range male~boyfriend material/sb open to commitment (or more). Someone to keep Jewish traditions with (and break them in the sheets). Would consider relocating. Reply here.
SEPHARDI WEIRDO (28F) MOVING TO PORTLAND, OR FROM AZ WITH MY PARTNER (34M). Looking for other interracial/interfaith couples and other friends for low-key Shabbat dinners and cozy winter vibes. Help us make Portland home! Reply here.
GENDERQUEER YESHIVA FELLOW LOOKING FOR ROOMIES, APARTMENTS OR FRIENDS IN NYC (22/he/they). Moving to the Big Apple from Ohio to learn Torah and teach Hebrew school. Looking for apartment leads if you have them, but mostly looking for people with whom I can enjoy a coffee or a walk or a Shabbos meal. Reply here.
SOUTHERN CELIAC SWEETHEART SEEKING A NJB. Early 20s Ashkenazi gal seeking a nice, gluten-free dinner with a genuine guy. Tennessee is dragging me down so I am willing to move when we inevitably fall in love and get married. Be whatever, just don’t be conservative. Reply here.
ANGELENO IMA SEEKING MOM FRIENDS (36F). East Coaster in Pico-Robertson looking for “shul-curious, but also might brunch on Shabbat” mom friends to find the actual best bagel in LA. Bonus if you like art museums, live music, girl dinners with wine and kvetching over infertility struggles. Reply here.
SEEKING SHALOMIES (23/F/Iowa). Reform conversion student looking for friends to bake challah with, do some Torah study, learn to wrap a tichel or just kvetch. Long distance welcome. I’m into TV shows about gay pirates, writing bad poetry and always having a little treat. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on September 21, 2023:
DALLAS AREA NJB LOOKING FOR A NJG TO BE THE YEE TO MY HAW (25M). I enjoy expensive coffees, long walks and traveling to new places. Looking for a trivia partner & someone to kvetch about family with 🥰 Would be open to long distance. Reply here.
THE DATING APPS AREN’T WORKING SO IT’S TIME TO LOOK CONFUSED ON HEY ALMA. Early 30s Ashkenazi Leftist babe (she/her, Seattle, WA) searching for sweet dates and pals. Into homemade challah, cozy bookstores, Jewish ritual and deep-cut Buffy the Vampire Slayer references. Not into diet culture, TERFS or SWERFS. Reply here.
NJ EXPAT GIRL (37) IN SEARCH OF NJM (NICE JEWISH MOM) PEN PAL! Currently living in Denmark and missing American Jewish life. Looking for a mom friend to kvetch, celebrate and be neurotic about raising kids. Reply here.
CHICAGO JEWESS (40) with a strong sense of humor and love of matzah ball soup seeks connection in this thing called life with like-minded male identifying people. Reply here.
JEW BY CHOICE LOOKING FOR FRIENDS — AND MAYBE MORE — OF ALL GENDERS (29F/Dallas). I’m in the process of converting and want to immerse myself in Jewish culture. I enjoy anything artsy-fartsy, tabletop games (bonus points if you enjoy D&D, I need someone to teach me), yoga, finding new coffee shops, horror stuff and volunteering. Reply here.
NJG IN PHILLY (27) looking for a NJB to co-parent a cat, eat our way through the city and watch reality TV with. Into crafts, cooking, museums and road trips. Not afraid of horses is a plus. Reply here.
30BI NJG SEEKS SPOUSE (LI/NYC). I like Disney, baking, old movies and D&D. You like whatever, just be Reform with a 401k. I don’t want kids. Must be considerate, easygoing and passionate about our relationship. I need a “Yes dear” in the streets so I can “Yes Daddy” in the sheets. Serious inquiries only. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR INSOMNIAC FRIENDS TO TALK TO (25F). Rabbit mom and lover of Star Trek. Midwest based. Reply here.
31-YR-OLD SECULAR NJG SEEKS NJB (29-40ISH) TO BUILD A FUTURE. Based in Boston, looking for love & someone to go on adventures with me & my dog. Let’s go to a game, take my dog for a hike or try a new cocktail bar! Boston is full of fun so let’s make some! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on September 14, 2023:
NJG FROM SWEDEN (20s) traveling to South America for a couple of months. Looking for a NJG to wander the desert with for 40 years, as traveling buddies or whatever else! My callings are travel, sunrise surf, live music and Googling if that one background actor actually IS Jewish (answer’s always yes). Reply here.
HALF JEWISH GAL IN ATL SEEKING A NJB (late 20s) who enjoys niche TikTok humor and long walks to Alon’s. Bonus points if your dream is to raise New York scooter children. Reply here.
21-YEAR-OLD NJB LOOKING FOR A NJG TO GO TO TEMPLE TOGETHER. I’m in the US Coast Guard and got stationed in Charleston earlier this year. I have yet to make any friends or go on any dates so if you’re in the Charleston area I’d love to hear from you 🙂 Reply here.
JEW-HAUL? (34yo she/they). Post-Soviet Jew-ish babe seeking masc-of-center sweetie pie (any gender) for good conversation, belly laughs, monogamous partnership & parenthood. Into GF cooking, Buddhism, disability justice, lake swims and cats. Currently based in Madison, WI but open to relocation. Reply here.
QUEER COUPLE ON AN EPIC CALIFORNIA ROAD TRIP (both 23F) looking for buddies to celebrate Rosh Hashanah with near Lone Pine. We’ve got the honey and a soft spot for singing Avinu Malkeinu! Reply here.
GOT THE “GET” (almost 62). Newly divorced Jewish woman relocating to DC area. Seeking Jewish housemate(s) for sharing tea, conversation and apples dipped in honey. Reply here.
AMERICAN ASHKI GIRL OUT FOR HER GENTLEMENSCH: (19, she/her, cis woman seeking 18-early 20s NJB, something virtual for now). I’m a bit of an old soul. By that I mean I spend my days kvetching about “kids these days.” Care to join? Reply here.
NJB (NICE JEWISH BABE) SEEKING NJG (NICE JEWISH GUY) (29, LA). An honorary Ashkenazi after trying kugel 😉 Can be found at any independent bookstore — the romcomier the book, the better. Let’s learn Hebrew, dance, paint and play piano duets together! Ultimately looking for the Nino to my Amélie ❤️ Reply here.
LOOKING FOR A PAWRENT FRIEND? (32F, Westchester, NY). Introvert looking for friendship for nature walks with pups, shared kvetching about our partners and/or family, Jew(ish) baking, coffee & cocktail dates, book discussions and exploring Westchester! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on September 7, 2023:
NEW TO PANAMA AND LOOKING FOR MY PEOPLE! 25yo introverted New Jersey Jewess recently relocated 40min outside of Panama City for work! I heard that there is a large Jewish community here, looking for people to connect with! Hoping to make friends, find the best restaurants and overall just feel at home! Reply here.
PINK-HAIRED REFORM JEW LOOKING FOR A NICE JEWISH PERSON TO LOVE (F/mid-20s). Living in Arizona, loving life (and my cats). Ask me about the history of Jewish punk, my love for Hayley Kiyoko or about why I had my hands in a lion’s mouth for way too long. Reply here.
COVID-CONSCIOUS NJB IN NYC LOOKING FOR NJG (25M). Looking for a COVID-conscious NJG in NYC, Long Island, or the surrounding area to go on adventures with in nature, play games and pretty much anything else, all while wearing a mask indoors! Reply here.
ITALIAN SEPHARDI LOOKING FOR A NJB IN LONDON (27F). Looking for someone in their late 20s to have shabbat walks with and to give my jewish parents some peace. Reply here.
32F DEMISEXUAL WRITER IN NYC LOOKING FOR M(20S-40) TO START A MODERN ORTHODOX LIFE WITH. Trying to find a queerfriendly life partner to travel and host Shabbat meals with. Reply here.
LATE 20S NJG LOOKING FOR THE JERRY TO MY ELAINE: (Dating? Friends? Just eating a lot of diner food?). Based in the greater Boston area. Send me your worst puns and best drink recommendations! Reply here.
EARLY 20S NJB IN MASSACHUSETTS LOOKING FOR NJG. I enjoy board games, discussing politics, playing basketball and talking during movies. Will see Taylor Swift with you. Reply here.
BISEXUAL AND MIZRAHI MORTICIA-TYPE SEEKING NEW LOVE OR NEW FRIENDS IN NYC. Lateish 20s, native to Queens, obsessed with knowledge, nature and dancing 💃🏻 Can teach you how to cook if you teach me how to swim. Looking for my silly, smart and patient Gomez. Extra COVID-cautious people to the front, please. Reply here.
IT’S HARD BEING JEWISH IN THE SOUTH, SO I WOULD LIKE SOME LONG DISTANCE LOVE FOR NOW (she/her, 22). Looking for a NJB who watches films as hopelessly as I do, or can talk indie and punk like no tomorrow. I’m a director and theater educator. If we hit it off, I’ll send you my knish recipe… Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on August 31, 2023:
QUEER SOLO MUM IN LONDON (43/F/cis) looking for a NJG, ideally in London but not a necessity. A love of adventure and food is a must. Bonus points for practicing at least a sprinkle of Judaism and a dab of Buddhism. Reply here.
REFORM JEWISH AMERICAN (female, mid-40s) married to non-Jewish French man and raising two Jewish daughters looking for family friends to celebrate Jewish holidays, Shabbat and our beautiful heritage together. Based in Lille, France near the Belgian border. Reply here.
QUEER PUBLIC HEALTH JEWDENT SEEKING FRIENDS AND PARTNER (20/genderfluid/Walnut Valley, CA). Recent Anthropology graduate entering into Public Health Masters. Seeking fellow Jewish sweethearts with long curly hair and altruistic spirit. Likes: botanical gardens, museums, stargazing. Dislikes: smoking. Reply here.
NJG IN COLORADO ISO A NJB (early 20s) who enjoys early morning hiking, breakfast for dinner, talking during movies, folk music and falling off of plastic rocks. Reply here.
FTM GIYUR STUDENT LOOKING FOR COMPANY (London/18). Lover of board games, science and theology. Hater of the gov. Alternafrum. Open to all walks of life, IRL, virtual, platonic or otherwise x Reply here.
FILM-LOVING, COFFEE-DRINKING NJG MANHATTANITE (early 20s, she/her). Short, frizzy-haired filmmaker and lover of bookstore/coffee shop combos, 70s folk music and indie movies. Looking for early to mid-20s NJB to analyze movies with, read side by side on a park bench and share stories with. Don’t worry, my grandma will love you! Reply here.
WLW NJG (22F) looking for another NJG in the southern CT/NYC area. Let’s sing Shabbat tunes and explore bookstores! Bonus if you love hummus. If our first date goes well, I’ll let you see the dorky shul-attendee version of me! Reply here.
WIDOWED BUT STILL FUN (32F/Boston area). Looking for friends, hot dates, grief buddies, otherwise NJPeople. Into intimate Shabbat dinners, long walks, dogs, poetry, ice cream. Attended socialist summer camp and The Eras Tour. Comfortable discussing the dark, sad, embarrassing, painfully beautiful. Reply here.
AGNOSTIC NJG SEEKING JERSEY/NYC BASED NJB (29/Jersey City). I am a former archaeologist turned independent and outgoing foodie and travel lover, seeking a NJB (28-38) who can keep up with all the reservations I want to make. Sense of humor and confidence are a must! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on August 24, 2023:
LIBERAL ASEXUAL MIDWESTERN NJG (23) looking to escape my comfort zone. Kosher-keeping and grew up Conservative, now fairly secular. Short social battery but lots of love for dogs, olives & nerdy stuff. Looking for a NJB willing to have silly text chats, play co-op games and take it easy with me. Reply here.
REFORM AMSTERDAM NJB (23) looking for love. Decent (and straight) American guy with 4 years in Amsterdam! Way too into punk shows, tattoos and overanalyzing the quality of vegetables at the markets. Let’s compare b’nai mitzvah pics! Reply here.
GAY CHAPSTICK GIRLY LOOKING FOR LOVE IN THE BIG PRETZEL (35/Philly). New to town, show me and my pup around! I play guitar, write sappy sapphic poetry and am looking forward to cool girl fall. Looking for the one 🙂 Reply here.
NICE JEWISH BUTCH SEEKING SHALOM BAYIS (22, he/him). likes: bagels (duh), cats, art museums and late night escapades. ex-orthodox egalitarian looking to make the jewish lesbian home of my dreams! Reply here.
NJG SEEKING NJB (London, 40-ish). I’ve been loving single life for a while. I’m ready to be with a committed partner & grow a family. I am looking for someone kind, loving and passionate. Someone, near or far, to discover great connections and experiences whilst laughing and growing with is the fire. Intimacy, honesty and a passion for learning and life are our spark. Reply here.
CHILL NYC CORPORATE GIRLIE (28) searching for a funny, patient, caring Mauricio Umansky/Adam Sandler type. Reply here.
AMERICAN FORMER CHEF (late 20s) recently moved to Utrecht to go back to school and looking for local friends. Likes: exploring new places, food, leftist politics, the color pink and sad indie music. Dislikes: cinnamon raisin bagels, shitty beer and movies that take themselves too seriously. Reply here.
QUEER FEMME IN PHILLY (mid-40s) seeks masc-leaning queer woman or non-binary/GNC person for dating (& interest in monogamous relationship) who delights in food, the ocean and liberatory/radical politics. Turn me on with your self-inquiry, empathy & listening skills. Challah at me with your Jewish humor! Reply here.
CULTURALLY JEWISH, INTROVERTED, NERDY STAY AT HOME MOM (34 y/o). I’m married to a supportive non-Jew but I’m looking for Jewish mom friends in between the East Bay and Central Valley! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on August 17, 2023:
GOT A SINGLE FATHER, PREFERABLY WITH A WELL-HONED APPRECIATION OF THE ABSURD? Late-60s kosher pescatarian widow, music-loving, Birkenstock-wearing, self-sufficient denizen of the lower Hudson Valley looking for a man to join me in big and small adventures. Conservative Jewishly but not politically. Reply here.
CANADIAN OLAH CHADASHA (24, she/her) seeking community in Tel Aviv. Into music, crochet and listening to people talk about their passions. Let’s explore the city, or just go to the beach (or be roommates idk). Reply here.
MJG (MEAN JEWISH GIRL) SEEKING NIJB (NICE-ISH JEWISH BOY). Just a Susie Greene looking for my Jeff 💖 Grad student (26f, Philly) with a repertoire of useless fun facts and a reality tv addiction. I will make fun of you but will also laugh at your jokes. Let’s get drinks! Reply here.
JEWISH THEY NEWISH TO LA (22) seeking all kinds of connections. Schitt’s Creek sun, A League of Their Own moon, The Good Place rising. My Shabbats consist of movies and milkshakes. Take me somewhere fun in LA and in exchange I’ll teach you the Jewish history of your favorite pop culture icons 🙂 Reply here.
JEWGAL LOOKING FOR FRIENDS AND WHATNOT IN THE DC AREA TO EXPLORE (23F). Always in the mood to find a new coffee shop, revisit a museum, wander through a bookstore or debate which shop in DC has the best bagel. Reply here.
PHILADELPHIA TRANSPLANT LOOKING FOR LOVE (29/female/bi). I moved to Philly about 1.5 years ago. I work in higher education. I love walking my dog, knitting and reading a good book. I am looking for a partner who will go on hikes, take trips outside of Philly and likes sports, specifically football. Reply here.
LIBERAL & NERDY NJG (34) who loves being active as much as reading a book or cooking an overly complicated meal. Moving to the east bay looking for an NJB to show her the best running trails and places to kayak. Looking for a fun, active, loves a ‘make your own Shabbat’ style practice, and an intellectually and emotionally deep connection. Reply here.
REFORM NJG IN THE DMV LOOKING FOR HUSBAND MATERIAL (33). I love lounging by the pool and soaking up the sun. Find me at the closest Shake Shack. Reply here.
NJG IN NYC! 24 y/o curly-haired artist girly living in Manhattan looking to find her local NJB so her mom will stop asking “have you met anyone yet?” Likes: bway, sushi, dogs, someone w/ a sense of humor. Dislikes: delayed subways, peanut butter, being gluten intolerant (meet me at Modern Bread & Bagel?). Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on August 10, 2023:
JOIN ME ON A ROAD TRIP ACROSS THE U.S. TO THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY JEWISH SPOTS. Free this fall/spring? I, J 30 y/o WOC, artsy, language nerd, seek a musical driving buddy to hit it off and hit the road with. Driving is a must, friendship a dream, & mi yodea – maybe down the road love will be a bonus track. Reply here.
BISEXUAL GRAD STUDENT IN TALMUD, WRITER, AND FUTURE FARMER (30M) looking for a partner and/or penpal of any gender. Located in upstate NY but frequently in the city. Let’s talk poetry, Kropotkin, vegetables, punk music, rabbinic literature, Fran Drescher’s best outfits, or whatever you’re passionate about. I’ll use my best stationary on you. Reply here.
FEMME ENBY THERAPIST AND ARTIST SEEKING LOCAL MONOGAMISH PARTNER OR QUEER FRIENDS FROM ANYWHERE (29/San Diego). 420 friendly and music festival regular. (I also make killer cupcakes.) Let’s be sensitive together! Reply here.
NICE JEWISH TRANS GIRL (25, Austin, TX) looking for a Nice Jewish Polyamorous Partner. Looking for someone kind and observant of Jewish traditions in their own way. I like reading books about Jewish philosophy, playing tabletop games, and going on pleasant bike rides. I’m politically active in progressive spaces and could talk about public transit for hours. My ideal first date would be a picnic in the park (preferably in the shade). Reply here.
CAMPFIRE VIBES SEEKS SAME (42F for M, NYC). Loves to gather, ignite and generate warmth and sparks. Also loves: ferryboats, hammocks, cocktails, truly good talk, liberatory justice, joyful messiness and crowded-table family of many kinds. Looking for a beautiful balance of intimacy and independence with the right guy – maybe together we burn even brighter? Reply here.
EARLY 20S NY JEW (he/they) looking for love and other ex-frummies in the big city. Gender? I hardly know her. I am passionate about pizza, Jewish languages, and film photography. Let’s go to Yiddish concerts and read old sci-fi together. Reply here.
JEWISH LEFTIST IN SEARCH OF LIKE-MINDED JEWS IN PROVIDENCE (23/M). Been living in Providence for almost a year and am struggling to find like-minded people to do things with (romantic + platonic). I volunteer at the Red Ink Community Library, work for the USPS, and usually have free afternoons. Reply here.
ACTRESS LOOKING FOR LIFE PARTNER (22). I prefer a fellow artist or someone in my industry. Los Angeles based. Lebanese. Bonus if middle eastern or Israeli roots. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR FRIENDS IN CENTRAL JERSEY (25F). Let’s bake challah, watch movies, go to cute cafes and craft festivals, and take trips into the city. Reform/being OK with interfaith is preferred (perhaps necessary), as is preferring to go get ice cream over going to a bar. Also I’m anti-diet culture, liberal, and into intersectional feminism. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on August 2, 2023:
NJB VERSION OF ORANGE CAT LOOKING FOR THE NJB VERSION OF BLACK CAT (19/Bay Area/Valley in California). I love to write, read and binge watch. I love to be funny and I love to laugh. I’m a diabetic and would love to/need to be with a nurse. I’m in the bay area and only looking for something serious 🧐. Reply here.
WINDY CITY NJG (31) seeking partner in crime to win at trivia night, take walks along the lakefront, and debate where the best Chinese food in the city is. Bonus points if he likes comics and can speak a second language! Reply here.
ACE WILLOW LOOKING FOR HER TARA OR OZ (30F, bi-romantic, asexual). Living 15-45 minutes, depending on traffic, south of Boston. Likes books, both reading and buying, and traveling as often as possible. Hoping to find that romantic someone to join me on excursions, including finding all the bagels! Reply here.
JEWISH LESBIAN LOOKING FOR A MONOGAMOUS LADY/ENBY PARTNER (24, Philadelphia). Likes: animals (ask me about my cat!), scented candles, tattoos. Passionate about the color yellow. Let’s laugh together <3 Reply here.
NJB FOR NJG (29, LA). I’m in the arts w/ a few hidden tattoos, which makes me edgy enough for you but tame enough for my future MIL. Let’s enjoy our pre-global warming deaths with movies and museums. I’ll wait in line at Courage Bagels for us if you come to my improv shows (I know, I’m so sorry). Reply here.
LET’S MAKE OUR LOVE STORY A JEWISH HALLMARK MOVIE (26/F). NJG ready for love in Philly/Jersey. Me: Crafty and outgoing teacher. You: ambitious, left-leaning NJB with a great sense of humor. Must love dogs as my Yorkie and I are a package deal. Joke submissions required for applicant to be considered. Reply here.
CALI QUEER JEWISH QUEEN (32, femme enby, socal) looking for a long term relationship. I’m currently a Reform jew but would love to become more frum. I love reading, watching reality tv, and walking at the beach. Open to long distance. Looking for a spiritual, fun, devoted, deep connection of any gender. Reply here.
CHEEKY NJG (late 30s) seeking NJB partner in the Boston area. Fun-loving, quick-witted, and cooking enthusiast. Loves trash TV & coffee. Looking for a partner who’s down-to-earth, kind-hearted, and a little bit snarky. Let’s spark joy together! Reply here.
LESBIAN PHD STUDENT IN CHICAGO LOOKING FOR A LONG-TERM PARTNER (23). Hoping to raise dogs and, someday, a child in Yiddish. Excited about literary translation, baking, and creating inclusive, vibrant Jewish community. Let’s trade poems! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on July 27, 2023:
NJB GRANOLA JEW (24) who’s been traveling solo / couchsurfing between San Diego / PHL / CHI / anywhere with friends, and wants a travel buddy. LOVES Radical Amazement (but raised under USY/Ramah). Must be good with lack of plans, love for animals & hiking & other cheap travel. Got any plans? Reply here.
SILLY JEWISH GIRL SEEKING LOVE OR FRIENDS OF ANY GENDER (22F). New to Bay Area from Chicago! Occupation: Band Director. Hobbies: Hiking/camping, board games, amateur crafting and talking about Jewish overnight camp. Bagel: everything bagel, chive cheese, capers, onion, cucumber and lox. Reply here.
QUEER FEMME SPORTY JEWESS (30s, London) seeks romantic or platonic connections. Monogamish, non-monogamish, we’ll see. Let’s laugh, kvetch, fight injustice and eat home-cooked Ottolenghi. Up for adventures, into kindness, not really into Talmud. Yom Kippur is my favorite day of the year. Reply here.
LONESTAR NJG SEEKING NJB TO BE CURIOUS WITH (20). Born, raised and living in Austin, Texas. Let’s try to understand each other and the world and have fun doing it. I’m currently learning more about ecology, constitutional law and Jewish studies. Include your favorite music in your reply! Reply here.
JEWISH ARIZONA STUDENT LOOKING FOR A DANCE PARTNER (19F). Seeking Jewish cowboy in Phoenix metro area to swing dance with every now and then. I’ll teach you some of my moves and you teach you some of yours. Preferably someone early 20s. Reply here.
SHE/THEY MIDWESTERN CAMP COUNSELOR SEEKS JEWISH FRIENDS/COMMUNITY ON STUDY ABROAD THIS FALL (20/studying in Quito, Ecuador). Let’s explore or have Shabbat dinner together. Ask me about my pet worms, temporary tattoo collection or favorite poems. Reply here.
EASYGOING MEXICAN FEMALE NEW TO TEL AVIV (27) looking for friends to hang out around town with. Get a couple of drinks, sunbathe on Gordon Beach or have a deep talk over a few shawarmas with me. I’ll even cook some enchiladas for you, if that’s your cup of tea 🙂 Reply here.
AGENDER PARISIAN OMW TO CONVERT TO JUDAISM (21). Would love to create friendships with queers practicing Judaism or people that convert! I need a community<3 Reply here.
NICE JEWISH LESBIAN LOOKING FOR LIKE-MINDED HVNY JEWS (22). Likes: dogs, museums, Israeli breakfasts. lover of music, art and all things creative. Mainly looking for positive friendships, interesting connections and short term fun 🙂 Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on July 13, 2023:
NJG SEEKING FELLOW KVETCHERS IN THE TWIN CITIES (28) Seeking pals or maybe more. Looking to explore new places and kvetch about family, politics, bagels, etc. Reply here.
FRENCH NJB LOOKING FOR NICE JEWISH QUEER (late 20s/Nice, France) Chinese medicine practitioner, Conservadox Jew (égalitarian) with a Reform mentality. Enjoys cooking, walking, swimming and rollerblading. Looking to build a nice relationship over the long term. Reply here.
LATE BOOMER NY JEWESS (60s) Vivacious, statuesque, professional, solvent mom of grownups seeks an equal partner of any gender to indulge in art, music, books, comfort, exploration and life. Solid libido a plus – senses of humor and spontaneity are vital. Reply here.
UES KAB SHAB: My friend and I (recent grads, castaway Hillel leaders) are starting an Upper East Side Friday night minyan. Why let Brooklyn get all the fun? Vibes: egal, progressive, lots of singing, veggie potluck. All ages welcome, expect early 20s energy. We’d love to chat if you think you’d vibe! Reply here.
NICE JEWISH COWGIRL LOOKING FOR SOMETHING REAL (22F) Austin based cat mom looking for my nice Jewish dreamboat. Lover of all genders. Medium (Conservative) Jew in grad school studying to be a therapist (basically your mom’s dream). Talk Yiddish to me. Reply here.
SEEKING BESTIE, BAGEL, AND/OR BASHERT (25F/eastern Alabama/western Georgia) Grad student with blue hair doing her best, about to pursue a M.A. in history. Looking for friends (and possibly more)! I’m into writing, hiking, historical costuming and houseplants. Let’s exchange old-timey recipes from our grandmas and get just a little lost in a state park? Reply here.
QUEER, NEWLY SINGLE JEWISH MOM OF TWO SEEKING FRIENDSHIP OR MORE (38/Detroit) Gender isn’t a dealbreaker and I’m hoping to find a fellow LGBTQ+ Jew (30-48). Reform, progressive, inclusive and looking for someone to be the poppyseeds on the everything bagel that is my life. Reply here.
PHILLY JEW LOOKING FOR MORE PHILLY JEWS (26F) I’m looking for more Jewish friends in the City of Brotherly Love! Let’s go get coffee and walk through Rittenhouse, binge watch SATC and find the best bagel in the city! Only requirement is that you must laugh at my jokes! Reply here.
NJG MOVING TO BOSTON FROM LONDON (20) I already have my NJB (sorry!) but would love to find friends in the Local Jewish community, and maybe roommates?! I’d also love to keep in contact after I move back – maybe even penpals!! Queer friendly, Reform, mildly religious. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on July 6, 2023:
A VERMONT JEW IN SEARCH OF FRIENDS. Genderfluid, neurodivergent, reconstruction-ish 32yo Jew new to Vermont looking for friends online or in the Burlington area! Enjoys metal, dogs, outside, Zelda, Jewish folklore, and complaining. Covid conscious. Bonus if you’re learning/want to learn Yiddish. Reply here.
NJG SEEKING FRIENDS AND POSSIBLY MORE IN RENO, NV (36). Reform, tattooed, graduate student who enjoys grabbing any kind of drink, discussing books and movies, and checking out local events and hiking spots. Reply here.
HISTORIAN NJB COLLEGE COWBOY LOOKING FOR A NJG (23M/San Antonio, TX). Just a Texan Jew looking for love. Prefer to be in SA but fine with a partner in Austin or Houston areas. I am Modern Orthodox but grew up Reform and seeking a Jewish girl of any movement. Reply here.
ISO URBAN KIBBUTZNIKS IN BROOKLYN. Family with two kids (7 and 2) in Bed Stuy looking to build intergenerational intentional Jewish community. Let’s share resources, childcare, Shabbat meals, and more. It takes a village, so let’s build one. Reply here.
QUEER 30-SOMETHING NJG LOOKING FOR FRIENDS IN THE DMV (32, she/her). Recent NoVa transplant looking to find a theater or museum buddy or someone to go to shul with on Friday nights. Reply here.
I’LL BRING THE FARMERS MARKET VEGGIES, YOU BRING YOUR FAVORITE PLAYLIST. 30 y/o woman new to New York City seeking community for casual Shabbat dinners, low key hangs and general summer exploring. Let’s build some sweet Jewish community together! Reply here.
JEWISH LESBIAN NEW TO THE SOUTH BAY AREA (22) seeking queer, leftist, creative folks to build community with! Open to friends, whirlwind romances, mysterious dinner party guests, and sworn enemies. Bonus points for reformed theater kids and knowing where to find a decent bagel out here. Reply here.
BISEXUAL FEMALE LOOKING FOR MORE FRIENDS IN THE PHILADELPHIA AREA (20). Possibly looking for more than friends if the right NJB comes along. Looking to go out (or even stay in) and for friends to eat the baked goods I make! Reply here.
MID 20S NJG LOOKING FOR NJB IN BOSTON. I’m nerdy, opinionated, and a great hostess. Looking to explore new bars + museums in the area, and bond over mutual loves of travel, comic books, and the gym. Cat lovers please apply. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on June 29, 2023:
PRE-EVERYTHING TRANSFEMME LOOKING FOR QUEER JEWISH ROMANCE IN ATLANTA (22, she/they). Soon-to-be college grad looking for someone who loves bagels, concerts, and talking all things nerdy. Bonus if you like animals 🙂 Reply here.
JUST A JEWISH GIRL LOOKING FOR AN NJB SO MY MOM LEAVES ME ALONE!!! (20/CT). Raised Reform and would love a friend to go to synagogue with! I like hiking and yoga and reading a lot. Reply here.
CIS QUEER JEWISH FEMME (34, London) looking for more local friends because mine keep selfishly moving out of London. Let’s have gentle hangs, run errands together, see movies, swim, and chat about intergenerational trauma over good coffee/food/organised indoor projects. Reply here.
LATE 20S DUDE IN BROOKLYN (Prospect Heights area) looking for community in the form of secular-leaning Shabbats! I’ll bring the wine and the vibes. Reply here.
ISO A NJZ (NICE JEWISH ZEYDE) FOR MY BUBBIE (80 years young, Boston area). Anyone with a zeyde out there in search of an adventurous gal? My bubbie makes a mean (dense) matzah ball soup, loves cruising, traveling and skiing — and went skydiving for her 80th bday. Looking for a nice man to ~merge Costco memberships~ as the kids say. Must love to travel. Bonus points if he’s Canadian! Reply here.
QUEER NJG LOOKING FOR NJB OR NJG IN PHILLY/SOUTH JERSEY AREA (early 20s). Currently studying to be a therapist. Kind of a nerd but in a cool way. Has a cat and a turtle. Looking for someone who respects a non-traditional Jew with tattoos, is politically liberal, and willing to have a Spielberg movie marathon together. Reply here.
NJG LOOKING FOR LUV. Early 20s, New England-based, aspiring anarch-ish community organizer seeking a partner of any gender to share a lovely Jewish life with. Must love cats and appreciate my cooking and baking skills. I’ll marry you on the spot if you can help me learn Yiddish. Reply here.
SEEKING ROOMMATE IN NYC! Queer, Jewish 26-year-old working in medicine seeking roommate for August 1! Would love to live with other (queer) Jews seeking a calm, clean, happy, lox-filled home. Reply here.
FRESHLY-32 NYC PHD JEWISH LADY LOOKING FOR COMMUNITY. Recent transplant to NYC looking to diversify my activities (the hermit tendencies are strong with this one). Searching for some friends to go out with, have movie nights, and share baked goods. Hit me up and let’s hang out! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on June 22, 2023:
QUEER SCI-FI WRITER SEEKS FEMME BASHERT (41/F/California) My ideal family is a poly one with music, nature, poetry and many kids. I am a lay leader at a synagogue who cooks, knits, makes art and is sexy. I have a wonderful husband (he won’t be involved) and a musical mensch of a toddler. Long distance ok. Reply here.
LATINA JEW LOOKING FOR LOVE IN CHICAGO (25F) Searching for a man who loves going out to dance and listening to live music as much as a cozy cooking night at home or reading together at a bar. Bonus if you speak Spanish too and love the lake as much as I do. Reply here.
GEEKY QUEER AUTISTIC OTD IN JERUSALEM (28, he/they) looking for a relationship or friends of similar age. I am a massive nerd, love books, science, history, D&D, comics and animals (I have a cat). Let’s get high, watch shows and eat non-kosher. Reply here.
NICE RUSSIAN JEWISH LESBIAN SEARCHING FOR ANOTHER NICE JEWISH LESBIAN (20). Atheist and observes some holidays but from a Russian Jewish secular family. Goes to college in MA but originally from NY. I love reading, watching movies and you must be into hockey (I’ll get you into it don’t worry). Reply here.
YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN (24M) New York Jew. Ivy League-educated. Hillel president. PhD student in the Boston area. Something of a scientist myself. Searching for my MJ. Reply here.
TRANS-FEYGELE IN TECH LOOKING FOR AN ENERGETIC TYPE-B PERSON TO RELAX INTO A RELATIONSHIP WITH (30). Must love dogs, the outdoors and egg bagels with scallion cream cheese. Reply here.
NJENBY PROFESSIONAL SEEKING LOCAL FRIENDS/LOVE INTERESTS (27, they/he) Just moved to Princeton, NJ from NYC & looking to explore the area w/other queer, lefty, creative Jews! Bonus points for musicians, foodies, D&D players and Pete Seeger fans. Reply here.
PUSHING 30 GAY JEW FROM SEATTLE (29M) looking for NJB to tell me my jokes are funny (or not!) and hang out with my mom. I bake, I sing and write songs and recently discovered I’m a jock! Join me for yoga, long walks, eating cake, drinking coffee and obsessing over the time RuPaul wore a Magen. Reply here.
CO-PARENT MY HOUSEPLANTS? (25/F/Storrs, CT) Ecology PhD student is looking for a green-thumbed hero willing to partake in silly themed parties, cozy morning snuggles, elaborate dinners and good banter. Mostly in search of a friends-to-lovers situation with good communication & lots of sweetness but open to any type of community in CT!! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on June 8, 2023:
RECENTLY MOVED TO ISRAEL (Jerusalem/Tel Aviv/28/M) for a postdoc in math, looking for new friends of either gender/female romantic partner. Very typically nerdy: read lots of books of every kind, know lots of science etc. Reply here.
ASIAN AMERICAN JEWISH GAL LOOKING FOR ANOTHER JEWISH UNICORN (28). Raised Conservative (Jewish, not politically) and want someone to sit next to at the High Holidays but will also grab a cheeseburger with me. I love going to the movies, exploring new bookstores, and eating Thai food. Originally from LA, which I miss dearly. Make great matzah ball soup and muffins. Reply here.
SOCIAL BUTTERFLY SEEKING SUNDAY NIGHT HBO WATCH PARTNER (29F/Austin). Wanna take our dogs to the park? Looking for a values-driven NJB who’ll join me for concerts, bar trivia, farmers market trips, and any chance to cheer on our fave teams. Let’s risk our lactose intolerance & grab queso together. Reply here.
CHRONICALLY ILL CONVERT IN SEARCH OF OTHER QUEER FRIENDS, DATES, AND PEOPLE TO STUDY WITH (23). Located in eastern Maryland, open to virtual and in-person meeting. A lover of cats, art history, crochet, and coffee. I don’t have a lot of other Jewish people in my life, please help me amend that! Reply here.
QUEER SEEKING PORTLAND COMRADES (18ftm) moving to Portland, OR this fall, looking for radical queer Jews to be nerdy and fight capitalism with. Likes books, d&d, and Jewish history/folklore. Can also babysit if needed. Reply here.
HOT RUSSIAN-SPEAKING JEWISH GIRL ORIGINALLY FROM KYIV (22) looking for a pretty good-looking 22 y/o boy from Long Island. Must be a computer programmer, enjoy staying in and watching Arrested Development, and strong desire to be happily married and have 3 amazing children. Bonus if you grow a beard. Reply here.
FLORIDA EXPAT ISO OTHER JEWISH, LACTOSE INTOLERANT CHEESEHEADS. Madison, WI based interfaith couple (22F, 23M) seeking fun, friends, and Shabbos dinner invites. Freshly moved for my fiancé’s tech job, I’ve found myself lonely and wanting friends of my own. lovers of reality tv, thrifting, and moscato — look no further! I want to be your friend! (So does my dog!) Reply here.
VERS SCHMEAR SEEKING VERS BAGEL (31). NYC based, romantic NJ(gay)B seeking same. Working full time as an art curator. Let’s play tennis, watch scary movies (or not!), call each other beautiful, cuddle, go for walks, and enjoy the spoils of life together. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on May 25, 2023:
NJB LOOKING FOR NJG TO TAKE ON ADVENTURES AND BUILD A HOME (28M/Toronto) Currently thinking of getting new kittens, expanding & connecting with my Jewish roots & pursuing a real estate career. Nerdy at heart, with a love for art, music & philosophy. I will make you roll your eyes with puns, so be ready. Reply here.
OUTDOORSY JEW & A CAT (26F) living in Oakland, looking for a NJB who enjoys hiking & who will always bring the snacks when we wander through the desert. Reply here.
EARNEST SEMI-FERAL JEWESS SEEKS CONSISTENT, JOYFUL, COMMUNICATIVE WEIRDO (36/cis woman in San Francisco/Bay Area) Warm, generous, kind lover of fun, movement, cats, delicious food, bodies of water, being present in the moment & witty banter. I’m looking for a partner in love, parenthood, adventure, conversation, intellectual, artistic & physical exploration, etc. Reply here.
JEWISH GUY SEEKING LA GAL (29M, Los Angeles) I’ve realized the type of person I want to date probably reads Hey Alma! Los Feliz-based lawyer who loves karaoke, public transit & long walks swapping from podcasts to sad girl music. Looking for a partner for dancing, hikes & hosting Shabbat dinners 🙂 Reply here.
CONVERT LOOKING FOR FRIENDS IN BRAZIL (30F) This Jew-by-choice-in-the-making is looking for people interested in swapping tacky Shabbat Shalom gifs, having meaningful conversations, tagging along for movies & plays, & also kvetching a lot! If you’re located in São Paulo, SP, I can also bake you challahs & give you flowers. All ages & identities welcome! Reply here.
NJG IN LAW SCHOOL SEEKING NJFS (NICE JEWISH FRIENDS) IN PHILLY!! (20F) Moving to Philly this August for law school & need some friends in Philly! Let’s be friends if you like hyper-specific Spotify playlists, exploring the city, being silly or just having a good time 🙂 Reply here.
NICE JEWISH FTM QUEER (28) looking for someone in Montreal to settle down with. I am traditional & secular. I’m looking for someone nice who I can vibe & connect with. Reply here.
COMIC-LOVING GOOFBALL WEARS HIS HEART ON HIS SLEEVE (31/NYC) ISO a future wife who will answer thoughtful questions like, if cats could read, what would they think of Garfield? Love spirited debate, Friday night dinners & catching a Saturday matinee. Into applesauce on my latkes, sour cream need not apply. Reply here.
ISO NEW FRIENDS IN ISRAEL! (28F) Just moved to Tel Aviv from the States & in search of new friends who like to build community, watch trashy reality TV, eat dairy even though it hurts their stomach, go for long walks on the beach & host extravagant Shabbat dinners! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on May 11, 2023:
WEIRD, QUEER, DIASPORIST JEW-WITCH (33/enby) settling in Madrid for the foreseeable future. I work remotely for Jewish orgs, but miss IRL community. Dreaming up new rituals that are grounded in this land & seeking kindreds for hikes, bike rides, karaoke, radical seders & long, meandering Shabbat dinners. Reply here.
GOTHIC ROCKER JEW (43M) Work in IT, currently living in Chicago, originally from Miami. Looking for someone loving my age or younger. Want kids & to raise them Jewish. Don’t eat pork or shellfish. Don’t mix milk & meat. Willing to relocate. Reply here.
SECULAR TATTOOED NJB IN PORTLAND, OREGON (34) looking for interesting conversation, chill vibes & a partner for both movie nights & adventures. Reply here.
POST-DENOMINATIONAL JEW LIVING IN BERKELEY, CA (32F) looking for the sweetie who wants to build that poetry kibbutz together. East coast native, but got that West Coast vibe now. Big fan of intention. Here for the long walks & long convos about books, liberation, living a life of integrity, is love really blind — all the cultural discourse. Reply here.
IN SEARCH OF NJB WHO LIKES THE WINDOW SEAT (F/mid-20s/Israel/traditional) Like the window? Great, then we won’t have to argue (over that at least) when traveling. I’ll be in the aisle, either sitting or dressed in white 👰♀️ Open to long distance. Reply here.
JEW-ISH GAL MOVING FROM SF & STARTING GRAD SCHOOL (25/Richmond, VA) looking for friends & roommates!! Live with me if you like trying new coffee shops, hiking, watching trash reality shows & simultaneously crying bc of grad school! Reply here.
N(ISH)JG, LOOKING FOR A NJB IN THE BALTIMORE AREA (30) Must love dogs, hockey & reproductive freedom. Looking for a perfect blend of wanting to go to happy hour while also wanting to spend the evening on the couch. Bonus points if you take me to your favorite local coffee shop! Reply here.
NJGB (NICE JEWISH GAY BOY) IN SEARCH OF A NJGB TO EVENTUALLY BRING HOME TO THE FAMILY (29) I love theater, writing & art, & work with the elderly full time. Have tried online dating, but sadly not much luck. Giving it a try here to find my “beshert.” Reply here.
JEWS IN RALEIGH?! Let’s be pals! NJG new to the area. I’m (32F) looking for community & the best bagel in town! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on April 27, 2023:
PIZZA BAGEL LOOKING FOR LOVE (22, she/her, upstate NY) Banker by day, amateur chef by night. I’m the one your parents always hoped you’d bring home. Just a Jewish Italian girl looking for an NJB or NJG to cook for, go on adventures with & have the time of our lives. Reply here.
SECULAR ENGINEERING STUDENT SEEKING FRIENDS IN THE SAN JOSE AREA (19M) Hoping to meet some friends during a tech internship this summer! I love art & STEM & would love to connect with young Jewish people in the area! Reply here.
(SUPER) REFORM JEW LIVING IN RALEIGH, NC (23M) looking to go on a date with a Nice Jewish Girl. I think I look like Andrew Garfield, but my friends say more Nathan Fielder. Graying already, but I think it matches my personality. Masters student at NC State, so love talking about anything nerdy. Big fan of space. And bagels. Also books. Reply here.
N(ISH)JG LOOKING FOR FRIENDS, DATES OF ANY GENDER, ENEMIES? (23, she/they, Toronto) Love reading, thrifting, film photography & spending time in my city’s parks & beaches! I’m a preschool teacher, so chaos is my natural environment. Moved here during the pandemmy so I’m still trying to meet people 🙃 Reply here.
INTROVERTED, NERDY, BI, LEFTIST NJG (27) in Philly seeking a partner in either Philly or NYC to go on cute dates, spend lazy afternoons at home & be weird with (please be weird). Reply here.
NJG BASED IN LONDON (25) looking for a NJB who wants to go to different parks to read books with me, and who likes going to see different shows/exhibitions. Reply here.
SINGLE NJG LOOKING FOR SINGLE JEWISH MEN (32, Twin Cities/surrounding area) Looking for love, open to friends! Love traveling, music, food, games, hiking & more! Looking for a NJB with similar morals & values. Family and friends are everything! Reply here.
LATE(R) 50s JEWISH VEGAN LESBIAN. Traded New England winters for St. Petersburg sunshine & new beginnings. Seeking a kind, generous woman who digs dogs; loud, loving Jewish families; & my one-of-a kind energy. Deeply spiritual but not religious. R u her? Reply here.
NICE JEWISH GIRL SEEKING NICE JEWISH BOY (22F, Los Angeles) Moving back to California from the Midwest to get my masters and be closer to family! Avid beach goer & yoga instructor. Love a Shabbat picnic. Hoping to find someone who enjoys spending quality time outdoors & having meaningful conversations (specifically pertaining to Judaism!) Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on April 20, 2023:
24 YEAR OLD NJGB (NICE JEWISH GAY BOY) looking for a boyfriend in the OC/LA area of California. I am Israeli, can cook & am a Jewish educator. Love to hike, go to the beach & read. Reply here.
NJENBY LOOKING FOR NJG/ENBY IN PENTAGON AREA (19) I’m a neurospicy animal lover who will happily cook & bake for/with you. Disclaimer: I will love your animal more than you, but not by a whole lot. Reply here.
NJG SEEKING NJB/NJG (33/London) for post-shul dinners, museum adventures, going to the theater now and then & a general good time. Reply here.
LEFTIST NERD NJB (35M/married) new to LA from Chicago seeking friends & couple hangouts. Loves mid-east cooking, great books, anarcho-queer Talmud study & surviving late-stage capitalism. Always down for museum visits, comedy shows, dinner parties, coffee, hiking & criticizing the goyim. Reply here.
CHICAGO NJB ISO NJG PARTNER IN CRIME (33) for trying new restaurants, movie nights (in or out), summer beach/pool days, 420-friendly hangs & more. Love a good book, a Washington Post or NYT think piece & wasting days scrolling through Defector. Reply here.
CURRENT MED SCHOOL STUDENT NJG (25) moving to Milwaukee, WI this summer for research. Looking for friends with whom to explore the city, eat good food, go on easy hikes, bake, watch movies & try new things! I like going out & being active, but can also be a homebody 🙂 Reply here.
FRENCH TEACHER WITH MAJOR LIZ LEMON ENERGY (31F) looking for a NJB to share her night cheese with in NW Indiana/Chicagoland area. I love traveling, taking my dog for long walks, discussing anything Jewish-related & writing jokes. Looking for my ultimate writing partner & muse. Reply here.
SECULAR/RECONSTRUCTIONIST-ISH WOMAN (30F) seeking friends (preferably around my age) & single men of all backgrounds between 29-40 years old to date in Ithaca, NY & surrounding area. I’m an introverted, lefty, outdoorsy, active cat mom and science PhD student. Let’s hit the trails & then feast on some babka by a waterfall. Reply here.
NYC QUEER LOOKING FOR A PARTNER AND FRIENDS (28/Enby) I like to read, swim, run & write. Am currently getting my 2nd masters while teaching full-time. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on April 6, 2023:
CHICAGO BIKER NJG LOOKING FOR HER CHICAGO BIKER NJB (27F) Huge public transportation and biking nerd who loves being active, going to White Sox games (for the beer), dancing to live music & bike-packing. Hopes to live in cities forever & never own a car. Looking for a man who is excited to adventure & explore with me for a lifetime. Reply here.
JOBURG JEWISH PRINCESS LOOKING FOR HER JEWISH PRINCE (21) Must love animals (including cats). Must be supportive of my studies & be willing to keep Shabbos and kosher. Reply here.
ASHKENAZI/MIZRAHI ISRAELI-AMERICAN (late 30s/F/Richmond, VA) in an interfaith marriage (early 40s/M) seeking friends. It’d be rad to meet other interfaith couples. I am an awkward liberal dork trying to decenter Ashkenazi culture. In this house, we practice radical compassion, body neutrality & yelling at sports. Let’s try a new recipe and catch a ballgame. Reply here.
NJB LOOKING FOR FUN NJG TO DILLY-DALLY, MEANDER & MOSEY IN LONDON (27) Must appreciate artistic escapades, musical adventures & travel. Reply here.
ASPIRING JEW-BY-CHOICE (31F) searching for community, but stifled by social anxiety & a fear of DMV-area traffic. I’m a spiritually curious nerd passionate about mental health, public health & repro justice. Would love to connect IRL/online/penpal-style. Reply here.
SINGING HORSEWOMAN (31F) searching for NJB farmer, cowboy, rancher, kibbutznik or general animal lover as a life partner in crime. Recently moved back to the midwest from California. I have been working in tech for the past 5 years, but daydreaming of a simpler life outside of the city with trees, animals, coffee on a wraparound porch & lots of laughter. Reply here.
RECENT COLLEGE GRAD & PROUD JEWISH QUEER WOMAN FAIRLY NEW TO MIAMI, FL! (22/from NJ <3) looking for friends to explore the city, craft, thrift & chat it up with. Reply here.
NJG SEEKING NJG IN CO (41) Looking for my adventure partner to explore hikes & life in CO. Dinner parties, outdoors & Jewish holidays are my ruach. Yours? Reply here.
JEWISH MOTHER’S DREAM SEEKING COMMUNITY IN PORTLAND, OR (32F) Progressive West Coast Jew finishing medical residency & looking for Jewish community for Shabbat dinners, after-hours museum hangs & leafy hikes (preferably with four-legged friends) starting this summer. Friends of all genders & potential partners of the NJB variety welcome. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on March 30, 2023:
MUSIC AND SPORTS LOVING NJG LOOKING FOR HER NJB (29, Hampton Roads/Virginia Beach area) Let’s have a ball at a game or twirl in the moonlight at a concert soon? Reply here.
LONELY NJB IN THE CHICAGO SUBURBS (26M) Hey everyone. I’m a musclehead, animal lover, concert goer, graduate degree-holding Jewish guy looking for any Jewish women in the northern Chicago suburbs who would like to meet or talk and get to know each other. Reply here.
AMERICAN-ISRAELI COUPLE (23F & 24M) looking for other couples to go out to dinner, escape rooms, mini golf, concerts, hikes, etc. within North Jersey (Bergen County). We both speak English & Hebrew. Reply here.
WANDERING NJG (30) looking for love (all genders & locations welcome). Into reading, writing, biking, experimental vegetarian cooking. Love nice candles, creating/engaging with art & being in the sun. Must love learning & liberation for all. Reply here.
LITERATURE PHD STUDENT & NJB (25M/New England area) London is home. Swimming, indie pop, photography & baking. Highbrow & lowbrow. Will you be my American boy? Reply here.
NJG LOOKING FOR A FUN, CUTE & HUNGRY NJB IN OKLAHOMA CITY. I (29) make a mean chocolate babka, rugelach, challah, etc, so be prepared to be fed! Former ballerina of 17 years; current ceramicist, OR nurse & proud mother of 3 Sphynx kitties. Let’s get together to eat yummy food in the sunshine! Reply here.
LOOKING FOR FELLOW COVID-CONSCIOUS JEWS TO CREATE VIRTUAL COMMUNITY (21/genderfluid) for celebrating holiday traditions, learning & general camaraderie. Take a break from the grief, or vent about it. We’re still in it together! Reply here.
ISO WEIRD SECULAR JEW-ISH DADS FOR MUTUAL KVETCHING (39M/Montgomery County, MD) Fluent in sarcasm, progressive. Life is a mess & you need a friend & so do I. I’m not practicing — I’ve perfected it. Reply here.
TWO MARRIED-TO-EACH-OTHER INTROVERTED JEWESSES (36F & 33F/Phoenix) ISO friends — bonus if you are a couple with kids! Seeking play dates, game nights, dinners, new activities & kvetch friends. Can we host you for Shabbat? Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on March 23, 2023:
JEWITCH DADDY SEEKING NJB (30, Denver) Looking for queer cuties who understand Yiddishkite but don’t mind some occasional heresy. Into coffee, Kate Bush & chutzpah. They/them, but you can call me a nice Jewish boy. Reply here.
JEWISH COUPLE LOOKING FOR SOUTH BAY FRIENDS. (30s/San Jose) Two dudes looking for Jew(ish) friends for game nights, Shabbat dinners and/or Passover Seder. We love vegetarian cooking, queer Talmud, hiking, cats & board games. Reply here.
QUEER EAST COAST JEWESS (30F) relocating to LA for work is seeking other queer Jewish friends to partake in bong rips, brunch & Mel Brooks movies (potentially in that order). Sarcasm: definitely helps, good chiropractor recommendations: highly prized, chutzpah: required. Reply here.
ISO BOSTON FRIENDS (27F) New to Boston and looking for friends to have Shabbat dinners, go out to eat, get coffee, see movies & theater, play board games, & enjoy New England nature! Reply here.
LA JEWESS LOOKING FOR NJB (29) I’m a female-presenting nonbinary human looking for an NJB to go to cute coffee shops with! Ideally someone to gallivant around town on Saturdays & see movies on Sundays with. I love live music & stand up comedy & quote a lot of TV/film. In short, I’m a total goof & would love for you to be one too. Reply with your fave “30 Rock” quote. Reply here.
PASSOVER IN PITTSBURGH (27F) I’m looking for Jew(ish) friends for seder! Reply here.
LOOKING FOR JEW(ISH) FRIENDS IN CENTRAL FLORIDA! I’m a 27 y.o. female who loves animals, the outdoors/adventure, reading, art & local coffee shops. Looking for new relatable friends to hang out with. I work in the medical field & find it’s hard to get out there & make friends on my own. Reply here.
ISO JEWISH BOOKS, BRUNCH & GOLF IN AR (22F) Looking for likeminded people to brunch, share books or play golf with. Young professional connecting with Judaism while navigating my career after college. Interest in Pilates or hiking is a plus. Love the WSJ, NYT, & ag. Located in NWA/OK. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR LOVE IN LA! 24F searching for NJB/G/ENBY/anyone to drink wine, watch movies, try new restaurants & kvetch about family with. I know there are Jews in this city but I haven’t really met any! Help me change that <3 Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on March 16, 2023:
JEWISH COUPLE LOOKING FOR SEDER FRIENDS (20s/Honolulu). Two midwestern mensches now living on Oahu, looking for Jew(ish) friends to host for a Passover seder. We only ask that you’re kind, fun, and won’t mind a large, needy Newfoundland who thinks he’s a lap dog! Reply here.
LOOKING TO SET UP MY WONDERFUL, BRILLIANT, KIND MOTHER. Liberal Jewish New Yorker, wry sense of humor. Recently retired and ready for what’s next. Laughs at: New Yorker Shouts & Murmurs, Colbert, and on rare occasion, SNL. Enjoys theater, reading, jazz, learning, travel. Critics call her “the best.” Reply here.
SETH ROGEN LOOKALIKE ON A QUEST FOR LOVE (M/24/Toronto). ISO someone who loves dates to nice restaurants, wholesome home-cooked meals, science fiction, theatre or any combination of the above. I’m a teacher & theatre director and would love to share my passions, and learn yours! Would love to meet someone who understands our culture of humour, resilience and can keep up with some good Jewish banter! Reply here.
LOOKING FOR BALTIMORE FRIENDS (24/F). Hoping to expand my social circle of 20-somethings! I’m into making music, lil hikes, Yentl, my kittens, and reading sci-fi books only if they’re written by women/POC. Tell me what you’re into over Shabbat dinner or an inner-harbor stroll! Reply here.
FABULOUS IN MY 40S (DC). Nice Jewish Woman seeking a male partner in crime to enjoy life and have adventures with. Ideally you’d like to skip happy hour and go to museum after parties with me. I enjoy going to Adas, walks through Rock Creek Park and the Kennedy Center. Reply here.
CHICAGO-BORN, BOS TRANSPLANT, CIS GAY PROFESSIONAL JEW (27/M) ISO same to go recording shopping, watch L&O reruns, play Switch, visit breweries and more! I enjoy the New England nature, hosting themed Shabbat meals for my friends, and dreaming of indie/pop concerts. Looking for a partner for it all! Reply here.
ISO BESTIES IN THE RALEIGH AREA! 24 yo NJ Jewess living in Raleigh, NC looking for the Abbi to my Ilana. I moved here during lockdown and haven’t found my people yet. I’m not big on night life, I prefer coffee dates and game nights! If you think we’d hit it off, send a message! Reply here.
NJG IN THE SYRACUSE AREA (27/F) looking for NJB. I rarely see posts for this area, but I know you’re out there. I enjoy road trips and outdoor activities, but also a good Netflix binge. Reply here.
BAGEL ON A PLATE FULL OF ONION ROLLS (27/F) in Park Slope, BK seeks all-gender friendship, and/or an NJB to smooch! Auditioning MT theater actress & by-day historian who loves trivia, board games, chutzpah and hijinks. Fan of cryptids, fosterer of cats, possessor of burlesquey showgirl sensibilities, and looking to find goofy, earnest connections. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on March 9, 2023:
JEWISH TEACHER/MUSICIAN LOOKING FOR FRIENDS IN VALENCIA, SPAIN (36M) I’m here until May & it would be nice to have a Jewish community, or at least a couple folks, to hang out with & maybe do Shabbat. I’m a heavy-traveled punk rock/classical musician who is finishing up a master’s in music education and am vouched for by many as a pretty good hang. Platonic friendships only. Reply here.
DEAR JEWS IN OTTAWA, I WOULD LOVE TO MEET YOU! I’m a 30 y.o. queer woman who just moved here & I’m looking for friends & community (and also dates if the vibe is right). Let’s celebrate Shabbat together & hit up this town’s bagel spots! I can also talk to you about literature, movies, pop culture & how I’m not used to this much snow. Reply here.
BROAD IN THE CITY (22F, NYC) Me: post-grad tall girl with Abbi energy, thinks in terms of Sondheim, does improv (sorry), wore earplugs to bar mitzvahs but is more fun now, I promise. You: super smart, hilarious, weird, kind big city broad. Let’s be friends, talk theater & enable each other’s antics. Reply here.
QUEER GIRLIE LOOKING FOR DATES (25F/London, U.K.) Down to earth queer girl looking for someone to explore the world & go on fun dates & live that queer Jewish fairytale with. Love dogs, plants, good films & food. Let’s chat! 😊 Reply here.
NEW TO THE EAST VALLEY OF PHOENIX SEEKING JEWISH COMMUNITY (30F) Recently moved from CA, working fully remotely, & in search of new pals. I’m a huge reader & lover of 90s movies, & I’m eager to explore more AZ nature spots. My (non-Jewish) husband & I would love to host Shabbat dinners or chill babka/challah/wine nights at our place. Reply here.
YOU & ME? ME AS IN MAINE! Seeking queer cuties for dates/smooches and/or Jewish community :))) Me: Queer, mid-20s soft butch who has recently fallen in love with saunas, contra dances & bookmarks. Reply here.
LIBERAL DOCTOR ISO NJB. 29F in Durham, NC for residency, hoping to find her forever match who also wants to raise a family in the NY/NJ area & send our kids to ski school/summer camp. Must love to laugh, travel & be active (but athleticism not required). I’m great to bring home to parents! Reply here.
LESLIE KNOPE SEEKING BEN (28F/LA) Looking for a NJB to make the world a better place. Love being active, so let’s go for a hike, surf or let me kick your tuchus in a game of HORSE 🏀 Reply here.
DO YOU KNOW THE WAY TO SAN JOSE? NJG (34) looking for NJB (30s) in SF Bay Area for fun days out & romantic nights in. Must love dogs, sports, food & Jewish jokes. Let’s take a leap of faith & combine our Costco memberships! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on March 2, 2023:
LOOKING FOR AN NJG TO SERENADE ON GUITAR & TRADE COOKING IDEAS (23M/Bellingham, WA) If you would rather drink tea & do a crossword together than get sloshed at the bars, I’m your guy. Interested in mindfulness, big trees, days spent watching the seasons change, & long talks about nothing. Open to friends, lifelong love & whatever lies in between. Reply here.
NICE JEWISH LADY (31) in Berlin seeking to expand my community. Transplant here for the long haul looking to find more friends to celebrate Passover & eat bagels with. Likes: arts & crafts, museums, cats, kush, civil rights for everyone, park walks, picnics, thrifting. Dislikes: the police. Don’t be shy! Reply here.
20-SOMETHING CONVERT (she/her, queer) looking for people in London to eat bagels together, do cute Shabbat dinners, go to too wild Purim parties & explore the city. I’ll bake you vegan babka &bring you flowers when you’re sad. All ages & identities welcome. Reply here.
JEWISH GUY LOOKING FOR A JEWISH GIRL IN TORONTO (24) Looking for a female friend but hopefully it becomes much more. I’m half Ashkenazi, half Mizrahi & moved here from Israel in 2007. I love astrophotography. I play guitar & love exercise. A bit of a nerd, I study Computer Science at UofT. Reply here.
GAY NJB WITH THE FLOOFIEST JEWFRO (26M/Dallas) looking to meet other queer Jews in the DFW area. Down for friends, Shabbat dinner dates, or more… Loves cooking, exploring museums, & obsessing over “Drag Race.” Huge foodie & cocktail geek. Works in aviation & loves to travel. Come fly with me? Reply here.
NEWLY OUT NJG LOOKING FOR LESBIAN & QUEER FRIENDS (early 40s, looking for 30s & 40s) & maybe more in the Twin Cities. I come bearing humor, quirkiness, cat hair & a host of talents and hobbies. If you’re authentic without taking yourself too seriously & appreciate a little snark, let’s kvetch & nosh. Reply here.
BABY MD SEEKS TLC (26F NJG in NYC) Looking for that special someone (NJB 26-32) to watch “When Harry Met Sally” so I can stop being an embarrassment to our people. I bake & I bitch (in a charming way) (I think). Reply here.
FEEL LIKE CRAP, JUST WANT A BIG GROUP TO GO TO BUTT MITZVAH WITH. Myself: South Londoner, early 20s, interested in rad Jewish politics & dancing the night away. Butt Mitzvah hasn’t sold out their Purim event yet — who wants to make a group to go with? Reply here.
CEREBRAL, PLAYFUL NJG SONGWRITER (28F/West LA) seeks NJB ages 27-33 with a high EQ, progressive values, a growth mindset & great communication. Let’s laugh our asses off, cook up a storm, hit the beach, nerd out over music, share books, go on adventures & make out. Avoidant men need not apply! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on February 23, 2023:
SEFARADI LEFTIST (20, they/he, Los Angeles) Artist, college student & queer Talmud nerd; trad-egal hashkafa. Learning Hebrew & Arabic/struggling to learn Ladino. Looking for love interests and platonic pals. Let’s send letters to each other! I will make you a vegan tagine & bourekas! Reply here.
LOBSTER-LOVING NJG (35F) in Philadelphia seeking NJB who appreciates the finer delicacies in life (like pierogi), enjoys running, travel & summer weekends on LBI, & loves to co-host parties. Must love dogs. Reply here.
SOUTH AFRICAN ORTHODOX JEWESS (nearly 21F). Looking for a man in South Africa whom I can form a connection with (hopefully romantic) that wants to keep Shabbos & kosher together. Reply here.
6FT CAPETONIAN-UCT STUDENT-PAUL NEWMAN WANNABE-MOMMA’S BOY (19M, MLM) seeks romantic or platonic partnership. I love bagels, falafel & long davening sessions on the beach. My Duolingo streak is more important to me than my salary. I’m most often found in bed watching Trixie & Katya. Reply here.
SUBMITTING A CLASSIFIED FOR MY DAD! Mid-60s NJB in the southwest who loves the outdoors, food, photography & has a kick-ass daughter 😉 Fluent Spanish speaker, SIX feet tall & I promise you will never be bored. Are you the future step-mom of my dreams? Kidding, but hey, ya never know. Reply here.
NJB LOOKING FOR FRIENDLY FACES AND HOMEY FEELS IN SYRACUSE! (23) I’m a transmasc queer painter who will be relocating to the area this month so I’d love to connect to some fellow Jews. Reply here.
29 Y.O. GUY IN CHICAGO SEARCHING FOR HIS NJG! I’m currently a med student & I enjoy solo hiking/road trips whenever I can find free time. I value family, Judaism, Zionism, kindness & community. Looking for a 23-30 y.o. to do life with. Reply here.
NYC-BASED INA GARTEN ISO HER JEFFREY, WITH AN EDGE (34F, Brooklyn) Seeking an NJB (33-45ish) dinner party co-host, travel companion, museum enthusiast & basketball (Knicks) fan. Let’s explore new places while eating, drinking & laughing. How easy is that!? Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on February 9, 2023:
NEWLY-OUT NJG LOOKING FOR LESBIAN & QUEER FRIENDS & MAYBE MORE (early 40s/Twin Cities) I come bearing humor, quirkiness, cat hair & a host of talents & hobbies. If you’re authentic without taking yourself too seriously, in your 30s or 40s & appreciate a little snark, let’s kvetch & nosh. Reply here.
KNOCKOFF ILANA GLAZER SEEKING FELLOW YENTAS & JEWITCHES (28, she/her, Charleston) Seeking new pals of all identities to co-craft with, sling oysters & bloodies, do cute Shabbats/dinner parties (to make up for eating the shellfish), go thrifting & explore the city! Reply here.
NJG LOOKING FOR FRIENDS IN MILWAUKEE! (26, she/her) Trying to expand my social circle & meet new people, online & IRL too! Interests include reading, musicals, baseball & comics. I’m a HS English teacher, also taking grad school classes for a Masters in English education. Reply here.
40 Y.O. NJB FROM MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA. I’m looking for a NJG to bake babka for & eat challah French toast with on lazy weekends. I’m friendly, love cooking & being in nature. Let’s make friends! Reply here.
KNITTING & HISTORY LOVER IN BOSTON (29F) area looking for fiber friends (virtual or IRL) who want to explore how crafting & Judaism can come together. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR FRIENDS IN DENVER (25F) I moved here a few months ago & haven’t found my people yet. Love not-too-hard hikes, exploring new places & day trips. If you want to order takeout & watch “New Girl” for the hundredth time, I’m your gal! Reply here.
ISO MY NJPERSON IN LEEDS (30s/F) New Yorker in Yorkshire looking for her Andy Samberg/Abbi Jacobson to share everything bagels (I will provide) & knishes (hopefully you will provide; please tell me where to find a knish in this country). Likes dogs, hiking & Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Reply here.
LONGTIME SEATTLEITE, FIRST-TIME CALLER. Mid-30s with Progressive Jewish Guy syndrome seeks 29-36ish female best friend/life partner/someone to start a family with. I’m kosher style, usually participate in Shabbat-related activities & most holidays. I don’t have a car, so Bellevue & West Seattle would be considered long-distance. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on February 2, 2023:
WOODS WITCH WITH AN AFFINITY FOR DISCO BALLS (24, she/her, NYC) seeking an NJG for a Morticia/Gomez Addams kind of love & someone to knit near. Reply here.
NICE JEWISH LESBIAN WITH WANDERLUST (26) looking for equally adventurous connections. Let’s be Instafamous “friends of Yentl” together. Reply here.
NJG IN SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA LOOKING TO MEET NJP, romantically or otherwise. In my mid-20s & down for anything. I love music & going to gigs, scoping out the best food in Sydney, scenic walks for the view, movies, picnics… Reply here.
GEEKY WELL-OFF NJB SEEKS NJG IN CENTRAL NJ (27) Someone to build pillow forts with, have late night conversations, geek out about our hobbies, explore the world together & create great stories we’ll exaggerate to our friends. (Ideally looking for someone just Jewish to conservative.) Reply here.
ENBY TRANSMASC (23) brand new to Pittsburgh & in desperate need to meet some friends! I’m an illustrator who loves all things Jewish culture and history, & I’m obsessed with antique / thrift stores — I need someone to show me all the best spots (& to hang out with me and my cats ❤️🔥)! Reply here.
ISO: PURIM PLANS IN ROME! (26F, NYC-based) I’m going to be in Rome for one night only — which happens to be erev Purim! Looking for any suggestions, nice Jewish Italian 20-somethings to celebrate with, food recommendations, or even a couch to crash on. Reply here.
ANY LEFTY JEWS IN/NEAR ATHENS GA? (31F) I’m new to Athens. Looking for progressive Jews in the area interested in doing Shabbat dinners & holidays together! A lil DIY casual minyan of sorts. All ages & backgrounds welcome! I’m 31, female & queer. Let’s build community 🙂 Reply here.
NJG FROM THE U.S. SEEKING JEWISH FRIENDS IN IRELAND (she/they, 23). Moving to SW Ireland for grad school in September & hoping to connect with other progressive, lox-bagel-loving folks who like to be outside, explore local bookshops & have wine + charcuterie nights. Reply here.
NICE-ISH JEWISH FEMME LOOKING FOR A NICE JEWISH BUTCH (18, Montréal) Very into queer Jewish history & would adore having someone to talk to about it and to sing zemiros with on Shabbos. We can be that annoying Jewish butchfemme couple of my dreams! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on January 26, 2023:
INTENSELY ROMANTIC 30F SEEKS TALL STRONG JEWISH FARMER TO LIFT HER OVER HIS HEAD AND BUILD A FARM. Must love Springsteen and Dylan and good ol’ country music. Quiet sitting in coffee shops and late nights laughing. A well-placed hand and a mushy heart. Have love will travel. Reply here.
BRAZILIAN NJB SEEKS RECIPES, SEPHARAD AND COMPANIONSHIP. Looking for a NJP, romantically or not, at my age range (18-23ish) to explore Jewish cuisines. I’m a fan of Sam Aronow, Labour Zionism, niche manga and studying predenominational 7akhamim out of Ashkenormativity’s scope. Open to online or local connections! Reply here.
21M LOOKING FOR JEWISH WOMAN FROM SOUTH AFRICA (I’m 6ft ladies calm down). Currently based in Cape Town, but would be happy to hear from/talk to anyone from Johannesburg or anywhere else in the country. Let’s chat! Reply here.
NJG WITH ELAINE FROM SEINFELD POTENTIAL (32, she/her, NYC) seeks kind NJB for a relationship who thinks neuroticism is sexy. Bonus points if you have a sense of humor, know how to cook or can sing love songs at me. Reply here.
LAW STUDENT NEW TO LONDON, NEED CARB SEEKING BUDDIES (She/her, 20s). Looking for some NJH (Nice Jewish Humans) in their 20s/30s to explore the big city with, grab bagels and have a good time. 1x divorced, baker, bad painter, and now terrified road cyclist. Reply here.
FEMME ENBY LOOKING FOR JEWISH FRIENDS IN THE NJ AREA (22) hoping for coffee dates, book clubs, song sharing and crochet buddies!! Reply here.
NJB ISO CUTE FEMMES IN LA WHO LIKE SPORTS, ESP. WOMEN’S SOCCER (23/Transmasc). Moving back to West Hollywood this spring and searching for a +1 to go to NWSL games and other sporting events. Lover of music, girls and exploring local cuisine. Reply here.
NJB LOOKING FOR A NEW JERSEY BASED NJG (26M). Northern NJ engineer who enjoys outdoorsy activities, crosswords, college sports, and seeing live music. Not extremely spiritual, I go to services about once a month, but being Jewish is important to me, and I hope it is to you, too. Reply here.
JEWBOY WANTS JEWFRIENDS IN THE DC AREA (26). No preference for age, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Would love a group for (extremely) laidback Shabbats, pretending to understand modern art, and moderate amounts of hiking. Bonus if you have an interest in Yiddish. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on January 19, 2023:
SWEET AND SALTY SOFTWARE ENGINEER (33, she/they, Brooklyn) seeks silly, intelligent and kind masc-ish partner for bike adventures to exciting new spots in the five boroughs and staycations filled with cooking, climbing and crosswords. Lefty politics preferred. Must love puns. Reply here.
NJG IN BANGKOK LOOKING FOR OTHER JEWS TO ENJOY ALL THIS BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HAS TO OFFER (30). Yoga, dance, food and language enthusiasts especially welcome. Willing and wanting to host Shabbos meals while I’m there from mid-January to late March 2023. Reply here.
NJB CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST (28/M/San Francisco) looking for something serious with an NJB who is far from serious. Let’s make each other laugh, cook an elaborate meal, listen to indie music on vinyl, rewatch our favorite comedy shows for the 50th time, go on hikes and compete for NYT crossword times. Reply here.
GRAD STUDENT AND NJB STUDYING JEWISH HISTORY (22/NYC) looking for a NJG to go to cute coffee shops, check out book stores, explore the city, and to finally make my Bubbe stop asking why I’m single. If you enjoy classic rock and conversations about history and politics, I might be the person for you. Reply here.
NJG FILM MAJOR IN BOSTON LOOKING FOR NJFS (nice Jewish friends) to eat bagels with, go to the movies, and discuss how sad it is that Jennifer Coolidge isn’t Jewish. Reply here.
A QUEEN TO BRING HOME TO MY JEWISH PARENTS: she/her/F/20/western MA blue-eyed femme lesbian sports journalism major (hebrew minor) craving comfort from preferably a masc, jewish person to share in funny religious school horror stories and pumping some iron! OR try new things?! plus I’m a brunette tehe. Reply here.
MIDGE MAISEL LOOKING FOR HER LENNY BRUCE (w/o the substance abuse and impending tragedy), 29/NJG/NYC. Writer on the UWS looking for a NYC NJB with a sense of humor, strong Jewish identity and a passion for the arts. Ambition and honesty is hot, snobbery is not. Let’s show up for each other. Reply here.
WISH I COULD FIND A NICE JEWISH LOVER HERE IN THE SOUTH (22/they/them/South Carolina). I know a very small population of other Jewish folks, especially LGBTQ+ ones. I like reading, films, whiskey, staying in on Shabbat, and I work in the theater industry. Reply here.
THE MEANEST NJG (28). Pansexual pretend-musician/writer/comedian who is much funnier than she seems, sorry. Possibly the only Jew in Arkansas, so willing to travel. Love having super intense opinions on musical theater and television. Tell me your favorite movie so I can tell you why you’re wrong. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on January 12, 2023:
LATE BLOOMER SEEKS HIS HONEY BEE (61M, Chicago). Grounded affectionate polyglot gay widower. Raised Catholic; 2017 learned I was born Jewish! Religious Neo-Traditionalist. Seeks rugged Jewish green thumb to share blissful private garden. Reply here.
CUTE BLACK CONVERT (IN PROGRESS) living in Crown Heights. I’m a 26M actor seeking a female romantic companion. HMU if you’re interested in dating an NJP in-training. Reply here.
SECULAR LAWYER AND NJB (32) looking for a fun, epicurean, intellectual NJG to explore life and New York City with. An ear for absurdist humor is a plus. Reply here.
REFORM NJB HOPING TO BRING AN NJG TO SEDER THIS YEAR (25, Boston). Future psychologist into coffee, cocktails, and theological conversations. Looking for an NJG I can cook breakfast for while we listen to podcasts and do crosswords. Reply here.
LET’S EAT BABKA AND BAGUETTES! (36/F/Paris). Bonjour! Looking for English-speaking, culturally Jewish friends in Paris. Let’s enjoy all that Paris has to offer and commiserate over the lack of matzo ball soup available. Also in the market for a French Bubbie! Reply here.
JENNY SLATE WANNABE (25). Queer gal in Portland for grad school looking for folks to eat their way through downtown, spend time hiking/camping, and send too many memes/videos to. Always down to go to a record or book store! Let’s swap stories about awkward stuff we did at Jewish Summer camp! Up for friendship or something more serious! Reply here.
SEARCHING FOR A PARTNER TO TRAVEL THE WORLD. Nice Jewish Girl, 32, currently Berlin-based, looking for a Nice Jewish Boy to explore the world from October onwards. Ideally you love nature, have a sense of adventure and are a bit crazy. Reply here.
NICE JEWISH GIRL SEEKS GIRLS AND GAYS (mid-20s, Nashville, TN). Recently out of the closet bi girl looking for friends (or more than friends) to explore the South with or drink alcohol. Hoping to find enough Jews to have a seder. Reply here.
NICE JEWISH MEDICAL STUDENTS seeking community in St John’s Antigua for Passover seders, Purim parties, and other fun Jewish shenanigans. Cat lover is a bonus! All ages, genders, and orientations welcome. Let’s bond over cholent. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on January 5, 2023:
SEARCHING FOR A GROWN-UP SETH COHEN: Medium-Nice Jewish Girl, 33, BK, seeking MNJB in NYC or surrounding areas to try every bagel in Brooklyn, search for the best Chinese restaurant & go to indie concerts with. Looking for a culturally Jewish 30-something guy with a slightly snarky personality. I can be the Summer to your Seth. Reply here.
LEFTIST (VERY LEFT) ANGELIC ZAFTIG DEMON SLOWLY RECONNECTING WITH HER ROOTS (27/F/Chicago) seeking NJB, NJB, or NINB for something meaningful, debachaurous & exciting. Let’s get coffee & talk favorite movies, history (bonus points for Chicago leftist history nerds) & food. Can’t wait to meet you 🌹 Reply here.
SHALOHA! (NJB, 31, Honolulu) A punny, fun-loving, fire-spinning guy looking for the right NJG to build a life with. Reply here.
SAD IN SCANDINAVIA (27/F/Stockholm). Looking for (English-speaking) friends & adventure in Sweden. Lonely & haven’t been able to crack into the Jewish community here. We could be besties if you like coffee & museums & are willing to discuss your latest fanfic reads. Reply here.
CALLING ST. PAULITES AND MINNEAPOLIS FOLK! Me: 22 y.o. tatted & pierced force of nature (F). You: 20-something goofy NJB lookin for snugs. Pastimes include: triathlons, sourdough baking & maps. Fan of reading, plant caretaking & shenanigans. Lover of big trees, jam brambles & socks. Extremely sarcastic with heart of gold. Reply here.
WANNABE NORTH LONDONER LOOKING FOR LOVE (PLATONIC OR ROMANTIC). 21F, bi convert-in-progress with trad egal hashkafa. Into bookstores, hikes, arguing over Jewish law & other basic girl activities. Will trade tours of the Jewish East End for a guide to food à la North. Reply here.
GJB (GAY JEWISH BOY), 29, who recently moved to Chicago looking for a partner in crime. Enjoy cooking, sports & I/P politics. Grew up with a lot of religion & have been trying to find the right balance ever since 🙃 Reply here.
BI VEGAN GOOFBALL WHO LOVES MIDWEST EMO (23/M/St. Louis) seeking friends & romance in the city! Just moved here, would LOVE to check out the coolest breweries, coffee shops & and restaurants. Love juggling, running, seeing movies/plays/live music & nerd stuff broadly. Hit me up if interested! Reply here.
QUEER CONVERTING JEW LOOKING FOR PALS IN BERLIN, DE! (24/Femme) Interested in intersectional feminism, anime, underground punk/goth music or film? Then I’m your person! I’m always up for city exploring or museums. Let’s grab ein Kaffee! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on December 22, 2022:
QUEER REFORM GUY IN ARGENTINA (32m/Buenos Aires) looking for friends and connection in the Argentine Big Apple. We could be future besties if you also love Mad Men, Leonard Cohen and Licorice Pizza. We could explore a city barrio, attend a Shabbat service, share a Friday Night meal, get theater tickets, see a movie. Reply here.
CALLING ALL IRAQI JEWS IN TORONTO (26F). How many of us are out there? Would love to meet up, share in our culture, practice Arabic and swap family stories. Bonus: my sweet grandma will adopt you! Reply here.
POSTING ON BEHALF OF MY BESTIE! Cis-het woman, mid-20s in search of an NJB located in the North Jersey area. My perfect partner must be a dog lover, non-negotiable. Looking for someone who is kind, understanding, and patient. I would love adventuring with you and doing cute ‘coupley’ things! Reply here.
NJG IN NORTH ATL (24, she/her) looking for new friends or potentially a NJB to try out trivia nights, find the best new desserts, or just walk my dog at the park. If you too are seeking a nerdy friend who would much rather watch TV and order pizza than go to the bar on a Saturday, hmu! Reply here.
SUPER-CAT-ALLERGIC DC GUY SEEKS CAT-FREE MENSCH, ANY GENDER, FOR DELIGHTFUL DMV-AREA DATING (35m). Do you prefer coffee/tea, museums, or staying home with a good book to the bar/club scene? Enjoy crafts, wide-ranging conversation, gleefully geeky passions & silly puns? Please drop a line! Reply here.
JEWISH SUMMER CAMP KID AT HEART (26F/Southern New England) looking for Jewish friends/friend group to go camping and hiking, talk about the need for more sustainable forms of transportation, and have board game nights with. Reply here.
NJG LOOKING FOR A SURROGATE MOM OR BUBBIE IN LA (30.) Would love to learn your recipes, do fun activities, and grow some fun memories with a family away from home. Bonus if you love to dance, read, and giggle! Reply here.
CAN’T BE TAMED BUT COULD MAYBE BE PARTNERED (28F/NYC). Fiercely independent secular NJG looking for a down-to-earth NJB. Hard pass on big egos. ISO someone progressive who cares about social justice, with a kind heart, sense of humor & healthy libido. Ideal man is a Wise Child-Wicked Child mix lol. Reply here.
RELATIVELY NJG ISO A SCRUMPTIOUS GLUTEN FREE BAGEL AND THE SCHMIDT TO HER CECE (late 20s, Los Angeles). Let’s drink tea and nerd out over great songwriting. Bonus points if you’d make a good color war captain at a weekend of adult Jewish summer camp. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on December 8, 2022:
NICE JEWISH BLUNDSTONE-WEARING LESBIAN (21) looking for other queer & crunchy jews in their early 20s to hang with in Copenhagen next semester. Big Swiftie & history nerd, always down for wine & cheese with gluten free crackers or to explore the city together 🙂 Reply here.
QUEERS TO THE FRONT! (30s enby) London Jews: calling non-conformists, magic-makers, people who dream of a better world & take steps towards it. Queers to the front! Let’s wrap up warm & wander in the woods. Reply here.
NORTH AMERICAN JEWISH GIRL IN MILAN SERVING BELLY LAUGHS AND DEEP CONVOS (32) Searching for queer love & lust in northern Italy! Looking for snow bunnies, travel buddies, history tour nerds & foodies. Ciao ciao! Reply here.
NJB SEEKS NJG TO SHARE RECIPES AND REVOLUTION (26M/Boston) Enjoys generic things like hikes, board games & books; quirkier pastimes include collecting bad jokes, learning Yiddish & fixing typewriters. Seeking a pun-appreciating NJG who enjoys raves, puzzle hunts & occasional Shabbat dinners. Reply here.
NICE JEWISH BEING IN NEED OF ADOPTION FOR THE CHANUKAH SEASON! 23 y.o. old transgender Reform art therapy college student in need of supportive Jewish family to celebrate Hanukkah with in Rochester NY/Western NY area. I’ll bring plenty of love & food! Reply here.
BUILD THE JEWISH HOUSEHOLD OF YOUR DREAMS W/ ME (24F, SS/SK)! I am looking for housemate/s in NW London. I cook great vegan Shabbos food & play an excellent game of bananagrams. I’m hospitable & holy (and tidy!). Your vibe? Get in touch! Reply here.
QUEER KINDA-NEW JEW IN TORONTO (30F) who recently moved to midtown looking for Jewish community & connections, or someone to have Shabbat dinner with. Into Spotify playlists, walking around town & writing. Reply here.
NICE JEWISH (AND SOCIALLY AWKWARD) GIRL (27/Dallas area) looking for a Nice Jewish Boy that her cat will approve of. Loves farmers markets & coffee dates, as well as walks in the park & binge-watching comfort shows (Parks n Rec❤️) Reply here.
LOVES: MY DOG/WEED/EXERCISE (30F/hetero/Chicago) Looking for: a man to cuddle me endlessly & binge movies while we munch on sour candy. Long-term: marriage & happily-ever-after. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on December 1, 2022:
EQUAL PARTS FIFTH-GENERATION NEW YORKER & ISRAELI MOROCCAN KIBBUTZNIKIT (36F/NYC) looking for her Toby Fleishman / King Adrock hybrid to settle down & play house for keeps. Funny as hell, New York Times Spelling Bee champion, culture vulture, recipe hound. If that speaks to you, hit me up. You’ll be glad you did x Reply here.
QUEER PARISIAN STUDENT (19F) I am new to Paris and looking for some new English-speaking (I’m sorry, my French is still terrible) friends. I love cats, sustainable agriculture, pierogi, Larry David & Scandinavian metal. If you like any of those things plz invite me to your Shabbat dinner — I will bring, um, zucchini (my cooking skill set is limited). Let’s hang <3 Reply here.
GAY LOS ANGELENO (34F) Perfect Shabbat: You come over. We stream Shabbat, eat chocolate chip gf challah. Watch something funny. Get to sleep early, up early. I make the best latte you’ve ever had. Long walk with Bear (dog). Lil sativa puff for appetite. Eat light. Leave the house. Be in nature with animals. Reply here.
FRENCH NJG SOON TO BE IN DUNDEE (22) looking for Jewish friends to link with & share the experience of being Jewish in Scotland over a Chabbat dinner. And who knows… maybe meeting my mazal 😉 Reply here.
SUBMITTING FOR A FRIEND (23, Boston, #womaninSTEM) who makes me quake with laughter, is hot, brilliant, up-to-date with TikTok & who deserves more love than she will ever know. Eligible bachelors, sweep her off her feet. (Treat her with care & tenderness, otherwise I’ll fight you x) Reply here.
REFORM CONVERT GUY (early 40s) looking for a date with a nerdy Jewish girl in Chicago. I work at a library & am getting an MA in writing. I love hearing & sharing stories. I play guitar & love many kinds of music. If you’re a teetotaler, that is a big plus! Let’s get a coffee & study some ancient Jewish texts together. Reply here.
ENBY MOUNTAIN LESBIAN SHOCKED BY PICKLE HATRED (18) I’m not sure if it’s just the people I’m hanging out with, but the people in Boone, NC don’t like pickles. Looking for any fellow mountain queers with taste. Reply here.
PANSEXUAL, ISRAELI & OUTGOING INTROVERTED WRITER (22, she/her) mostly looking for friends (please, any & all genders welcome!) preferably in the NY/NJ area. Let’s talk poetry, mindfulness & Israel, go on hikes, bake gluten-free treats & visit bookstores. Talk to me about your favorite Harry Potter book & why! Reply here.
JEW-BY-CHOICE GIRLIE LOOKING FOR COMMUNITY (31F/Montreal) Slightly neurotic, funny & whimsical queer dog mom who loves frolicking outdoors but also getting high & watching hours upon hours of “SVU” seeks pals to get tipsy at brunch, go thrifting or spend too much on books we won’t read. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on November 25, 2022:
NICE JEWISH BOY WITH AUTISM (20s/M/Westchester, NY) looking for a romantic relationship with a NJG with autism. Loves Disney movies, Pokemon, trips to the zoo & silly jokes. Works retail part time; lives alone. Sister playing matchmaker at his request — maybe you can do the same for your sib? Reply here.
NEW JEW IN SPAIN: I (22F) just moved to Santander, Spain for seven months & I feel like I’m the only one here! Looking for friends in Cantabria or Spain generally; I make a wonderful challah & love hiking & surfing. Reply here.
STONER MOM IN BOCA (early 40s) seeks kind, creative, liberal friends for sparkling conversation, fun playdates & golf cart adventures. Loves learning about interesting things, maintaining relationships across decades & time zones, & reading short stories. Reply here.
ANY SCOTTISH JEWS? (21F) Jewish university student looking for any Jewish friends in Scotland or anywhere to be honest (I’m from Glasgow) that I can vibe with and who will listen to me talk about my cats <3 Reply here.
(ALMOST) THIRTY, (HOPING TO BE) FLIRTY AND THRIVING. Are you? UK lesbian seeks connections online and/or IRL with my dog’s future stepmother. New friends also more than welcome! Reply here.
LOOKING FOR DAF YOMI PARTNER AND FRIENDS IN THE DMV (24, enby, he/they) Richmond-based queer conservative conversion student. Art enthusiast, history buff, armchair art historian? That might be too much credit. Anyway, let’s go to the art museum, bookstores downtown or just talk over drinks! Also I’m open to pen pals & love letters! Reply here.
ISRAELÍ MEXICAN JEW (heterosexual/31F/Mexico City, but open to Zoom dates) looking for a Jewish secular man ready to share a life & have a family. Emotionally mature, open to other cultures & adventures, & professionally passionate, with a huge heart. Reply here.
RECENTLY-TRANSPLANTED LEFTIST JEWISH ENBY (22) in Charlottesville, VA wondering if they are the only one here. Previously lived in the South, just moved from Chicago. Passionate outdoors-goer, coffee date lover, will read every label for every work of art at a museum. Looking for leftist, queer, antizio Jewish lovers or friends to make the winter a little warmer. Reply here.
QUEER SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA JEW (18, she/they/he) looking for friends and possibly a NJB or NJG. I’ll talk your ear off about Taylor Swift, Carly Rae Jepsen, television, Tumblr & my cat. I hope you like cat pictures, I have a lot <3 Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on November 17, 2022:
THE ONLY JEW IN UPSTATE NY??? (21F/Capital Region) I’ve never seen a classified for my area! ISO a local progressive Jewish friend around my age to motivate me to wake up in the morning for services. I like debating, learning, music, nature & the little things in life <3 Reply here.
FRENCH FEMALE REACHING INTO THE VOID FOR THE PERFECT NJB COMPLEMENT (33) I love art, nature, dogs, surf, warm weather, tea & a sense of humor. Must be crazy, but in a good way. I live in Paris, but am open to moving. Let’s cross paths & see how far we can go? Looking for a life partner for a lot of fun & travels. Reply here.
GAY JEWISH DC DOG-MOM (30F) seeking a nice Jewish gal who will make me laugh, listen to pop punk with and love my 30 lb. angel pittie, almost as much as I do. Other interests include watching trash TV, consuming insanely spicy food, finding a sweet deal at an antique shop and going to (mostly Harry Styles) concerts. Must love tacos. Reply here.
ASEXUAL JEW LOOKING FOR ROMANCE (23/F/Vancouver) ISO someone of either gender to buy overpriced bouquets for, go thrift shopping with & hold hands with at the grocery store. I like going for runs, matcha lattes & talking to strangers about their dogs. Reply here.
ALMOST-CONVERT SEEKING JEWISH PARENTAL KNOWLEDGE! (27/F/Chicago) Are you willing to give parental advice to a stranger? Would you share your mom/dad’s wisdom with me? I’d love to learn your recipes and get your advice on how to clean my menorahs! Reply here.
CONVERTING REFORM JEW LOOKING FOR SOME FELLOW JEWISH FRIENDS IN CHARLESTON, SC (29F). Bonus points if you like to go to coffee shops, bake challah, read, watch movies, do crosswords & get late night pizza. Reply here.
LOCAL JOURNALIST NEW TO DENVER (24F) looking for friends to be cozy with in the winter! I can offer a fireplace, HAIM on vinyl, books to borrow, fuzzy blankets & homemade challah. You can offer good vibes and new friendship! Reply here.
NJENBY (22) in New Haven, CT looking for queer Jewish friends and lovers. Reply here.
STRAIGHT CIS JEWESS (25F) in search of nice Jewish friends (any gender) and/or a soulmate. Currently studying in Cardiff, UK with a Minneapolis, MN home base. Passionate about history, art, tzedek & bagels. Looking for other leftist zio Jews with an appreciation for humor, tattoos, & museums (long distance or IRL). Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on November 10, 2022:
JEWISH METALHEAD BOY (30/Toronto) ISO gothy, spooky, weirdo or nerdy Jewess. Reply here.
TWO BI JEWISH BESTIES SEARCHING FOR THE CREAM CHEESE TO THEIR BAGEL (Both 21F, Montreal). Looking for an equally bagel-obsessed duo for a double date. The tall one loves going on long walks with her dog, reading classic literature, and playing basketball. The short one loves swimming in lakes, Jewish history, and acoustic versions of songs. Impress us with your bagel order. Reply here.
AMATEUR HOUSEPLANT DOCTOR/FUTURE LAWYER SEEKING PANSEXUAL MALE SOULMATE (27, NYC/NJ). Me: genderqueer male, unwavering fan of Rihanna, spiritual explorer. You: romantic, ambitious, creative. Reply here.
NON-BINARY BABE (24, she/they) seeking gf in DC suburb who will listen to me rant about pop culture and Taylor Swift, cuddle me while we watch Disney movies, and take me to concerts or on spontaneous day trips! Hoping for long-term, but open to seeing where life takes us! Reply here.
SOUTH AMERICAN JEWISH DYKE (mid-40s) looking for same-ish for dating & monogamous romantic partnership (open to all genders except men). I’m a goofy, sensitive & silly queer who is passionate about ice cream, healing, antisemitism, cats, collective liberation & sleep. In/within driving distance of Philly ideal. Reply here.
DC AREA “COOL MOM” (33F) ISO non-male friendships to lay on each other’s couches while building lefty solidarity in the burbs. We can drink bubble tea, go on walks & share curly hair tips. Must be anti occupation, have a love for tacos & be willing to sometimes hang out with my 1-year-old child. Reply here.
GAY NJB LOOKING FOR CONNECTIONS (22/M). I live in Indiana and am trying to enhance my life by finding friends or the one. Long Distance is okay! Please be around my age! If you enjoy reading, poetry, horror movies, cooking, hot tea, among other things, HMU! Maybe It’s BESHERT! Maybe you’re just dope! Reply here.
SEEKING IRL BOYFRIEND FOR MY ANTHROPOLOGIST BESTIE (30/M/Chicago). He’s earnest, kind and bakes a beautiful sourdough. If you like Ottolenghi cookbooks, lefty Jewish politics or Taylor Swift’s “Red,” you’ll probably get along. Must love cats and bagels. Reply here.
EAST COAST BABE TURNED SAN FRANCISCO TECH QUEEN (26F). Seeking a funny mensch who loves to cook because I can’t. Social butterfly with big career ambitions looking for someone who can keep up. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on November 3, 2022:
SOUTHEASTERN GAL ISO NICE JEWISH DOG DAD (31F/ATL or Florida). Looking for someone my rottie and I can both love. Interests include food (making and eating), international travel, technology, art, napping, and playing fetch. Must enjoy walks at the park and be a willing tester for cooking experiments. Reply here.
BAY AREA BABE LOOKING FOR MY BRETT GOLDSTEIN (26F). Aspiring to be HAIM-level cool, but secretly as much of a nerd as Ross Geller. Let’s hike, do the crossword together, and host some fun wine nights. Reply here.
GAY LIBERAL OBSERVANT JEW NEW TO BOSTON (31M). In a committed long dist. relationship, but looking for friend and dinner date prospects in the area. I work in the climate/energy space! Reply here.
LONG ISLAND JEW LOOKING FOR QUEER JEWISH COMMUNITY IN THE NY AREA OR ONLINE (24F). Let’s get coffee, eat challah (or any carb let’s be real), talk tv, music, tiktok, and scream into the void. The world is a mess but let’s make it fun! Reply here.
PATRILINEAL JEWISH REFORM CONVERT-IN-PROCESS (27F/Seattle area) looking to make some Jewish friends! I love reading, cooking, and going on easy walks/hikes! Currently struggling to learn Hebrew, but I speak passable Russian. Bonus points if you like going to shul because my husband is tired of me dragging him to Torah study! Reply here.
ISRAELI-AMERICAN LOOKING FOR LOVE AND FULFILLMENT WITH A NJB (32F/LA). Must love dogs, movies, surfing and skateboarding 🙂 If you’re into punk rock and tattoos, even better <3 Reply here.
GOOFY AND SENSITIVE AGNOSTIC POET (28M/NYC area) seeking a NJB for intellectual exchanges, theater dates, elaborate puns, and meaningful connections. Let’s eat cake and talk about what we’re reading! Reply here.
LEFTY NJG SEEKING LOVE AND BAGELS (28/F/Chicago). Looking for an NJB (26-36) who’s into spicy food, 420, exploring Chicago, live music, nights in, & bad memes. Proud owner of a rescue dog, silly tattoos, and a killer challah recipe. Also seeking friends of all genders! Reply here.
UNKOSHERLY TATTOOED TRANSMAN PUNK ROCKER (34) ISO friends and connection Soon returning to New England from New Zealand. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on October 27, 2022:
SYRIAN SEPHARDIC TRANSPLANT TO SAN ANTONIO SEEKING JEWISH CREW (24F) I just moved here with my fiancé for graduate school, and we are looking for a regular crew for Shabbat, holidays, drinks, brunch & hangouts! All welcome. Looking forward to meeting you all 🙂 Reply here.
CURLY-HAIRED, JEW-ISH MAID OF HONOR SEEKING A “PLUS ONE” (32F, NJ/NYC) Seeking NJB to laugh at the right places in my speech, tear up the dance floor with me & fill the empty seat at the table of life. Bonus points if you’re left-leaning, outgoing, family-oriented & want to search for the best bagels in the tri-state area. Reply here.
HUMANISTIC JEWISH TRANS WOMAN FROM TIJUANA, MEXICO (20) looking for IRL or online connections with more Jewish people!!! I’m also a lesbian, so let’s watch “Disobedience” together! Reply here.
MANDY PATINKIN MEETS BEN WYATT (25M) seeking a NJG in LA to play mahjong, watch “Somebody Feed Phil” & make art with. Pros: can write you poetry in Yiddish, bakes a mean pumpkin pie. Cons: has never seen “Seinfeld.” Nice Jewish musician & plant dad — let’s grab coffee and talk about our favorite books! Reply here.
QUEER BOOK LOVER LOOKING FOR A HAPPY ENDING. 46-year-old Brooklyn nonbinary writer/tech support person looking for a meaningful, heartfelt relationship with a butch or butchish woman, nonbinary person or trans man on the East Coast. I’m kind & funny & love intelligent conversation, documentaries & inside jokes. You: 35 or over & ready for something real. Reply here.
HELP ME GET MY FIRST TATTOO! (23F) I’m looking for a Jewish tattoo artist in the DC area to get me inked. I’m thinking “tzedeck tirdoff” in Hebrew calligraphy on my inner bicep. Let’s create something badass but also grammatically correct. Reply here.
QUEER SOON-TO-BE LAWYER, SO YOUR FAMILY WILL ALREADY LOVE ME (27M/Philly area) Reconstructionist & getting back in touch with religion. Love trying new restaurants/bars. Eager to learn to dance & get back into piano. Wanna come along? Reply here.
JEW FROM MICHIGAN LOOKING TO BE A JEW WITH FRIENDS IN ATHENS, GA (23F) ISO people who will let me cook them Shabbat dinner & go on hikes with me. Get in, loser, we’re going to shul! Reply here.
NEW ENGLANDER AT HEART IN CENTRAL LA (29M) seeking female (life partner) age ~26-32. I’m a full-time artist in music and was raised Reform. Aside from a life in music, I enjoy visual art, chess, stand-up comedy, billiards, biking, sunsets, architecture, international travel, Jewish history/culture/food/holidays & nature. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on October 20, 2022:
23 Y/O NJG ON A MISSION. In search of a nice Jewish boy in Los Angeles to dine at every restaurant from Curb Your Enthusiasm with me. Must be willing to hike or walk the beach before or after though. Also, promise I’m a little more relaxed than Susie Green, but equally as funny. Reply here.
QUEER JEWISH CONVERT IN CAMBRIDGE, MASS (30/M) seeking Hebrew and/or Yiddish teacher/conversation partner in the Boston area. Open to meeting informally over coffee/drinks or formally in a classroom setting. Reply here.
TRANSCONTINENTAL TRANSPLANT. Early 30s recovering New Yorker who is new to the Bay Area and looking to find a group of friends to explore the area with. Walks fast but hikes slow and loves an active meetup! Reply here.
ILANA GLAZER WANNABE (28) CA native and former camp kid living in Amsterdam with my partner. Looking for Jew(ish) pals of all sorts who are down to clown and have dinner parties! Let’s bike around, clink beers, make bad jokes, and say hi to all the dogs. Bonus points if you crush at trivia night! Reply here.
NICE JEWISH BOY IN THE STREETS, NOT SO NICE JEWISH BOY IN THE SHEETS (mid 30s, Los Angeles). Creative mensch with high EQ seeking the passionate Jewess of his dreams. Let’s make out and eat latkes. Reply here.
CALIFORNIA JEW SEEKING FRIENDS IN MY NEW RESIDENCE OF PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC (18F). Also if you have a synagogue that’s a plus :). Reply here.
AMERICAN JEWESS IN LONDON SEEKING FRIENDS + COMMUNITY (32F/London). American Jewess with a quirky sense of humor and passion for social justice looking for folx in London to kibbitz and nosh with. Reply here.
ISO NJB/NJG RELATIONSHIP ANARCHISTS (33F/Toronto). Let’s discuss lefty politics, go to comedy shows, read books out loud, and find the best latkes in the city. Reply here.
NICE JEWISH THEY/THEM SEEKING “ADOPTION” (24, Pittsburgh). Queer Reform Jew with no family of my own. Could I be the daughter you always wanted? Interested in sharing Shabbat, holidays, tefillah, and coffee dates. No paperwork required. I bring musical aptitude, cooking skills, and rabbinical aspirations to the table. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on September 29, 2022:
81 Y.O. JEWISH WOMAN BUT SOMETIMES I FEEL 18. I’m looking for a straight relationship filled with love & care & sharing adventures together. I like to laugh, dance, travel & take chances. I’m looking forward to the future & I’m bustin’ my ass. Looking for someone within 50 miles of Bethesda, MD. Reply here.
LA-BASED, FUNNY, SMART, COMPASSIONATE FEMALE (mid-30s) seeking man with shit together who likes cats, is kind & *non-negotiable* doesn’t do standup. Reply here.
SECULAR, GAY JEWISH GUY FROM CHICAGO LIVING IN AMSTERDAM FOR UNIVERSITY (20) I was raised quite conservative so it would be great to meet other Jews here for Shabbat dinners or a gym buddy. I miss y’all! ❤️ Reply here.
HIPPIE AT HEART (24F) searching for a regular Shabbat dinner crew in Denver. Recently arrived in CO with my partner. Looking for others who also want to host, eat, drink, laugh, shmooze, debate & play games on Friday nights. Reply here.
NJB SEEKING NJG IN BROOKLYN (28) Loves hiking, road trips & cooking. Fun-loving & looking for the same. Foodie and museum goer. 420-friendly a plus. Reply here.
QUEER JEW FROM NE US TRANSPLANTED IN BERLIN (29) Looking for chill connections & community in Berlin, DE! Do you like bagels or beer? Reply here.
JEWISH CROSS BETWEEN CARRIE BRADSHAW & BRIDGET JONES (22, BK/NYC, she/they): I’m a recently-graduated pansexual film lover seeking a friend/lover/muse. Let’s go on Russ & Daughters dates & explore the city! Let’s make art & get drunk on Manischewitz! Are you down for a non-kosher adventure? Reply here.
SOUTHERN JEW LOOKING FOR ANN ARBOR FRIENDS! (22F) I just moved to Ann Arbor & am looking to make some new pals just in time for the High Holidays. I love to watch reality TV, go on walks, pet cats & read. I can’t wait to meet y’all & maybe watch the newest season of Bachelor in Paradise! Reply here.
NICE JEWISH NONBINARY FEMME (29) from upstate NY seeking another femme Jewish person to share my love of tznius, feminism & Jewish life with in a totally sapphic way. Being close by isn’t required but would be amazing. We could be bashert. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on September 15, 2022:
SEEKING NJB FOR MY GAY BEST FRIEND (32M/Los Angeles) I know walking on water is goyishe, but ever since youth group, I swear my bestie could. The guy writes a Shabbat-a-gram worthy of tears, paints, and loves TSwift with the best of them. Genuine, kind-hearted mate sought. Where’s his other half? Reply here.
TRAD EGAL TRANSMASC SEEKING NJB TO GO TO SHUL AND FALL IN LOVE WITH (22/Detroit) Ideal date: reading silently next to each other on the couch while listening to MCR. Close second: finding Twitter drama & not participating. Reply here.
AMERICAN IN ISRAEL OFFERING TO HOST FOR ROSH HASHANAH. If you’re an English speaker in Tel Aviv and looking for a spot for an Ashkenazi-food, kosher-style Rosh Hashanah dinner, reach out! 20s and 30s group of friends always looking for new people. I make great sweet noodle kugel, challah & honey cake 🐝🍯🍏🍎 Reply here.
TRYING TO MAKE A LIVING DOING MY ART (25F/North London) I’ve moved to London from another European country, and since being away from my community, I’ve been really missing having Jewish friends. So if you like plant-based cooking, fighting the patriarchy, complaining about the patriarchy, morbid discoveries, and art, hit me up. Let’s go for an adventure ;)))) Reply here.
MAYA RUDOLPH DOPPELGÄNGER (31F) looking for love & friendship in LA. Lefty NJG ISO male partner up for exploring on day trips, relaxing at the beach (with plenty of SPF) & cozy nights in. Bonus points if you also love Springsteen and/or don’t mind a cilantro intolerance. Also seeking friendship of all genders. Reply here.
APPLES & HONEY & EUROPE!? (18M) I’m studying abroad in London & hoping to find somewhere to celebrate the high holidays since I can’t make a brisket in my dorm microwave. Will happily travel — ideally somewhere I can reach by train (Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, around London) — and help cook! Reply here.
MIDWEST JEW LOOKING FOR SOUTHERN JEWISH FRIENDS! I (mid-20s/F) just moved to Nashville & am looking for Jewish pals of any gender to explore the area, jam out to “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” songs & cook chicken soup & challah with. Let’s explore Music City, y’all! Reply here.
23M MANHATTAN TRANSPLANT (originally from AZ🌵🏜) looking for left-leaning Jewish friends (or more 😳) to show me around the city and have Shabbat dinner with. I’m a huge foodie who loves the NBA, “Love Island” & Larry David. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on August 25, 2022:
“FLEABAG” MEETS “AMELIE” TYPE (28F) seeking a “Before Sunrise”-type romance (21-42, F/ENBY) in NYC. We can cook/eat our way through “Salt Fat Acid Heat,” ride our bikes, go to comedy shows & listen to The Mountain Goats. Reply here.
LESBIAN JEW WHO LOVES HALF SOUR PICKLES! (34F/Red Bank, NJ but NYC is OK) Adventurer, guitarist, waterfall lover. I have a lil pup, Bowser, and want a dog one day named Schmutzie. Looking for a nice Jewish girl I can bring to my uncle’s lake house & ride jet skis with! (P.S. I’m non-religious.) Reply here.
BAGEL LOVER SEEKING BAE GOALS (26F/NYC) Looking for romantic connection — and, most importantly, a Sunday morning bagel companion <3 Reply here.
CULTURALLY JEWISH, FAT, POP CULTURE FAN SEEKING NJB(ESTIES) (26/F/NY) Looking to expand my world/my tribe, in Southern NY state or elsewhere! Lover of music by Beyonce, Lizzo & Kehlani, TikToks, sex & body positivity, queerness & much more. Must love memes. Currently learning DnD and astrology. Reply here.
BI NJG LOOKING FOR A SOCIAL JEWISH COMMUNITY IN BROOKLYN! (23) I’m moving to the Prospect Park area and I’d love to meet some new friends/potential roomies & be a part of the community. I love hiking, poetry & swimming, and I’m looking to explore new things about life and Judaism! Reply here.
PATRILINEAL ASHKI QUEEN STARTING A HOMESTEAD WITH MY NJB (Eureka Springs, AR) Looking for some other Jews in the Ozarks for community-building and Jewish-themed or not-Jewish-themed activities. I know there’s gotta be some more of us out here hiding in the hill country… Prove me right! Be my friend! Reply here.
YESHIVE BUCHURTE SEEKING CUTE JEWISH LEFTISTS (30F/Durham, NC) Let’s go out dancing or stay in & cook Shabbat dinner together. Must appreciate cuddly dogs & awkward silences. Curly hair a plus, but not required. Reply here.
RENO NJG LOOKING FOR FUN JEWISH FRIENDS (27F) in the area to explore with — or just stay at home & make some challah with! Love yoga, baking, Broadway, reading & so much more. Reply here.
BUBBLY, CONVERSATIONAL NJG (20/Memphis, TN area) looking for a NJB to watch the sunset with over a mempop (seriously, those things are the best). Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on August 11, 2022:
WANTED: NEW ENGLAND-BASED MENSCH FOR MY BEAUTIFUL MOM! Her: spunky, active, always planning her next adventure, mid-60s but doesn’t look a day over 50. Her perfect match: travel enthusiast; values Jewish community; will bike, hike or ski with her. Bonus points if you’re tall & can match her chutzpah! Reply here.
ACE WOMAN LOOKING FOR FRIENDS (31F) in Jax, FL area. Possibility for deeper relationship (any gender) after getting to know each other. Outspoken liberal. Must love animals. Are you up for queer activism, nature walks/hikes & exploring the city/world? Let’s talk pets, gardening, books, fantasy/sci-fi & history, & travel together! Reply here.
SASSY LEFTY LADY LOOKING FOR HER FUNNY HONEY (23/London). ISO a nice Jewish boy. Likes pina coladas, getting caught in the rain & has a passion for politics and gender studies. Comes with three of the world’s fluffiest guinea pigs. Would love to share some waffles while we tell each other our favorite dad jokes. Reply here.
CUTE PUNIM IN PORTLAND (58, she/her) Spunky and resilient Jewess ready to date again. Looking for a mensch who can make me kasha varnishkes & be the perfect dog dad to my little Eugene Levy looking shih-poo. Kosher & widowed but cool! Reply here.
MODERN ORTHODOX HUMAN LOOKING FOR THEIR BASHERT (queer/22/UK) Let’s bake vegan challah, host Shabbat meals, go on long autumnal walks/bike rides & study nach together. Reply here.
NON-BINARY MIZRAHI JEW (20s/Tel Aviv) looking for creative people who are into doing art, destroying capitalism & apartheid & connecting on a deep level. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO TRY THE BEST FOOD WITH (24M/Washington, D.C./bisexual) Let’s see movies/shows/concerts, take conversations wherever they may go & see what happens. Reply here.
FEMALE ENGINEER SEEKING FEMALE FRIENDSHIP! (early 30s/NYC/married) Let’s grab coffee and discuss Taylor Swift, articles we read in The New Yorker, watching sports and/or our Zabars’ Appy Counter orders. P.S.: Please don’t make me go hiking 🙂 Reply here.
SEEKING OTHER BUBBES IN DISGUISE (23F, Baltimore/DC) Hoping to start a crafting circle, regular mah jongg game, or find a baking buddy in the MD suburbs. Let’s drink away the trauma of being a HCW in this unprecedented time (boba, alcohol, coffee). Senior pitbull available upon request. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on July 28, 2022:
NON-BINARY LESBIAN NEW TO MASSACHUSETTS (18) looking for friends in the South Hadley region. I’m from Northern California & love Yerba Mate, my cats, mob movies, country records, Yiddish & French. I would love to grab coffee or go on a hike in the Pioneer Valley! Reply here.
YENTA LOOKING FOR OTHER YENTAS (queer/London, England). I’m going to be moving to London in a couple of months (maybe less). I won’t have many Jewish friends and need Shabbat buddies — wanna bring challah? Reply here.
4X WINNER OF MENSCH OF THE MONTH, HEBREW SCHOOL EDITION (28M/Ashkenazi/queer) Looking for someone to explore the Jewish-techno/klezmer subgenre in Paris. Been here for two years — heard it exists but need a sidekick. Give me a shout — let’s go for borscht and kvetch like there’s no tomorrow. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR A MAN WHO LOVES TO TRAVEL THE WORLD, BUT ALSO LOVES COUCH DAYS. (26F, Manhattan) I love to cook, play pickleball, spend time with friends and family, walk aimlessly through the city for hours — and I’m expecting a puppy at the end of this year, so aspiring dog dads, I’m looking at you! If this sounds like you, let’s explore! Reply here.
QUARTER-CENTURY-OLD COFFEE ADDICT (F) looking for a guy (24-29) to go on coffee dates with. A board game enthusiast is a must; wellness & health should be a priority to you. Also if you’re daring like me, I’m seeking my other half to come crowd surfing & mosh pitting at rock concerts. In CT but will travel to the tri-state area (Jersey, NYC). Reply here.
CREATIVE & FUN-LOVING JEW BY CHOICE SEEKS FRIENDSHIP & LOVE (late 20s, San Diego). Will be visiting San Diego for a few months from late summer to early autumn & would love to make new friends & go on a date or two while there! Let’s lie in the sun at the beach, cook Friday night dinners & celebrate Rosh Hashanah together! Reply here.
TALL ANARCHIST CONVERT (19, they/he, Los Angeles) looking to make more Jewish friends and/or find a partner. Studying Hebrew/Arabic/Ladino & trying to stave off the fascist creep. Nerd for Sefardi history, critical geography & Talmud. Let me make you vegan borekas! Vaccinated & masking. Reply here.
BRAZILIAN MILLENNIAL JEWISH FILMMAKER/ARTIST/AMATEUR CHALLAH BAKER (33F) new to Berlin looking for friendship. Let’s hang out, go on walks & bike rides & explore the myriad cultural, historical & culinary opportunities this city has to offer. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR OTHER NEW MOM FRIENDS (early 30s/Washington, DC). Playdates, checking out tot shabbats — up for anything! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on July 21, 2022:
BISEXUAL ORTHODOX CREATIVE (19M) looking for a fellow bi Breslov boy to debate eternity with. I like New York, design theory, Talmud Torah, old Israeli art house movies & ‘70s fashion. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR SOMETHING OSEM! (36/Montreal/queer) Sheyne meidl with a Latinx name seeks correspondence, travel and/or secure-attachment sparks. Culturally Jewish, quasi-quintilingual, lover of carbs & cats. Hated summer camp but adored backpacking a Christian pilgrimage (sorry Safta). Let’s go for a walk? Reply here.
NEW YORKER ARTIST + YERUSHALMI ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE SEPHARDI COUPLE (30s) living in TLV looking for other couples to hang at the beach while the kids build sandcastles, test out the newest coffee places, & eat all the bagels & kubbeh with. Looking for other couples who believe in equal partnership relationships. Reply here.
SEEKING SAVTA/BUBBE TO ADOPT US! 35F, convert, married with 2 little daughters, looking for big bubbe/sweet savta energy. Let’s send holiday cards, FaceTime & be Jewish together. Location doesn’t matter, but we are in small-town Midwest (we’ve also lived in Chicago and LA!). Can’t wait to be your adopted daughter/granddaughters 🙂 Reply here.
NJG BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW TO SEATTLE (26F) looking for some rad friends, in person or online, to explore with or just stay at home and make some challah with! Love baking, Broadway, creating art, reading (mostly fantasy and YA), going for bike rides & so much more! Reply here.
NJG LOOKING FOR FRIENDS TO MAKE BOSTON FEEL LIKE HOME (29). ISO female friends (late 20s, early 30s) to explore the city with. Must enjoy walking along the Charles & trying new restaurants & be open to conversation about TikTok trends. Reply here.
21 Y.O. MIZRAHI WOMAN seeking platonic/romantic connection with other Jews in Minnesota. Loves learning, classic rock music, nature & volunteering. Reply here.
FRUM OPEN-MINDED ORTHODOX JEWISH BOY (24/Monsey, NY) on his journey opening up to the secular world looking to schmooze, chat & maybe even meet to discuss our obstacles, current events, news… to get encouraged to open up fully! NJG preferred. Deep thinker, sex positive, loves music & fashion. Reply here.
WHAT IF WE KISSED OUTSIDE THE SHTETL, then I whispered “daloy polizei” in your ear? 38F/queer/London, UK. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on July 7, 2022:
MODERN ORTHODOX WOMAN LOOKING FOR GAL PALS TO HANG OUT WITH ONLINE (24F) through email or as a more traditional pen pal. I’m liberal & hoping to find other liberal modox women. I enjoy reading fantasy & YA books. Maybe you can be my reading buddy! I also have two dogs & will send you pictures of them. Reply here.
HARD OF HEARING WITH A BIG HEART (32F) looking for life partner (M) in Knoxville, TN but open to remote or relocation. Ocean-colored eyes & curly hair. Love animals, cooking, books & movies. Very honest & love my large Jewish family. Hope to travel. Ultimately looking for someone non-judgmental. Friends welcome too. Reply here.
MOSTLY SHOMER SHABBOS ASPIRING BALABUSTA (23F, DC) seeking her bashert to slowly fall in love with while hand-in-hand on the long walk to egal minyan. Must cultivate profound awe for signs of the Shekhinah on earth, including but not limited to: fresh raspberries, baby toes, early spring & slow niggunim. Reply here.
BIG LINDA BELCHER ENERGY (28F, DC) looking for cuties of any gender to go on adventures, try new restaurants, smoke js with & smooch. My last bae dumped me for being too Jewish and extroverted, but not looking to change that. Reply here.
QUEER NONBINARY POLY ISRAELI-AMERICAN (32/Los Angeles) ISO other queer leftist Israeli expats who miss speaking Hebrew for walks, hangouts, coffee & maybe smooches (but no pressure). Reply here.
CHICAGO GRADUATE STUDENT WITH PERPETUAL IBS (26F) looking for a soulmate to get more toilet paper when it runs out. Comes with a dog, awkward puns & a degree in medicine from WebMD. Reply here.
DORKY & SECULAR NJB SEEKS LIFE PARTNER (32/M/San Jose). Software engineering manager by day, sci-fi enthusiast & casual video game enjoyer by night, & outdoorsman on the weekends. I camp & climb, & I would like someone to pull me into more outdoor activities! Ready to settle down in the suburbs. Reply here.
HOT JEW WITH STOMACH PROBLEMS SEEKS GYM BUDDY (18/lesbian/N. London). Basically I’m terrified of the gym & people, so I’m looking for someone to join me once/twice a week or even do a walk with weekly (please have a dog). Preferred age range 18-21. Reply here.
NJG IN ESSEX COUNTY, NJ, HOW GROUNDBREAKING (30-something) looking for virtual or real-life friends dealing with infertility & miscarriage. Looking for friendship, commiseration & wine drinking. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on June 30, 2022:
DOE-EYED ASHKEPHARDI WOMAN OF SCIENCE (28/lesbian/Los Angeles) ISO lefty mensch with wit sharp as Kate Hepburn’s cheeks to share park/museum strolls, farmers/flea markets, cozy Shabbats & bagels with too much lox. Jewish convo style & humor a plus. If you have a library card and yearn to swap love letters like Gertrude & Alice, we might be beshert. Reply here.
SECULAR JEWISH GIRL SEEKING THE CORY TO HER TOPANGA (29F). NYC-based healthcare worker looking for someone (M) open, empathic & fun-loving. Interests include hiking, playing board games, petting random dogs on the street & planning my next travel adventure. Bonus points if you also get overly competitive when playing Catan. Reply here.
MINNEAPOLIS-BASED NJB SEEKING AN ADVENTURE PAL (F) to get lost in the woods & look at the stars with. Let’s go thrifting, have cute picnics & stick our heads in some lakes! Reply here.
MARINE RESEARCHER FISHING FOR A MAN SO MY MOM WILL STOP ASKING ME FOR PHOTOS TO SEND TO THE MATCHMAKER (25F, New York). Into all things outdoors (hiking, climbing, running, surfing, etc.) and some things indoors (reading, films, music). Comes with a pup & lots of useless science facts. Reply here.
MOSTLY LOOKING FOR FRIENDS (21/Long Island/F/autistic). Looking for someone to go to the beach, hike & have picnics in the park — and someone who has a dog to be friends with my dog. Reply here.
ISO NJB IN SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL (26F). Looking for a smart, sarcastic, competitive, well-traveled language fanatic (26-37). Ultimately want the Gomez to my Morticia, the Gregory to my Rose. Could it be beshert? Reply here.
IRISH-LOOKING SEPHARDI/MIZRAHI/ASHKI BRITISH SECULAR JEW IN TORONTO (30F, say that 5 times fast). Looking for platonic friends to build further cultural connections, complain about the TTC with & bake so much pastry for. Potty-mouthed in English, Hebrew & learning to be in Yiddish too. Reply here.
CODEPENDENT LESBIAN SPACE ALIEN SEEKS SAME (22F). I am moving to LA and I know zero (0) Jewish people out there, space alien or otherwise. While a girlfriend would be nice, any friend will do! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on June 23, 2022:
FOREST FEYGELE SEEKING SOMEONE TO LOVE CHIRPING WITH. Boston based transmasc Renewal 29 y/o open to anyone in the Northeast U.S. or Eastern Canada. Love hiking and camping, gardening and my dog. In tech, dream not of labor. Looking for a masc someone who is self-actualizing and loves the outdoors (and me). Reply here.
QUEER DOG MOM LOOKING FOR OTHER INTERFAITH COUPLES! (25, DMV, they/she) Currently live with my partner and pup. Would love 2 meet new friends to explore new cafes, hike & help me get better at rollerblading — it’s not great rn. Would also love 2 meet other queer (+interfaith couples) 2 double date! Reply here.
NICE REFORM JEWISH GIRL SEEKING LIBERAL HARRY TO HER SALLY IN NYC. 32F looking for a 50-60 year “fling” with a guy who is empathetic, charming, driven & fun-loving. Major plus if you also value the little things in life and enjoy hosting parties, cooking & exploring the West Village. Reply here.
SPICY, SPUNKY, FUN-LOVING 30 Y.O. NJG SEEKS NJ OUTDOORS DADDY (any gender) in Brooklyn. Looking for direct communication, emotional depth & a shared love of embodied practices. Let’s ride bikes! Reply here.
BABY CATCHER/VAGINA WHISPERER BY TRADE (28, cis female, Manhattan). NYC-based midwife seeking emotionally fulfilling friendship. Enjoys Broadway musicals, a good plate of nachos & skipping the small talk. Let’s connect! Reply here.
WIDOW SEEKING ROMANTIC PARTNER IN NYC BURBS (60s F seeking M). Looking for new beginnings. Believes in romance, roses, holding hands & kissing in the rain. Appreciates the little things in life & the big things (3 adult sons & 3 granddaughters). I am loving, active, healthy & want to make you smile. Reply here.
JEW IN GLENDALE LOOKING FOR QUEER JEWS (19, he/they) to skate with & help better my awful challah-making skills. If you’re into farmers markets, 420 kosher recipes & skating & harbor a weird distrust for ferrets, then I’m right up your alley. Reply here.
JEWIE IN ST. LOUIS (22F) looking for the Abbi (of any gender) to my Ilana. Let’s have a picnic in Forest Park and complain about the humidity! Join me on my journey to find the best cup of coffee in STL. Love to be outdoors and explore new parts of the city! Bonus points if you have a dog. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on June 16, 2022:
LATKE SEEKS PEACHES. None of these classifieds are ever near me! NJG in ATL, 29, looking for fellow queer Jews in Georgia to date (any gender). I’ll be the mullet to your Sarah Sherman. Let’s hike, cast hexes on Southern politicians & dream about our future kitten-foster sanctuary. Reply here.
HOT JEW WITH STOMACH PROBLEMS SEEKS SOMEONE MAGICAL to smooch every day and grow a garden with (31, she/they, DC). My heart burns for sparkly synths, mutual aid, tchotchkes and hopefully, maybe soon, you? Open to anyone anywhere as long as we build something wildly romantic and profound. I’m zaftig, punk-adjacent and constantly striving to make an even softer challah. I’m hoping you’re curious, kind, cerebral and equally obsessed with horror films (and cats). Reply here.
NICE JEWISH ENBY JUST MOVED TO NYC (25, they/them) seeking ABCD (anyone but cis dudes) for dates or friendly hangouts. Writer, musician, artsy person with a touch of the ‘tism. I make jokes when I’m nervous, which is always. Love cats and dogs, don’t trust ferrets. Reply here.
CONVERT-IN-PROGRESS SEEKING NJQ’S* (NICE JEWISH QUEERS) to hang out with; hurtling towards 30 in DC. If you’re into hiking, kayaking, rescue dogs, hot gay Torah takes and 420-friendly Shabbat dinners, you’ll fit right in. Reply here.
PLANT MOM LOOKING FOR HER PLANT DAD. NJ-transplant, now-Philly female (23) looking for Jewish love (NJB) in a hopeless place. If you’re single & ready to mingle, come to concerts, bookstores & down the shore with me. Reply here.
DENVER NJB NEEDED! 35 y/o woman seeking a man. Let’s celebrate Shabbos together & have a fun summer getting to know each other. I’m a single mom looking for my beshert. Reply here.
BLISSFULLY MARRIED TO SCIENTIST, ISO ARTSY FRIENDS. Early 30s secular/Reform-ish in NC, with future aspirations to be an excellent bubbie. Seeking like-minded femme-y friends who enjoy art museums, Jewish mysticism and folk magic, and talking obscure Jewish cultural figures over a nice shmear. Virtual or F2F. Bonus points if you love corny old Jewish movies as well, like Mel Brooks’ oeuvre, “Delancey Street” or “The Frisco Kid.” Reply here.
19 Y/O LESBIAN FROLICKING IN THE CITY OF BROTHERLY LOVE ISO the Abbi to my Ilana… but make it sexual (iykyk). Want to spend Saturday morning with you, a cold brew and a walk to the farmer’s market. I go to happy hour solely for the snacks. Always carry a tote bag with me so the girls know. Reply here.
MID-TWENTIES CIS MALE LIVING IN TORONTO. Looking for a female friend in a similar age range in Toronto, someone outgoing and chill. Hopefully will become romantic. I proudly consider myself a nerd and love Lord of the Rings and photography. Growing up, I used to read different myths from different cultures and consider myself cultured, somewhat. Love to talk about history, books and all sorts of stuff. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on June 9, 2022:
12% JEWISH ON THE “WRONG” SIDE, ALSO TRANS (38M). Married dad (wife is a proud lapsed Catholic) looking for trans- and convert-friendly friends to livechat streaming Shabbat/festivals. I’m not technically Jewish (or male, some might say), but I am what I am. Seeking someone to struggle with in this. Reply here.
CALIFORNIA JEW LOOKING FOR PEOPLE TO EXPLORE EUROPE WITH (18M). Studying abroad in London for the semester & ISO friends to hang out or adventure with! Let’s go hiking, take the train to Paris for the weekend or go work at a cafe for the afternoon. Bonus points for helping me practice Hebrew 🙂 Reply here.
QUEER JEW LOOKING FOR A LIFE PARTNER (26F/CNY). Lover of knowledge and all God’s creatures seeks a halachically curious or open-mindedly observant person of any gender to join me in finding our place in the world and on the spectrum of Jewish practice. Open to moving anywhere for a real connection. Reply here.
A JEW IN HOLLYWOOD (25F, LA). I’m a recent MFA graduate hoping to start (or join!) a writer’s group. Ideally in person in Los Angeles. Would love to meet more Jewish TV and film writers in their 20s breaking into the industry — I’d also be down to share scripts. Tell me your favorite Jewish movies or TV shows! Reply here.
NONBINARY BISEXUAL SEEKS QUEER JEWS FOR PALS OR SOMETHING MORE (early 20’s/CT). Let’s talk about practicing hope, cook our way through family recipes, watch some gay shit, listen to love songs with yearning and find joy together. You’ll love me if you like curated drink menus and custom Canva-designed invitations for living room costume parties. Reply here.
LOOKING TO GET OFF THE COUCH FOR LOVE (26F, Boston). Jew-ish leftie who craves soup in the summer, loves breweries but not beer and can’t shut up about her dog. Looking for a nice Jewish boy in the area to bake blueberry muffins with! My sister met her gf on Hey Alma so I know it can work! Reply here.
NICE NONBINARY PERSON IN THE CONVERSION PROCESS (30s). Shalom! I’m ISO friends, Sacramento local or virtual. Left-leaning, crafty and plant nerds all welcome! Would love to study Torah together or just laugh. I am in a relationship, so romance is off the table. Reply here.
HARDCORE PUNK/TRAVEL/FOOD-OBSESSED NJB (30/M/Milwaukee) seeking local-ish (Mke, Madison, Chi, Mpls, Indy) NJG to ride bikes, celebrate Shabbat and smoke joints with. I’m in therapy, kink-friendly and open to ENM. Reply here.
ADVENTUROUS PHILLY BISEXUAL NJG (21, she/they) looking for love or friendship: I’ll take you to museums, go on hiking trips with you and talk your ear off about musical theater. I also have a very cuddly gray cat who would love to meet you! I want someone to snuggle with who will frolic with me through fields and take me on romantic picnics. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on June 2, 2022:
BILINGUAL, BISEXUAL & HALF JEWISH (20F). Seeking equally indecisive friends (or more!) to share entrees with in Austin. Let’s trade book recs, Spotify usernames, and favorite places to be outside. Bonus points to cat owners through whom I can live vicariously. Reply here.
NEW TO GERMANY & LOOKING FOR COMMUNITY (21F). College grad from the Midwest teaching English in Germany and looking for travel buddies. Hobbies include cooking (and eating, obviously), watching rom-coms and explaining to people why on Earth I would actually choose to live here… Reply here.
DESPERATE CANADIAN HOUSEWIFE IN CENTRAL EUROPE LOOKING FOR PEN PAL (electronic/snail mail) to unleash dreams, hopes and day-to-day anxieties without reverting to husband and kid talk. Need to be mentally reawakened before I slowly shrivel and die on the inside. I’m culturally Jewish, politically left-leaning and open to all perspectives and people. Reply here.
GOOFY, MUSICALLY INCLINED SPACE NERD (26M) lookin for a cutie (F) in Minneapolis to stargaze with. If you’re interested in a life of ice cream, playing at the lake and making hummus, say hi and share your favorite quote from “Shrek.” Reply here.
NJE(NGLISH)G LOOKING FOR JEWISH FRIENDS/PEN PALS (26/F/Sussex). We’ll get on if you like nature, animals, spirituality, science, harmless conspiracy theories or bread (especially challah or bagels). Happy to make an English Jews group chat if there are enough takers! Reply here.
NICE JEWISH ROMANCE NOVELIST (late 20s, nonbinary, NYC, into Jewish mysticism). I’m a compassionate, communicative, fanfiction-reading lesbian hoping for happily ever after with someone just as weird as I am. Long-distance OK. I’ll bring the Dungeon Master’s Guide, you bring the forehead kisses. Reply here.
LEFTIST LESBIAN LOOKING FOR RELATIONSHIP/FRIENDSHIP (22, DC, she/they). Passionate about bar trivia, boba, museums, books, nature and social justice. Seeking friends (or something more). Let’s explore the city together! Reply here.
LESBIAN JEW-ISH FROM NJ LOOKING FOR FRIENDS (26F). Must enjoy dogs, food and, most importantly, wine. Hiking a plus. Reply here.
FLORIDIAN NJG NEW TO MILWAUKEE (22/F/WI). ISO friends to get brunch and play cards with who can show me their fave places around town 🙂 Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on May 26, 2022:
YENTL AND ELSA’S CHRONICALLY ILL, CONSERVAFORM LOVECHILD SEEKS INTERNET/PEN FRIENDS (late 20s/F-ish). Let’s talk art, theater, sci-fi, liturgy, baking and cats. In the case of a slow-burn epistolary romance ending in a ketubah, our firstborn gets my 2009 iPod Nano as a b’nai mitzvah gift. Reply here.
QUEER JEW IN FLORIDA JUST LOOKING FOR MORE PEOPLE TO TALK TO (20/enby). I’m quite open and I love discussing anything from Ancient Rome to TikTok trends. Always looking for more people who share a passion for history! Feel free to reach out 😀 Reply here.
ENGLISH NJG LIVING IN UTRECHT (27) ISO a boy to join me in baking challah, chatting lefty politics and dancing at electro nights. Ideally in need of a new mug or two that I can make. Must like cats. Reply here.
GAY CONVERT BOI IN DC (21) looking for laughs and tall NJBs to do fun cute summer stuff with. Bonus points if you like psychological thrillers! Reply here.
SUMMER INTERN IN PORTLAND, OR LOOKING TO MEET PEOPLE (20F). I’m very single and would love to meet a tall NJB (I’m a dreamer) or just some friends to show me around the city. I love old movies, good vintage shopping, mani-pedis and lox. Would love to meet for a brunch date 🙂 Reply here.
TRANS & CONVERTING NJG LOOKING FOR FRIENDSHIP WITH ANOTHER NJG (35/PDX). Would love to discuss leftist politics, film, Tolkien and Judaism. Bonus points if your ideal olam ha-ba is the Shire. Long-distance friendly! Reply here.
BISEXUAL BABE LOOKING FOR HER BOO (25/F/London). Down to earth, funny, green-fingered gal who’ll support you through everything whilst growing you your own broccoli. Looking for someone to explore new restaurants and binge Netflix with, and chat about our passions. Love dogs, traveling and languages. Reply here.
SMALL JEWISH GIRL LOOKING FOR SOME FRIENDS (22/F/DC). I just moved to the DC area and I am looking for friends to see movies, win bar trivia and talk about books with! Hmu if you need a friend in this scary post-college life. Reply here.
ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH. WY Jewish woman (early 30s) seeking a passionate romance with a kind, honest Jewish man (similar age, close-ish to WY). Loves history & the arts, abandoned places & the wilderness. Let’s start a good conversation & then meet halfway. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on May 19, 2022:
MIDWEST GAL LOOKING FOR FUN JEWISH & LEFTY PALS (25, Pittsburgh, she/her). Tbh I miss my Jewish co-op and want some friends to have Shabbat and frolic with in Pittsburgh. Come to Shabbat on my porch — if you’re lucky I will use veggies from my community garden, and we will drink vino out of recycled jars. Maybe you will leave with some of my homemade granola… Reply here.
INDIAN SEPHARDIC JEW (22F) looking for some friends cuz she never had any Jew friends. Also open to LDR as well hehe 😉 (Preferably a NJB older than me) Reply here.
SOFT BUTCH LOOKING FOR HER FEMME-ISH LOVE TO EVENTUALLY INTRODUCE TO BUBBE (28F). I’m a medical student in Portland, OR who is building a tiny house in her copious amounts of free time. Let’s meet up and see how far we can get in a classic game of Jewish geography. Reply here.
NJB LOOKING FOR RELATIONSHIP/FRIENDSHIP (23/Toronto). Like to read, take photos and listen to music. Been getting more interested in Judaism and kabbalah, would like a study partner — hopefully leads to something more. Cisgender and hetero. Reply here.
NJB IN METRO DETROIT (mid-30s). My bashert helped me back to my Judaism and I’m ISO a friendly companion. In the area? Let’s Shabbat! If not? Let’s chat! Reply here.
BISEXUAL JEWISH GAL SEEKING NJB (20F, bi, Dallas). Introverted plant mom looking for an extroverted NJB to make me coffee and play drunken/high video games with. Huge fan of cats, David Bowie and “Our Flag Means Death.” Also down to be friends!! Reply here.
BI/DEMIROMANTIC GAL IN THE OC (34). ISO love and friends of the nerdy persuasion who’d love a good night of board games, karaoke, movie watching or other adventures. Must love dogs and comic books. A love of travel is a plus! Reply here.
GRAD SCHOOL STUDENT WITH BIG ILANA ENERGY (22, cis woman) searching for an NJP (nice Jewish person) in Toronto to have a hot summer romance with, and possibly more! Your gender doesn’t matter to me, but you can’t be someone who still drinks cow’s milk ;)) Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on May 12, 2022:
ASPIRING DR. RUTH WESTHEIMER (24F, Manhattan) looking for someone who wants to write love letters back and forth, is always down to leave the party by 11pm & wants to cook together. Bonus points if you love reading in the park in a hammock. Let’s get drinks & maybe, one day, audiobook & chill. Reply here.
JEWISH ACTRESS SEEKING CANADIAN LOVER (straight, early 30s, Chicago, she/her). Seeking someone willing to whisk me away from this Gilead and onto safer, greener pastures. Someone respectful, playful, honest, intuitive, physically & verbally affectionate, & emotionally available. *Plant-based, active, empathy, lefty* Reply here.
LATINA NJG WRITER SEEKING NJB (29/LA) to talk about books and artsy stuff over drinks — as friends or maybe more? Invitations to Shabbats and good Jewish/Latin food included. Dark humor encouraged. Reply here.
CULTURAL JEW LOOKING FOR THE NEXT MAHJ LEAGUE (28F, SF). I’ve been playing mahjong since I was a kid and am looking to start the next generation of playing. I have a set and cards from my Grandma’s groups for everyone! Food and drinks always a must. Reply here.
TRANS NJB LOOKING FOR TRANS NJG (late 20s, eastern Canada) looking for friendship either online or in person, deep conversations, someone to learn Hebrew with or from, maybe love… maybe romantic love? Reply here.
SEPHARDIC/ASHKENAZI NJG ISO NJG/NJB (San Francisco/Bay Area). I’m a thirty-something reform Jew who enjoys cooking, 80’s music and nerding out over film/TV. Seeking a NJG or NJB with similar tastes, a flair for extraversion and a wicked sense of humor. Bonus points if you’re a Whovian. Reply here.
NJG LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO JOIN FOR DOG CUDDLES, BONG RIPS AND SITCOMS (25, Chicago). Hopefully you are funny, smart, and like spicy food. Together we could eat sushi and go to art galleries. Reply here.
ISO LITHUANIAN JEWISH GENEALOGISTS. I’ve hit a roadblock, and I’m ISO pre-America records for Hirsh/Harris Gordon of Sventsyan/Vilna Lithuania, b.1870. Father’s name: Mendel; mom’s name: ?; siblings: ?. Bought a farm in Poriyah 1920; wife Raizel Felsher of Ponedel. Children Tillye and Morris. TY in advance! Reply here.
NGJB (NICE GAY JEWISH BOY) GOING TO SCHOOL AND LIVING IN DC (21) looking for men around my age to run and cook with (and more). Anything is better than the apps, right? 🙂 Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on May 5, 2022:
OPERA SINGER BY DAY, QUEER JEWISH BAKER OF YOUR DREAMS BY NIGHT (24/Bay Area/genderfluid) in search of another femme Jew to complete my Shabbats and help braid the challah. I am an opera singer, so I can sing to you whenever you please. Love a good museum date. My dog and all my plushies do have to approve of you, but I’m sure they’ll think you’re cool. Reply here.
ISO MY RELATIVES! My ancestors’ most likely surname was Greenwald/Greenberg. It was then changed to Pashkin due to forced resettlement. I know that I had a part of my family living in Odessa, Ukraine. Please let me know if you’re familiar with these names: Stephan and George Greenwald, Kapitolina Paskina, Alexander and Arcady Pashkin, Valentina and Tamara Pashkina. Reply here.
NJG LOOKING FOR A COMMUNITY IN HONG KONG (20F): I’m moving to Hong Kong and I just want to know I’ll have a Jewish community there with me. Known to tell bubbe jokes and feed you whenever you have a problem! Reply here.
QUEER BRAZILIAN JEW LOOKING FOR MY PERSON (28/F/San Diego). Loves coffee, the NYT crossword and the perfect balance of “let’s be an annoying fitness couple” and “screw it, let’s get In-n-Out.” Comes with a labradoodle who is preparing for his Bark Mitzvah. Reply here.
CAT LOVING LIBRARIAN W/ A MISS FRIZZLE VIBE (27, she/they, bi-romantic/ace). I’m a new Jew seeking friends (or more!) in central NH; open to regular travel to Laconia, Tilton & Concord and more occasionally to MTL, Burlington, Portland, Hanover, Littleton & southern or seacoast NH. Reply here.
CRAFTY IMMUNOCOMPROMISED QUEER ACE JEW (she/29) in PDX looking for friends (or more to make my Bubbe happy???) to eat, craft and maybe even cuddle with! Not in PDX-area? Let’s do virtual craft/movie night hangouts! Reply here.
LATE 20s BI NJB (Brooklyn) looking for similar-aged NJG or NJB to vibe with over food, drinks, 420, tennis, millennial angst, and/or the latest coming-of-age comedy-drama on HBO Max. Bagel-chasers may also apply. Reply here.
HERE SHE IS, BOYS: HERE’S ROSE (27/London/F). My mum is threatening to call the Millionaire Matchmaker — if you’d like to date a failed Fanny Brice who plays field hockey, save me from this fate and maybe we can make challah together soon. Reply here.
PRE-CONVERT COLLEGE STUDENT LOOKING FOR HAVRUTA (22/Berkeley-Bay Area/F). I’m a queer cat person learning how to define Judaism for myself, and I’m looking for other Jewish-aligned people to study Torah and immerse ourselves in Jewish learning this summer! Bay area preferred, but down for a Zoom sitch too. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on April 29, 2022:
GLOBETROTTING JEWESS SEEKING LOVE AND ADVENTURE (35F/NYC/hetero). Lived in Asia designing toilets (poop jokes welcome!) and happiest in the ocean or eating spicy food in a hole-in-the-wall. Join me on a Jackson Heights food crawl or kayaking on the Hudson? Reply here.
NJG SEARCHING FOR A STEPMOTHER FOR MY CATS (25/Ottawa). Seeking fellow NJG to read queer literature, go to leftist protests, and celebrate Shabbat with. Huge fan of therapy, Halloween, and most recently roller skating! Hoping to find someone to build a future with. Open to LDR if you’re open to closing the distance. Reply here.
QUEER JEW IN THE TWIN CITIES LOOKING FOR IN-PERSON FRIENDS (she/they, 26)! If you like to get חי and talk about Israel we might be a good fit! Reply here.
LADY WRITING A VERY JEWISH FIRST NOVEL (EEK!) seeking a writing partner/group for solidarity, critiques and accountability (mid 30s). I’m in the Bay Area, you could be anywhere. I soften my critiques but it’s OK if you don’t. Reply here.
SEEKING TO CREATE A CHOSEN FAMILY TO GO THROUGH LIFE WITH. I’m in my late 30s/F and would like to find new friends (any age/any gender/from anywhere in the world) to share the good times with, complain to about the bad, and establish meaningful connections with. Reply here.
CRAFTY CONVERT IN NEED OF FRIENDS ASAP (23/F/GVL, SC). New to GVL, looking for pals and the best bagel shop within 100 miles! I love knitting and crafting, reading and cooking. Let’s get coffee! Reply here.
SEEKING A S(MART)JG TO BRING TO FAMILY SUSHI SHABBAT (21/f/lesbian in Mass). Let’s get wine drunk and cuddle on the couch w/ the dogs. Reply here.
ASPIRING JEW SEEKING FRIENDS / ULTIMATELY NJB (31 yo/brisbane) aspiring convert gal seeking a man or some friends to help discuss the Jewish faith and have fun. I love yoga, hikes, food, adventures and all things spiritual! Reply here.
NICE JEWISH QUEER LOOKING FOR FRIENDS (OR SOMETHING MORE?) IN BOCA RATON. (27/Enby) Let’s go walk on the beach, swap to be read booklists, and laugh/maybe cry about the dismal state of Florida’s politics over some boba. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on April 21, 2022:
IRISH NJG ISO FELLOW HUMAN GOLDEN RETRIEVER (30/Chicago). I work in healthcare, but write for TV on the side; I’m looking for someone 25-40/any gender. Let’s talk music production, bioethics, or current hyperfixations. Must like animals & family game nights. Like the FOB song, I’m short, fast & loud — hope you can keep up. Reply here.
COLORADO CONVERT SEEKING NJB(ESTIES) IN THE FRONT RANGE (late 20s/F/Denver). I enjoy hiking (basic) & climbing (mainstream), live music, hanging with my cat, and swiping my library card! Reply here.
TEFILLAH-LOVING BOOKWORM (26F/NYC/lesbian) seeks woman to share Shabbat lunch with on a long-term basis, and maybe even with little ones someday. Bonus if you have any take, mild or spicy, on any WNBA player/coach/team. Reply here.
NJG LOOKING FOR LOVE IN PARIS (23/lesbian). I’m an art student who loves movies and books and everything about Jewish history — and if you do too, then maybe we’re bashert! Reply here.
QUEER & LONELY ASPIRING CONVERT & ART HISTORIAN (31/f/GER, but want to leave) ISO friendly & funny penpals/friends to share cute/deep/funny convos. I love books, art, music, fashion, cats and, well — the internet. Also in NYC in early May, so coffee/museums? 🙂 Reply here.
JEWISH ARTIST SEEKING FRIENDS/NJB PARTNER/A LOCAL FAMILY I CAN HIJACK FOR SHABBOS (25/F/NYC). New to city and seeking community; love story-telling, open conversations around spirituality & symbolism, old blues/soul/funk, and phat spicy dinners accompanied by laughter. Would be honored to join your Shabbos table and form meaningful Jewish connections in the city! Reply here.
ABBI TYPE ENERGY SEEKING ILANA TYPE ENERGY. I’m a 23 y/o gal new to Chicago looking for other early 20 y/os to explore the city with. Interests include: thrifting, spamming you with tiktoks, hiking, bad tv, and dirty shirley’s. Theatre kid but I promise I’m not annoying. Reply here.
DC AREA NJG SEEKING KIND-HEARTED LEFTY MAN OF MY DREAMS (mid 30s, she/her). I’m a fan of IPAs, trying out new recipes but hate doing the dishes. What’s your favorite hidden gem in the city? Looking for the real deal. Open to men of all faiths and backgrounds. Reply here.
BOSTON BABE SEEKS BASHERET. Me: 26, recon raised, mildly anxious (read: endearing), passionate about higher ed access, loving friend. You: ideally 26-34, progressive, type B version of Josh Lyman. Likes politics, emotionally intelligent, and can tolerate reality shows. Must love dogs. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on April 14, 2022:
OUTDOOR WISCONSIN JEW LOOKING FOR PEOPLE TO HARRUMPH AROUND THE WOODS WITH (24/M). A big fan of all things Madison and Wisconsin, but I am looking for some more leftist Jews to hang out with! Hiking, biking, food, and tunes. Reply here.
ISO JEWISH CAMPING BUDDIES WHO WANT TO SING NIGUNS UNDER THE STARS (26/F from Los Angeles). Seeking outdoorsy folk who were most likely to choose Teva as their chug. Looking to Havdalah in Joshua Tree and eat bagels in the Mojave. All backgrounds and experience welcome, let’s plant some **roots** in the greater LA area! Reply here.
SEEKING PUNNY & SALTY NJB (30, they/she, LA). Lovably anxious writer looking for a b’shert. We can do the crossword, ideally over salt bagels & bad puns. (Biking & yoga work too.) Seeking non-Ashkenazi so we’re not cousins from the homeland. Goals: long-term relationship, giving my mom the grandkids she occasionally hints at. Reply here.
NJB FROM CHICAGO (26) looking for a lovely NJG (24-32) to bring to family dinners so people stop asking when I will find a girlfriend. I work in the film industry so relocation may be an option but more so ISO someone who is flexible with the ins and outs of life in the TV production world. Reply here.
QUEER JEW TRAPPED IN PURGATORY AKA MISSOURI SEEKS SAME (21F). Looking for friends, and maybe more, in the STL area. Still figuring out where I belong religion wise (raised Orthodox). Let’s get some drinks, have some good conversation, and maybe rewatch The Good Place for the thirteenth time. Reply here.
RECONSTRUCTIONIST JEWISH INTROVERTED PANSEXUAL NEW YORKER (40F). I’m looking for someone who has quirky nerdy humor, sci fi geek, to go to shul with, have Shabbat dinners with, maybe more as the relationship evolves. Westchester County, NY… willing to do some driving to meet the ideal match. Reply here.
JEWISH BENDER (WOMAN) IN LONDON, SEEKING FELLOW SEXY, ARTSY, GROOVY JEWISH QUEERS (21). Let’s go to a roller disco and bake a babka together or some shit. Reply here.
LEO SUN/ARIES MOON/LIBRA RISING ISO A NICE JEWISH GIRL (22/Chicago/Enby lesbian). I’m an art history student with a passion for cooking, crafts, and a good road trip. I value compassion, open communication and someone that enjoys ABBA and dancing badly. I would love a good Chicago museum date. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR NORTH COAST OREGON JEWS TO BEFRIEND AND CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAYS WITH (F/Seaside, OR). I’m a 26 y/o JOC who loves the holidays, is a little religious, and open to romantic connections, too. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on April 7, 2022:
MARRIED JEWISH TRANS WOMAN SEEKING FRIENDS TO GLAM (40/Richmond, VA). Looking for girly friends who enjoy giving makeovers. I’m actively transitioning and am lost how to dress and do makeup properly. Love music, hiking, and hosting Shabbes and having deep conversations with you! Reply here.
APPARENTLY THE SOLE JEWISH GIRL AT MY COMMUNITY COLLEGE IN WEST MICHIGAN! i’m 18 and low key looking for people to party with! but also genuinely looking for any kind of connection, whatever happens, happens! 🙂 Reply here.
ART STUDENT IN BOSTON LOOKING FOR FRIENDS OR SOMETHING CASUAL (21M) Always down to go to a museum, a bar or a concert. From Miami and still haven’t explored much of Boston or Mass. Reply here.
LA CORPORATE, WANNABE INDIE NJB (28) ISO textbook, neurotic NJG to go to couples counseling w/ on Sundays to work out our issues & hit up Brentwood farmers’ market to eat our feelings & people-watch. Will make plans to go hiking w/ 50% follow through. Adorable puppy included now. Kids later. Reply here.
QUEER CANTORIAL STUDENT SEEKS HER BELOVED IN BROOKLYN (24/she-her) Let’s go rock climbing or rollerblading in the park. You can show me your handwriting while I attempt to read your birth chart. Reply here.
TRANS NJB LOOKING FOR FRIENDS, PEN PALS, OR SOMETHING MORE (22/Orem, UT) I love having deep and meaningful conversations, contributing to interfaith dialogue, and playing guitar. Reply here.
LESBIAN LOOKING FOR LOVE (25/F) Family-oriented, funny femme Jewess living in NYC, seeking a NJG who started reading this sentence and thought it was about her. Looking for a true switch – you know, someone who loves deep conversation AND going out. Not so into social media & maybe she isn’t either, so help a gay out and send this along 🙏🏻 Reply here.
NJG LOOKING TO ADD SOME ROMANCE INTO THIS NEW CHAPTER OF MY LIFE (26/San Antonio, TX) Work at a synagogue. Little bit of a leftist but I still love The West Wing. Loves – ABBA, dogs, sharing meals. Values – communication, respect, boundaries. Seeking NJB 25-35. Local is preferred but I’ll venture out a little further if it’s right for both of us. Reply here.
DENVER-BASED, NON-OUTDOORSY, 36 Y/O NJG TEACHER AND BAKER ISO HER NJB (mid to late 30’s) to brewery hop and eat our way through various food and wine festivals. Will feed you cake, kick your butt at trivia, and supply countless clever quips. Must be okay with big dogs and cooking shows. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on March 31, 2022:
JEW-ISH ART HO™ MOVING TO LA TO BECOME THE 4TH HAIM SISTER (28/F). Professional word nerd brand new to the city I grew up in ISO a hot Jew crew (and a cute NJBoyfriend?) to find the best bagels and bars with personality in the city. Talk books and fav albums to me over a drink or two? Reply here.
GENDERQUEER ENBY JEW SEEKING FRIENDS, CONNECTIONS AND ROOMIES IN SEATTLE (21). Dear reader, please help me find some queer Jews in the Emerald City. Challah, curry, hamantaschen — I make it all. Are you lonely, wishing you had a roomie/friend/love interest heading into the HOT summer?? HMU 😉 Reply here.
NYC JEWISH FEMDOM SEEKS JEWISH SUBMISSIVE (35F). NJG on the outside, kink on the inside. I love Shabbat and synagogue. Looking for someone who I can share all of my interests with. I love reading, traveling and the beach. Reply here.
NYC BUBBE (24F) SEEKING HER ZAYDE (25+ M). Must tolerate (bonus: contribute to) feminist rants. Love to go shake my tush, love late night snacks after tush-shaking even more. Join me for bagels, art market strolls & happy hours. Let’s read in a park, see shows, write love letters & live a romcom. Liberals only. Reply here.
GAY NJB SEEKS TO END STREAK WITH THE NON-JEWISH BOYS (24/M/London). NJB from the US living in London. It’s time I try matzah balls and leave behind ham hocks. ISO a confident guy who can match my extrovertedness. Love to cook, travel and frequent the theater (my industry). Must love dogs and sushi. Reply here.
BABY BI (30F). Quirky, creative bi Jewess calling Delaware home. Searching for my beshert to join me for rousing game nights with friends and meandering visits to art galleries. Bonus points if you share my love of K-pop and can scope out the best Jewish delis. Reply here.
I’M KIND OF TIRED OF MY MOM ASKING ME IF I’M GOING TO DATE JEWISH, SO MAYBE YOU CAN HELP (26/F). You know when John Mulaney described his ex-wife as “a five foot Jewish bitch and she’s the best?” He also described me… except I’m 4’10. I don’t want children (GASP). ISO 26+ male living close to Nashville or willing to relocate, 5’7” and up, doesn’t want children, politically moderate or conservative. Reply here.
PANSEXUAL PHD STUDENT (26/F, I think?) in Kentucky looking for nice Jewish friends to take walks around Lexington, study in coffee shops and share Shabbat dinner. Writing and rhetoric instructor by day, Zelda player by night. Enthusiastic about possums and pedagogy. Let’s talk about the Lord of the Rings. Reply here.
QUEER JEW-IN-PROGRESS ISO JEWISH FRIENDS IRL OR ONLINE (20s/F). My love language is cooking & kvetching. Will pay you in food if you want to talk the hard stuff. Based in Cincinnati but willing to talk to anyone who will put up with me. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on March 24, 2022:
JEW-ISH QUEER FEMME SEEKING SASSY BUBBY/ZAYDE/MENSCH FOR YIDDISH LESSONS, MEGILLAHS AND BLESSINGS (early 30s). I grew up without tradition and found my way back home as a young adult. I have no wise elder Jewish family that I can find, due to… ya know. Do you want to kvetch, kvell and tell me stories? Or can we start with Yiddish lessons? Reply here.
EX-MIDWEST, CURRENT GOLDEN STATE JEWISH GIRL (30s) looking for 30-something pen pals for kvetching and kvelling from a distance. Loves music (indie, yallternative), anything that resembles Black Mirror and a good book. Guaranteed to send you great TikToks and/or gas up your WFH fits. Reply here.
JEW-ISH CANADIAN FUNNY GIRL IN LONDON (early 30s) ISO a theater date, someone to drink in the park with and explore this new frontier alongside. A friend or maybe more, who knows? Must love carbs and have a profound respect for good sarcasm. Dog owners encouraged to apply. Reply here.
I MAKE A MEAN BUFFALO CHICKEN DIP (27/F/Miami). I’m a Jewish professional, ISO NJB. Must love family, traveling and long talks on the phone. Sitcoms and an appreciation for summer camp would be an added plus. My interests include social justice, farmers’ markets and cooking. Let’s see the world together. Reply here.
TORONTO JEW IN-PROGRESS (22/F). Librarian looking for NJP(eople) who also want to: avoid running into folks we know at United Bakers, spend Fridays Shalom Aleichem-ing ’til our voices run dry and develop new, non-internet hobbies as the city opens up to spring. Reply here.
FORMER TEMPLE YOUTH GROUP/SUMMER CAMP NJG ISO SOME JEWISH FRIENDS! 20-something looking for some other 20-somethings in the metro ATL area to attend all the fun Jewish things in the city, from Purim carnivals to Hanukkah parties — and maybe even a Shabbat service or two. Bonus if you’ve got an SO to bring on a double date! Reply here.
THERAPIST TURNED ASPIRING ACTRESS LOOKING FOR FUN & FRIENDLY JEWISH AMBASSADORS (33/in and around SF). NJG raised in a secular-leftist-household looking to reconnect with my roots, ancestral traditions and “people”! Something tells me this venture would be a lot more fun alongside good company than solo. I enjoy conversations filled with laughter, delicious food, and trashy reality TV. Let’s grab a coffee and take it from there! Reply here.
JEWISH GRAD STUDENT (21/F) in the Pioneer Valley area of Massachusetts looking mainly for friendship but also open to something romantic (but only romantic—I am ace). Any gender. I’m a huge fantasy nerd and an aspiring author, and I love theater, cooking and animals. Also a mathematician. Reply here.
NJG FROM LA SEEKING AN NJB IN NYC (20). ISO someone who’s a momma’s boy, likes reading or writing, and can explore the city with me and eat at all the best bagel shops/delis/Mexican food places. Extra points if he likes animals or Baby Yoda. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on March 17, 2022:
TRILINGUAL SEPHARDI LESBIAN (25/F/Montreal) obsessed with all things related to therapy, personal growth, Judaism, Israel, Disney movies & most importantly, pasta and sushi. Looking for a real connection not too far away! Let’s spend our days outdoors exploring nice parks (less hiking, more tanning), our evenings discovering cool restaurants & speakeasys, and nights re-watching Disobedience over drinks and… 😉 Reply here.
KVELLING IN THE CAPITAL (mid-20s/F/Ottawa). New to the city and hoping to build a feeling of community as good as you ever had at summer camp.. Lover of bookstores, baking, bagel rivalries, and Broad City. Up for walks along the canal and spirited discussions about Leonard Cohen lyrics and lactose intolerance (and maybe for broadening my conversation repertoire too). Reply here.
MODERATELY COOL JEW ISO FRIENDS BUT LOVE WOULD BE NICE TOO (37/F). Most importantly, looking for comfort food in Oxon/Berks/London area, UK. Currently discovering my Jewish identity one matzah ball at a time. Drag Race nerd, fat fashion lover, tea expert, only owns plants that thrive on neglect. Wanna hang? Reply here.
OBSERVANT FIERY GIRL ABOUT TOWN (24, LDN/BLN) ISO confident, outgoing NJB who can compete with me. Be the Jerry to my Elaine (before the breakup) and let’s spend our nights baking babka x Reply here.
SEEKING SPONTANEOUS FRIENDSHIPS (21/F/PVD, Boston). Proud Jewish-Italian-American and recent extrovert newly arrived back to the New England area from Philly and craving some wicked good times. Lover of finding the best local beer and coffee, walks downtown during which we get almost (but not quite) lost, and enthusiastically nerdy conversations. Can always guarantee a Jewish goodbye. Reply here.
I’LL BAKE THE CHALLAH IF YOU SAY HAMOTZI (29/F). NJG going through Jewish identity crisis seeking a NJB who can help me be better with Shabbat. New Yorker through and through — currently located in Southern CT but willing to travel! Reply here.
26 Y/O WOMAN IN NY FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES TO GET BACK TO FL (JK…MAYBE) seeking someone who will FaceTime with me during walks home from the library (med school problems). When I’m not in the hospital we can watch New Girl, do paint nights or go on runs. I’ll always let you know if you have food in your teeth! Reply here.
CONVERSION STUDENT (24/F) in the Boston area looking for Jewish friends and study buddies!! I’m a lover of reading, tea and Dolly Parton. Bonus points if you’ll watch horror movies with me. Reply here.
DORKY FIT LIBERAL PITTSBURGH NJB SEEKING NJG (33/he/him). Recently published writer. Dog Enthusiast. Software engineer. Just out here trying to find someone who shares a passion for human rights, Shabbos dinners and Jewish cuisine. Let’s kill a babka while watching 30 Rock. Seeking local & abroad. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on March 10, 2022:
MONTREAL ENBY SEEKING COOL JEWISH FRIENDS OF ANY GENDER AND ORIENTATION (18). Looking for like-minded people who are willing to discuss everything from Maimonides to Jewish resistance movements to Allen Ginsburg. Let’s make Challah and pretend to understand kabbalah >:) Reply here.
I’M JEWISH, I AM SINGLE AND I’M NEW IN TOWN. Anachronistic 28 y/o manic pixie NJB seeks NJG who also loves jazz, indie and classical music, being Jewish, exploring NYC, mid century aesthetics and spontaneous adventures. I’m mostly secular, lightly observant and make a mean kugel. Reply here.
WOMAN BRAND NEW TO SAN FRANCISCO SEARCHING FOR A YIDDISH TUTOR… OR MORE (23/bi). Perhaps a shaina punim to show off to the bubbes in my folk choir? I’m also creating a roster for the best bagel sandwiches in this city and am itching for some company on this journey. Reply here.
34 Y/O ORGANIZER-THERAPIST (F/Vermont & Brooklyn) seeks nice (but not too nice) Jewish boy for quiet mornings, Yiddishkeit, leftist politics and outdoor adventures. Reply here.
BUBBE’S FAVORITE GRANDDAUGHTER (25/Boston) seeking a NJB for a consistent few-months romantic adventure. Looking for someone who will bake cookies, walk along the Esplanade and swap books with me. I work in mental health so I’m a great listener and also overworked, but promise I’ll make lots of time for the right person! Reply here.
NJG FROM NYC LOOKING FOR PARISIAN BESTIES (21). I’m looking to meet other Jews in Paris between March 11-18 to grab a drink, have a Shabbat meal or celebrate Purim together since I’m not traveling with other Jewish people. I’m a fan of museums, trashy TV and boxed wine (very un-Parisian, I know). Reply here.
ASHKI LADY IN COLUMBUS, OHIO (26) looking for other 20 or 30-something far-from-home Jews, converts and patrilineal friends in Central Ohio to celebrate holidays with. No Jewish family nearby? Let’s be each other’s! Reply here.
QUEER TORONTO GRANDMA (24F) hoping to find a perfect match (female, 20s). Together we could go to trendy restaurants, yell at reality TV shows, make Shabbat dinner and go on afternoon walks. Reply here.
VEGAN YOGA INSTRUCTOR (30s/F) in London looking for friends? maybe? anybody? Bueller? Super keen to meet somebody in this country who won’t berate me for being “a Z word.” Let’s set up a regular cruelty-free Shabbat dinner, or at least text each other quotes from Mike Schur comedies/musical theatre/early 2000s films. Dog owners are extra welcome. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on March 3, 2022:
HOT BRIT RECENTLY ARRIVED IN USA (25/M/hairy chest). My mother has sent me and my English charm to DC from London and won’t let me come back until I’ve found a nice Jewish girlfriend. Love hiking, biking and soppy pop music. Makes a mean charoset so get that seder invite in early. Reply here.
EUROPEAN-BASED ESTHER (28/bi/Brussels) looking for someone who’s as into kvelling as they are kvetching. Specifically, I’m looking for romance, but I wouldn’t say no to friends either. Friendship is another form of love, after all. I love Purim, so who wants to make some noise? Reply here.
ARGENTINEAN JEW (18/Buenos Aires). I love tea, rain, books, movies and Hozier, so I’m basically looking for a romantic connection with anyone of any gender who likes these things. If you’re from the UK or Ireland and around 18/19/20, I might have slightly more interest in you. Reply here.
QUEER BRITISH NJB (24/m) in NYC for the month of March, looking for folks to hang out with while doing PhD fieldwork on Jews in jazz. It’ll be my first time in the city so tell me about the best spots to visit! Bonus points if you love the Oscars/bluegrass/lefty politics. Reply here.
TRAGICALLY HETERO IN WEST PHILLY (36/F). Teacher/editor/writer (incl. sometimes for Hey Alma 😉). Curly hair with an hourglass/peanut figure. My personality is Miss Piggy but my type is less Kermit, more Fozzie. Reply here.
EXPLORATION LOVING, GENOCIDE STUDYING SECULAR NJG IN GLASGOW (almost 23/dirty blonde/native NYer) seeking a mensch in the UK! Let’s go for a hike in the Highlands, eat the best falafel in town, or simply watch Mrs. Maisel on the couch at the flat. Looking for a man who will offer his jacket when I’m cold to only then take it back 5 mins later after I change my mind 🙂 Reply here.
SCANDINAVIAN CONVERT LOOKING FOR (PEN) PALS NEAR AND FAR (30-something). There are only a few thousand Jews here — I need more friends who want to discuss the feminism of Dirty Dancing, what you’d put on a Jewish disco playlist and the intersections of queer and Jewish identity. Reply here.
TALL, LEFTIST, BISEXUAL JEWESS (26/F) in search of love in Washington State or long-distance. I am a kind, supportive, cuddly person who is looking for a partner who makes me laugh, cares about Jewish values, and is thoughtful. Let’s cook, watch movies and go adventuring together. Must love dogs. Reply here.
ASPIRING NICE JEWISH DOCTOR LOOKING FOR LOVE IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES (25/F in ABQ). Also looking to increase the number of Jews at my incredibly Reform backyard Passover seder to three this year. I make a delicious brisket and my friends are nice. Looking for nice humans of any gender, big plus if you have curly hair and or a tiny earring and want to drink iced coffee with me. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on February 17, 2022:
ANXIOUS PATRILINEAL JEWISH WRITER (25M) looking for love either in North Carolina or long distance. I’m obsessed with writing about Jewish themes in “Avatar: The Last Airbender” and “The Mandalorian.” Also desperately need someone to play Wingspan with! Reply here.
EARLY 30S MIAMI JEW GIRL looking for sports-loving Jew boy to go to Dolphins and Heat games and live happily ever after. Reply here.
NJ TRANSPLANT IN CHICAGO ‘BURBS. 24 y/o woman who moved 1/3rd of the way across the US ISO friends (also 20s) in the Northwest Suburbs of the Windy City. Reasons to befriend me: strong trivia skills, makes a good kugel, once insulted Donald Trump on television. Reply here.
OVERWORKED SOFT QUEER JEWISH PROFESSIONAL (31/F/Brooklyn) seeks Jewish penicillin to pull me away from my desk and into a museum. Or a concert. A night in doing a puzzle works, too. Must love dive bars and “Pride & Prejudice” (2005). All Jewish/gender identities welcome. Reply here.
YIDDISH LOVING LEFTIST (26F, Portland, OR). Ex-army hardcore lesbian, dog ima, will fall in love if you read me Torah. Let’s analyze tirumah together. Reply here.
ROOTLESS COSMOPOLITAN GAL SEEKS PALS IN LOS ANGELES (34F). New to town, leftist, secular Jew, diaspora history nerd, writer, music enthusiast. Let’s get coffee and talk about Emma Goldman, Yiddish and Leonard Cohen. Reply here.
THE NON-BINARY FRAN LEBOWITZ. New York born and bred, culturally Jewish, mid 40s, looking for a 30+ nonbinary person, trans man or lesbian in NYC/NJ to rock my world. Let’s go to museums, parks and eat at outdoor cafes as spring begins. Looking for something deeply romantic. Reply here.
I’M HERE, I’M QUEER, I… DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT? (26F) Reform NJG in Boston, new to being bisexual and bad at flirting with ALL genders. We’ll get along if you like lefty politics, book recommendations, petting strangers’ dogs and cracking bad puns. Let’s nosh at Zaftigs and see if it’s a match. Reply here.
BEARDED LEFTIST FROM CLEVELAND (25M) in search of a cute hippie Jewess. I am a big foodie who loves to travel and explore but also really appreciates quality time at home. I’m looking for an intelligent, like-minded individual who wants to start off casual and end up simping for each other. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on February 10, 2022:
JOAN JETT-STYLE JEWESS (40s) wants to share sassy and soulful times rocking out with you (NJG/lesbian)! I’m in the UK but you may well be anywhere in the world/globe/universe! Send me your fave song lyrics and let’s make music together xx Reply here.
COFFEE-LOVING CREATIVE CONVERT (small, blonde bundle of energy, 42, single mum, straight) with a passion for painting, politics, psalms and a terrific toddler (*2021) living near Hanover, Germany, seeking for a soulmate to share Friday night kiddusch, tikkun olam, music and more. Reply here.
SHORT BI GIRLIE (21) looking for tall Jewish besties and/or partners to help reach things on the top shelf. Student with a not-so-secret love for art history and politics who is always reading or talking books. I’m an American in London who is desperate both to meet other Jews and to find Jewish queer spaces. Reply here.
WIDOW IN MY 80s & BLESSED WITH GOOD HEALTH. I’m physically active, a problem solver, business owner, writer & avid reader. I like competitive board games, the Patriots, xcountry skiing, walks, theater, movies, dinner out & animals. I’m loyal & affectionate. Looking for male romantic connection in the N.H. seacoast area. Reply here.
SEPHARDI ART HISTORIAN SEEKS NJG (NY/35F/lesbian). I’m Jewbana, originally from Miami and will be the best museum date you’ve ever had. I’ll also make you pastelitos and can be your salsa lead. Hobbies include volunteering, working out and petting every dog I see. Reply here.
MUST LOVE CREAM CHEESE! 28F biromantic Boston-area book lover seeks nerdy bashert. Your local anxious demisexual, fueled by coffee and jokes. Let’s mask up and walk around a museum or (re)watch a Mike Schur comedy. Also happy to long-distance chat! Full warning, I will send pictures of my fluffball rescue dog. Reply here.
SECULAR SURFER SEARCHING FOR MY TRIBE (26M/LA). Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned, and now I need to reconnect with my people more than ever! If you enjoy the beach, concerts, being creative or simply getting high, drop me a shalom. An NJG would always be nice, but a community is what I need! Reply here.
POLYAMOROUS MASC NONBINARY JEW (28, he/him) looking to make connections, whether friendship or more, with other masc or male-aligned people. I’m into reading, coffee, studying psychology, concerts, tattoos and looking cute in every kippah I wear. I’ll let you be the judge tho 😉 Reply here.
JEWISH AMERICAN DOCTOR (30F/Melbourne). Moved to Australia a few years ago, would love to meet fellow Jews nearby. Bonus if you’re a tall, single Jewish male… your mother will surely kvell over us. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on February 3, 2022:
ASHKENAZI HISTORY TEACHER SINGING IN A JEWISH ROCK BAND (32M). Budapest, HU based. Gonna give you all the kindness and fun that you deserve and let you taste his kosher Slivovitz collection. Reply here.
LATINA JEWISH LAWYER (28/Jersey City) seeking a NJB to join me for hikes, Shabbat dinners and puzzling over the latest Wordle. Let’s meet up on either side of the Hudson and discuss what books we’re reading. Reply here.
FUTURE RABBI ISO REBBETZ*MAN* (gay, 25, Brooklyn) looking for someone who enjoys spending quality time, learning & growing together. Interests include cooking, wine, literature, theater, travel, history, quirky New York, housing justice, running & art. Have some chutzpah and take a chance on me! Reply here.
JEWISH GAL SEEKING JEWISH PALS IN HER NEW HOME OF DUBLIN (25). Are you Jewish? Are you in Dublin? Apparently there are only two of us, so I think we should be friends and kvetch about the lack of kosher food together. Coffee is on me. Reply here.
PATRILINEAL JEWESS (Early 30s). Sydney-sider looking for fellow neurotic Jews to chat all things challah and identity < 3 Reply here.
BASICALLY A BUBBE IN A 28 Y/O MAN’S BODY (DC area). ISO friends of all ages/genders. I enjoy baking challah and cooking just about everything, am obsessed with tea and gardening and am about to start library school in fall. Somewhat recent transplant here so just looking to build community. Reply here.
SECULAR EX-HASID CONFUSED ABOUT RELIGION (20M) looking for queer-friendly people to connect to in Jerusalem. Love? Friendship? Let’s figure it out together. Extra points for fellow misers, shitposters and self-proclaimed skeptics 😛 Reply here.
BROWN-EYED GIRL ON THE UPPER EAST SIDE (29). Sweet, smart, pretty, professional woman seeks a successful, funny and basically wonderful Jewish man for lasting love. Most love travel and know what choresht is. Reply here.
PLANT AND CAT MOM ISO TORONTO CONNECTIONS (31). Love cooking meals just for leftovers, learning languages, open browser tabs, collecting old names, hobbies I don’t have time for. Moving to Toronto this summer, looking for queer Jewish friends/roommates! Bonus if you’re looking for a havruta partner. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on January 27, 2022:
SOFT BUTCH LESBIAN LOOKING FOR MORE QUEERS TO ADD TO MY LADY SQUAD (approaching 30 in DC). Fan of hiking, cooking, and people watching on the Mall. Seeking friends who are down to light up, chill out and play board games until it’s safe to go back to ALOHO. Reply here.
LOQUACIOUS WANDERING JEW-ISH LATINA ISO CURIOUS CONVERSATIONALISTS IN ORAL, WRITTEN, OR GRAPHICAL FORM (27F). I’ve been told that I could talk to a rock, but I’d rather talk to you*. Accepting friends and lovers in English and Spanish. Or someone to teach me Yiddish. *No bigots, trolls, or squares. Reply here.
NEO-HASIDIC ORTHODOX BABE (21/NYC) seeking a nice frum open-minded Jewish boy who isn’t afraid to call himself a feminist. Must want to go on dates to the ohel and Crown Heights, learn Tanya together and have Shabbat tables with lots of zemiros. Reply here.
NYC-BASED NEW ENGLANDER, PRODUCER x ARTIST (30F) seeking intellectual, adventurous Timothée Chalamet softboi to make Friday-night kiddush and come with me to yoga Sunday — and wherever else life takes us. Must love Israel. Reply here.
SEPHARDIC & ASHKI JEWISH GAL (23) looking for other twenty-something Jewish gals in the St. Louis area to grab coffee, brunch, kvetch and build a relationship with. Clinical psych student, so talking is my passion. Haven’t met other Jews since moving to STL so I’m looking forward to meeting you all! Reply here.
PNW POLYAMOROUS CONVERT (22, they/he). A queer literature nerd living in Spokane, WA who’s in search of friends, flings, and/or partners in the PNW. Or someone local to go to temple with! HMU if you’re creative, well-read, enjoy philosophy and are hungry for adventure. Reply here.
GAY RABBINICAL STUDENT (28M) from Montreal now living it up on the UWS. An “I” looking for his “Thou.” Loves laughter, discussion, naches, nachos and juicy texts — and wants a sweet and caring dude to build a life with. Drinks sound like a great start. Reply here.
MIAMI-BASED ARCHITECTURE STUDENT AND BI FAIRY QUEEN (18F). Relatively new to the city and looking for Jewish friends or maybe even romance! Let’s go thrifting, play D and D or take a walk in a park. Passionate about D and D, “American Horror Story” and Jewish mythology (so, a certified nerd). Reply here.
NJG SEEKING PLUS ONE FOR SUMMER WEDDINGS (29/F/Astoria). I love a good Dad joke and I’m seeking a punny NJB with a good sense of humor. Let’s go for coffee or a drink and you can try out your best material. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on January 20, 2022:
BOOKISH WITH NICE TUCHUS (31F/DC). Recovering DevaCurl fan with Big Ilana Energy seeks intellectually curious femme in D.C. Equally at home busting Bachelorette brackets, going to Nats games and reading the same Jewish history books as your dad. Let’s get takeout, then make out? Reply here.
OVEREXCITED EXCHANGE STUDENT TO-BE (22F). Anxiety-ridden history student from North London looking for fun, lefty Jews to befriend when I move to Canada this year! Must have an appreciation for camp counselor energy, community, all things GLEE & bonus points if you will show me wild swim spots! Reply here.
IF R. MOSHE FEINSTEIN AND LENA HORNE HAD A KID, YOU’D GET ME (30s). STL based Black, Queer, traditionally observant guy, fiercely egalitarian, who loves to think critically about big issues and is comfortable getting lost for hours in silly cat videos on TikTok. Looking for LTR with another like-minded NJB. Reply here.
BADASS BIKE-SHOP CHICK (24 F). Virginia native living in D.C. and looking to make new friends! Seriously into cycling, cats, and M&M cookies. Getting into cooking, too! Reply here.
30s SEPHARDI-ASHKENAZI LESBIAN SEEKING FEMME JEWESS (NY). Doctor by day, art lover & writer by night. My mother thinks I’m a catch. Probably because I call her every day. I’ll order for us in French at La Mercerie following an afternoon at the Met or cook Cuban food for you after the ballet. I also enjoy boxing, hiking and basketball. My favorite activity is eating bagels and lox with my 93-year-old Jewish bestie. Reply here.
DORKY NORTHERN TORONTO/YORK REGION GAY JEWSKI (19M) looking for someone to keep company and brighten the days in lockdown as a friend or more. Hopefully shares my love of plants, gardening, anime, Nintendo games, and will eat some of the strange dishes I prepare. Reply here.
NEO-HASIDIC SOCCER BABE (26 years old in Seattle) looking to pass someone the ball. Bisexual and non-binary. Likes snuggling, making abstract challah and singing nigguns. Reply here.
ACTIVE, INTELLECTUAL EAST BAY MENSCH FOR MY SINGLE MAMA (60s). Most guys her age just wanna nosh and kibbitz — she needs a sweetie who can keep up. Would kvell for a swimmer. Do you have a single dad on the go? Let’s make a match! Reply here.
TRIPLE VAXXED ASHKEPHARDIC PARAMEDIC IN MELBOURNE (22, F). Just looking for something super casual, like marriage and children. Nothing serious! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on January 13, 2022:
FUN LOVING 73 YEARS YOUNG VEGAN WIDOW looking for someone to share good times with. Located in central NJ, about an hour from NYC and Philadelphia. Reply here.
KANSAS CITY AFAB NON-BINARY JEW (21) looking for Midwestern Jewish friends and/or romantic connections. I love Judaism, write short stories and poetry, paint, and I crochet compulsively lol. I’ll probably make you something! I’m also a leftist whose currently binging Seinfeld. Hmu if you’d like! Reply here.
FREE-SPIRITED JEWESS, DOCUMENTARY-FILMMAKER AND SEX & RELATIONSHIP TRAINEE-THERAPIST (31/F/London UK/heteroflexible) looking for my person to cuddle extensively, go on nature adventures, cook feasts, explore sex, sensuality & intimacy, have deep chats and belly laughs, watch movies, listen to music and dance. If you’re a great communicator with an even greater sense of humour hmu x Reply here.
27 Y/O TRANS GUY IN DC. Me: (adult) sex educator from Boston turned med student. Looking to meet friends and blow off some steam. You: a scorpio who wants to go snowboarding, teach me to kick flip (yes I’m still a poser), roll up (sushi or otherwise), or watch Curb. And can someone tell me where to get some g-damn pastrami around here? Reply here.
BILINGUAL BLONDE (30F/straight/demisexual) ISO love. Artist, dog trainer (and dog mom), foodie, bookworm, language lover, secular Jew. You: are in Philly, NYC, or perhaps abroad; have traveled (and/or maybe live that bilingual life yourself); have things you can get really nerdy about; are down to take turns planning fun adventures for each other, and love the foods of our people! Reply here.
YOUR REDHEADED LESBIAN DREAM FROM LA. 19 y/o professional dog owner, harp player, and mac n cheese connoisseur. Hmu if you want to discuss Marvel, canine creatures, or theater. Reply here.
NJB IN BROOKLYN (28M) looking for a friendship, trying to break out of my bubble. Like reading, enjoy movies, especially weird docs on Netflix, a wandering Jew, would want to explore the city of NYC or just chill and hangout. Reply here.
THIRD CULTURE CHILD (18F/Switzerland) looking for anyone to share memes, send letters, share book recommendations and talk about Jewy things with 🙂 Reply here.
420 ENTREPRENEUR LOOKING FOR A LADY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD WITH (32/F/NYC). I love a good walk (so does my dog), a good horror movie, and a good joint. I also yell at the TV during college football season (sorry!). You’re ambitious but don’t take everything too seriously. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on January 6, 2022:
BI BABKA BABE (24F/NJ/NYC) ISO romance with M/F/NB. Me: Improv enthusiast, writer, traveler, optimist, and environmentalist. You: Adventurous, delightful, grounded, and kind. Together we could: hike, see comedy shows, swap therapy lessons, wear matching Blundstones, and read in comfortable silence. Reply here.
DYKE MEDIA LAWYER (30/LA). Attracted to opinionated, uninhibited Jewish femmes. Let’s share a joint, shvitz at Wi Spa, then walk over to Langer’s for a pastrami Reuben. Reply here.
REFORM CONVERSION CANDIDATE MOVING TO ITALY (21, non-binary) looking for Jewish friends in Italy or in Europe. I’m a cook and I study Jewish Studies and Italian Studies. I also love math and videogames. Building community is hard but is it so worth it. 💞💞 Reply here.
SECJEWLAR LEFTY WORD NERD ISO DC-AREA PALS & DATES (34m, queer). Let’s meet for COVID-safe coffee & wide-ranging conversation! I like learning from others, design, so-bad-they’re-good puns, and cozy-genre mysteries. Friends of all genders rock; for dates, I enjoy dapper butches and FTM-friendly men. Reply here.
28M PhD (POLISH HOT DADDY) looking for shared intergenerational trauma and fun dates with women in Sydney. Love tiny desk concerts, Anderson Paak, reading Richard Flanagan, and swimming semi-nude at Gordon’s Bay. I work with A.I. so ideally looking for someone with some real intelligence. Reply here.
ANXIOUS JEWISH HISTORIAN (26F/queer from Poland) currently in grad school in Uppsala, Sweden looking for Jew-ish friends to kvetch about the world and bake challah with. If you are a fellow Diaspora leftist with a passion for social justice and history I’ll buy you coffee. Likes: cats, revolutionary Jews (hi Emma Goldman!), plants. Dislikes: sports, misogyny and nationalism. Reply here.
JEWISH ELAINE BENES (27/F/Mostly Straight) looking for friends to kvetch with in Portland, OR. Dog mom, architectural designer, and outdoorswoman in training. Must love true crime and dive bars. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on December 30, 2021:
FORMER JEWISH CAMP COUNSELOR (AREN’T WE ALL) in LA looking for a pen pal I can share recipes, book recommendations and thoughts with. Female, 25, loves dogs and bad puns. Reply here.
SOUTH AMERICAN ENBY (20s) looking for Jews anywhere and of any gender, open to friendships and more. Into politics (leftist), public health, feminism. Let’s send each other memes and share our existential crisis. Reply here.
TV PRODUCER BY DAY, TALMUD SCHOLAR BY NIGHT (27/male/LA). A Tom Holland looking for his Zendaya, but if they were Jewish. Looking for an NJG love connection to share music, movies, late night conversations, cuddles, casual Shabbats and spontaneous road trips with. Reply here.
IN NEED OF A BRUNCH OF JEWS (24F in Fort Myers area). I’m looking for Jewish friends to kvetch with over eggs and bagels. From New York, lover of average movies, trashy books and good music. Clinical psych student so talking is my passion. Come see midnight movies with me or hang out in cafes. Reply here.
GAY ASHKE-PHARDI NJB (20M) looking for another in the Bay Area. likes: cooking, HAIM, hiking & boichik bagels. Reply here.
SOUTH OF ENGLAND-BASED JEW (20s F) WANTING FRIENDS FOR MY FIRST PURIM PARTY (COVID permitting of course!). Literally just want Jewish friends, I don’t have a community around me after recently moving. St Patricks and Purim sync up 2022, so Irish Jews let’s GO! Reply here.
MODOX GAY MAN LOOKING FOR THE JEFFREY TO HIS INA (26/male/NYC) seeking love, friendship and co-chef to host extravagant gay Jewish dinner parties. Let’s talk art, drag, board games and Judaism! Reply here.
20 Y/O AFAB JEWITCH CONVERT LOOKING FOR FRIENDS (OR MORE?). Ze/she, Birmingham, AL. I’m a quite boring agender dyke ISO new friends. I love photography, cats, plants and video games. I’m Japanese, white and Honduran, and a Jewish convert! Reply here.
30s JEWISH LESBIAN (NOT THE TERFY KIND) Chicagoan seeks friends and lovers who enjoy cooking, sci-fi, dogs and crossword puzzles. Must have a healthy appreciation for sarcasm/dark humor. Hopefully you enjoy cuddly couch time and watching king of the hill. 🙂 Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on December 23, 2021:
INTELLIGENT AND HOT JEW BY CHOICE OF COLOR LOOKING FOR FRIENDSHIP OR LOVE (40s/Female/New England) I love movies, dancing, reading, theater. Would love to meet a Jewish Male Mensch to keep me warm, cozy and laughing through the long winters. I enjoy traveling to warm places and I am a proud psychology nerd!! Reply here.
CONSERVADOX CONVERSION STUDENT (18, she/her) looking for people to geek out over Judaism with. Likes: cooking, languages, indie movies. Dislikes: pettiness, homophobia, raw tomatoes. Will instantly become best friends with those willing to send good recipes and dumb memes 🙂 Reply here.
OBSERVANT TRANS LESBIAN AKA THE WITCH YOUR PARENTS WARNED YOU ABOUT (29) who haunts the urban forests of Massachusetts. Seeking willing test subject for diabolical schemes and occasional museum dates. (Boston) Reply here.
MIZRA-KENAZI LESBIAN NEW YORKER (mid-30s) ISO something sweet for the new year: museum dates, groceries from Zabar’s, Shabbats in the park, hikes upstate, eventual puppy co-parenting. But first—let’s get a drink and see if we click! Reply here.
SMALL JEWISH FIRECRACKER (23F) seeks adventurous new friends (or love?) in the Denver area to add some more spice to life! Preferably loves to ski, hike, watch new movies and Curb reruns. Reply here.
CUTE YIDDISH SPEAKER LATINX JEW (24, enby) looking for someone to watch doramas with and maybe raise cats together? Open to relocate from my shtetl or just build long-distance friendships. Reply here.
MOSTLY STRAIGHT, EAST COAST NATIVE NJB IN SAN FRANCISCO (30s) seeking love, intimacy, a monogamish life partner. Witty and cuddly sweetie raised in a Conservative shul/day school setting. Neuroscience research. Lefty politics, feminism, cooking, improv, deep human connection. Spoonie & cancer patient. Reply here.
JEW-IN-PROGRESS ISO ACADEMIC/STEM PEN PALS (21, she/they). Let’s write letters (or emails) to each other about life, the universe, and everything. Lover of cats (not the musical), physics and crocheting. Queer, ADHD, disabled, leftist. Reply here.
JEWISH AMERICAN BRIDGET JONES (31/F/Bisexual) in London seeks other Jews for food and camaraderie. I’m converting and still getting the hang of what it means to be a Jew. Looking for love and friendship with other chosen people as we find our way through the world. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on December 16, 2021:
RABBI’S KID IN THE MID-HUDSON VALLEY LOOKING FOR LOVE (22M). I’m a typical rebellious rabbi’s kid, long hair, tattoos, and a sense of mischief. I’m a culinary student so you know I can make a fire shakshuka. Also a gym rat, so gym dates are always an option. Reply here.
ADHD AND BISEXUAL NJG SEEKING A BIT OF EVERYTHING (19/F/MN). Enjoys nerding out over musicals, video games and science. Master of the art of baking challah; student of the science of botany. Looking for local and/or long distance friends, a like-minded roommate, or perhaps a partner in the Twin Cities area. Reply here.
AMAB NON-BINARY JEW LOOKING FOR CONNECTIONS (21 in the Indy area). If any other nb’s or Jewish boys come along to date, they wouldn’t be opposed. Reply here.
INTROVERTED LESBIAN (26 she/they) seeking a girlfriend/partner in central FL. I love reading or binge watching shows (fantasy, scifi, or anything queer) and I enjoy photography. Looking for someone close to my age, loves cuddles, and who can help when I dye my hair the next fun color! Reply here.
BROOKLYN CASHEW (½ CATHOLIC, ½ JEWISH) ISO PEN PAL (23F). Lover of old-school snail mail (but would be happy with an email buddy too!). Let’s discuss life, book recs, recipes (a bubbe recipe face-off, perhaps?) and maybe even practice our Spanish. Looking to make friends and learn something new 😊 Reply here.
REFORM NJG SEEKS NJB TO SHARE LAUGHS, COCKTAILS AND BAGELS (27/Brooklyn). I’m best summarized as talkative, witty, and disturbingly punctual. Let’s guess each other’s bar and bat mitzvah themes or see how many camp friends we have in common over drinks or coffee! Reply here.
FITNESS-OBSESSED, GLUTEN-FREE FEMALE IN PHILLY (23) looking for Jewish gal pals to grab coffee, discuss Harry Styles and hit concerts with (: Reply here.
NJG (34, LONG ISLAND) SEEKING NJB. Let’s workout together, go on adventures and have lots of laughs talking about the embarrassing things our Jewish mothers have said about us. Reply here.
32/F/NYC SEEKS LOVE AND LAUGHTER IN HER BAGELS & LOX MENSCH (31+M). Want a man who loves a falafel cart as much as a classy sit-down. A like-minded progressive who enjoys everything the city has to offer (museums, theater, etc.) but can also be down for a night of Netflixing. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on December 9, 2021:
JEWISH GYM RAT SEEKING MY KIND (19F, Long Island). Romantically and platonically, just please, other Jews who live for the gym. I’m dying out here! Reply here.
NJG SEEKING NJBs/Gs IN GLASGOW/EDINBURGH AREAS (18F). Originally from New York, in my first year at uni, hoping to find ppl who also have main character syndrome. Must be an introverted extrovert who would just as soon go out clubbing as they would sip tea and read in a bookstore. Reply here.
MILLENNIAL LATINA JEWESS ISO OF JEWISH GAL PALS IN QUEENS, NY (27) because the closest thing I have to a Jewish gal pal community is watching Broad City alone in my living room. I enjoy a good book, a fancy cocktail (or a Whiteclaw just the same) and expert level sudoku. Reply here.
REFORM NJB ISO LIKE-MINDED NJG IN NYC AREA (25M/Westchester). Introduce me to your grandparents so they can brag that their granddaughter is dating a (future) doctor. Love to cook & bake — especially sourdough & cheesecake! Let’s binge Schitt’s Creek, The Good Place and Bake Off. Reply here.
QUEER JEW IN PROGRESS SEEKING COMMUNITY (28F). Looking for some Jewish friends in Brisbane or Townsville (or even around the world). I am converting to Judaism and want to build a little Jewish community to have Shabbat dinners and share Jewishness with. I speak English and Spanish. xx Reply here.
1/2 IRISH CATHOLIC, 1/2 ASHKENAZI JEW (32/F/CA) who loves adventuring & cooking, seeking a partner to go climbing, hiking or longboarding with. Must be dog friendly, love food adventuring and cooking, plus if you enjoy making music or art or caring for plants. Reply here.
WITTY AND VIVACIOUS NJG (28) in Boston ISO love, laughter and partnership with a NJB. Let’s have spirited debates, gluten-free baking contests, and an adventure filled life! Please already be in therapy 🙂 Reply here.
EGAL ATTENDING, KOSHER KEEPING, JEWISH SURGICAL RESIDENT IN NEW HAVEN (27M). I’m hoping to meet a nice Jewish woman to cook dinner, schmooze and spend time with when I am not stuck in the hospital. I am going to be in the area for seven years, so hopefully you are the Rachel to my Jacob, minus the wedding switcheroo and parents’ deciding who you marry, but you get the gist. Reply here.
SWIFTIE HOPING TO DO BETTER THAN TINDER (22F). Feline lover, bread fiend, aspiring sex educator and feminist scholar, Bostonian studying in the south of France. ISO NJB to bake challah with or sit in a cafe on a Wednesday. Let’s dance in the refrigerator light and see if sparks fly? Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on December 2, 2021:
BORING LESBIAN (23F) looking for the hot dyke Jess-from-the-Gilmore Girls of my dreams to walk to the library, watch The X Files, and play loud music in the car with. Likes: hiking, campy movies, Neil Young. Dislikes: salad, sports (sorry), making a right turn on red. (Frederick MD) Reply here.
POLYAMOROUS PANSEXUAL TRANSFEMME TORONTONIAN HOPING FOR A HANUKKAH MIRACLE (24). Anoint me with oil, that I may glisten in the soft glow of the menorah’s dancing lights. Bind me with rope, that I may be your gift. Adorn me with the colourful wax of the shamash. And if nothing else, please fill me like a sufganiyah & top me with cream like a latke. Reply here.
ASPIRING CONVERT IN VIENNA, AUSTRIA (29F) seeks people to share Jewishness with, preferably somewhere roughly in this part of the world. Let’s learn how to make challah, discuss queer commentaries on the Torah, debate which spelling of Chanukah is the most fun, and have a grand old time. Reply here.
5’5” PHD STUDENT AND AMERICAN-FILIPINO JEWESS (30s) living as the Frozen Chosen in western Sweden. Looking for love, learning and laughter with a patient and devastatingly witty NJB. Fans of Michael Chabon, Tom Lehrer and dogs get bonus points. Welcome to my Thanksgivukkah party for Peking roast turkey, beet-and-carrot latkes, and international friends! Reply here.
PERPETUALLY OVERTHINKING NON-BINARY GRAD STUDENT (24, Ottawa) looking for friends to have over for Shabbos, go hiking in Gatineau, and share pictures of our pets. Reply here.
ISO JEWS IN SOUTHEASTERN SPAIN. I’m an American Jew (23F) teaching English in the region of Murcia and I miss being around other funny, artistic leftie Jews! Jews of any ages and genders in the area — let’s get together and celebrate Hanukkah! Bonus if you can help me practice Spanish <3 Reply here.
CULTURALLY JEWISH 33F IN ORLANDO (and Honorary Jew husband) looking to make some friends in Central Florida to cook food with on the holidays, meet up at the local deli, and make our own Jew-ish traditions. Reply here.
ISRAELI-RAISED CANADIAN SNOWBIRD IN MEXICO CITY. Remote workin’, Hebrew speakin’, Sephardic cookin’ 33F that’s hard daydreamin’ about a warm bosom of friendlies to hang out with in Mexico City this winter. Bonus points if you too are the sort of person who will travel 30 minutes out of the way for a “really good taco.” Reply here.
MODOX FEMALE ISO AN NJMAN (26) who shares my love of good kosher food and Hashem. I spend my days being a boss lady making waves in healthcare and nights exploring all that NYC has to offer. Are you my beshert? Let’s get to know each other over a romantic Shabbat candlelit dinner 😉 Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on November 18, 2021:
ISO LITERALLY ANY JEWS IN KOREA (22F) to spend the Festival of Lights with and try out new latke recipes. Bonus points if you have access to an oven, and I’ll provide the (2nd!) best kugel you’ve ever had! Reply here.
CHRONICALLY ANXIOUS JEWISH PROBABLE LESBIAN WITH A COMP HET CRUSH ON HARRY STYLES (22, MD based). I love poetry and therapy and still haven’t accepted the 1D breakup. I’m a mess but I will bake you lots of challah so it cancels out. ISO internet friends or IRL friends or potential partners. Reply here.
PAN-ACE 20s NJG TRYING TO FIND SOMEONE TO BUILD COTTAGECORE WITCHY LIFE WITH IN DMV. Must be willing to indulge my YA books addiction. Bonus if you really like Disney and Taylor Swift! Reply here.
STRANGE BUT CHARMING JEWESS (20s) seeks friends (and maybe a significant other) in the South Florida area! Let’s bake Jewish desserts, hang out in bookstores, binge watch Studio Ghibli films and debate the classic Jewish vampire paradox. Reply here.
BEARDED, LEFTIST COMEDY WRITING NJB IN LA (29 and 5’7”). It was either this or go on “The Bachelor.” I love to travel, mix cocktails, cook and bake challah. I’m looking for a funny NJG who wants something serious, loves to travel and who’s enthusiastic about life and curious about the world. Reply here.
LONDON-BASED JEWISH ARTIST LOOKING FOR YIDDISH/LADINO/JUDEO-ANYTHING SPEAKERS for animation on diaspora languages! If you speak a dialect/language, get in touch, London-based or international. Must be happy to speak and be painted by me for animation. Nothing will be used w/o your permission. Reply here.
JEWY BY CHOICE GAL LOOKING FOR JEWFRIENDS! I’m a mid-20s gal from Brazil wanting to connect to Jewfriends around the world. I like reading, movies, science and cats. Let’s chat! Reply here.
WANDERING JEW & OLD SOUL (27/F/NYC/NJ). Sustainability manager, dancing queen, fitness fiend, family & friend-focused, lover of quality time, comedy, cheap eats & communication. Seeking kindness, curiosity, an appreciation of the small stuff, story-sharing, joy-making, romance & friendship. Reply here.
RABBI SEEKS NON-PASTORAL CARE: 29F lover of Torah, cooking, and her new running skills based in NYC. ISO partner (M, upper 20s-mid 30s) who is kind, intellectually curious, emotionally grounded and (maybe) bearded. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on November 11, 2021:
TWO MOMS AND A BABY. 32F/29F/1M. Relatively boring (but endearing?) queer family seeking some good Jewish friendship in West Michigan – bonus points if there’s a friend for the baby too! Reply here.
TRADITIONAL SEPHARDI ISO MORE-THAN-JUST-NICE NJB. 27F, family-oriented foodie. Fabulous, funny and fashionable. Looking for open-minded & kind-hearted single man for a serious monogamous relationship. Reply here.
LESBIAN LOVE IN UPTOWN MANHATTAN. Mid-20s, shomer shabbat egal lesbian, educator and diy crafter. Will cook you yummy veg dinner to a playlist of taylor swift and batya levine. Seeking 20s-ish partner for Shabbat meals, afternoon reading, and deep talks about Judaism and the enneagram. Reply here.
AN NYC JEWESS? WITH AN ANXIETY DISORDER? GROUNDBREAKING. 26/F/teacher, loves musicals, social justice, pop culture, & caring about things. You: a nice Jewish person, passionate, willing to be/already in therapy, looking for love & easy conversation. R u the John Mulaney to my 5-foot-tall Jewish bitch? Reply here.
NICE JEW-BY-CHOICE GRAD STUDENT (Houston/27F) ISO a connection with another queer Jewish woman who likes little dogs and exploring the parks and museums in Houston. I’m passionate about dogs, science, liberal activism and volunteering, Nintendo, and the latkes with applesauce-vs-sour cream debate. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on November 4, 2021:
CHICAGOLAND NJG (34F) ISO SAME. Looking for low-pressure, long-distance totally fine. Raised interfaith but culturally Jewish; fat but cute; celebrates Halloween year-round. Loves podcasts, Star Wars, Marvel movies, has an MFA in children’s and YA lit. Duolingo Yiddish practice partner a plus! Reply here.
DOCTOR DAF YOMI. 24 y/o female med student looking for NJB in central Ohio to be midwestern-nice with (or maybe something more). Love for gardening, bikes, and philosophical chats is a plus. Let’s havdalah and chill and maybe even learn some anatomy together… Reply here.
FOOD-OBSESSED CHICAGO GAL IN SEARCH OF IBD FRIENDS. Recently diagnosed with Crohn’s and seeking other mid-20s women with IBD to commiserate and celebrate with at the greatest restaurants in the best city. Other interests include cooking, weed, books, foreign films, crafting, intuitive eating, and runs on Lake Michigan. Reply here.
COLLEGE STUDENT LOOKING TO BUILD PLURALISTIC JEWISH COMMUNITY. Attend Columbia/Barnard and want to hang? Can provide a killer pre-Shabbat playlist, book recs, and general OTD (off the derech) lesbian vibes. Let’s explore campus in search of other community-minded Jews. Reply here.
JEWISH PALS IN HUDSON VALLEY? 24 y/o NJG looking for women/femme-aligned Jewish friends in the mid-Hudson Valley NY area! If you’re into vegetarian Shabbat dinners, attempting to make challah, and going to the farmers market then let’s be friends 🙂 Reply here.
NICE JEWISH GAL IN PDX LOOKING FOR HER NJB. Me (23): Outdoorsy, Works in public health, enjoys traveling (plus if you speak Spanish). You: adventurous, caring, good with hands (for kneading challah dough), outgoing (to impress all the Jewish grandmas). Let’s go for a drink! Reply here.
28 Y/O QUEER FEMME who is new to Manhattan after 5 years in Queens. Maybe you know my new favorite coffee shop/bakery? Honestly looking for a friend who I can kiss and do bits with. All Jewish identities and gender identities please apply! Reply here.
CUBAN JEW LAWYER-IN-TRAINING (26F) NEEDING FRIENDS IN DENVER. I have found it fairly difficult to make friends in this crazy time, but I need a Monica to my Rachel or a lulav to my etrog! Either card games, bike rides, Torah study, or all of the above. Reply here.
34 Y/O NB JEWITCH IN THE SEATTLE AREA looking for sweet, welcoming friends to practice Yiddish, talk Jewish magic and history, and complain about the world with. Bonus points if you’re an anarchist, but at least be a leftist! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on October 28, 2021:
JEWISH VAMPIRE QUESTIONS. 28-year-old New York Jew ISO other nerdy Jews in the NY area to have long conversations with over a bagel and lox about things like how a Jewish vampire would deal with being a Jewish vampire if they keep kosher since blood ya know… isn’t. Reply here.
SACRAMENTO REFORM CONVERT COWBOY (20mf) bisexual bigender in norcal currently trying to find more Jews to chat with! Virtual or in person is ok! Looking for book club types, music listeners, and horse girls. And also I suck at making challah please help. Reply here.
LAST JEWESS IN SANTIAGO? American expat, recently relocated to Santiago de Compostela, Spain to teach English. Missing my Jewish community dearly and seeking Jews of all ages and genders in the north of Spain. Let’s meet up for Chanukah? 💕 I can bring homemade American-style chocolate chip cookies, baked with love and cariño. Reply here.
JEW-ISH EAST LONDONER SEEKS PERSON TO DO THE CROSSWORD IN BED WITH (late-30s cis gay man). I’ve got some of life’s answers but you can help me fill in the blanks. We can take turns being down and across. Reply here.
LESBIAN FRAN FINE (20/nonbinary) on the UES seeking their Mr. Sheffield, or just NYC friends! I love bookstores and coffee, and I will bake you as many pies as your heart desires. I will also let you use my head as an armrest if you ask nicely! Reply here.
SEEKING A MANDY PATINKIN LOOK-A-LIKE. NYC based 23 y/o observant brunette (f) with West Coast flare. Pros: will cook kosher vegetarian meals, roll gorgeous joints, make you laugh your ass off, loves buying presents, and will walk to shul with you. Cons: invites too many people to her parties, must pet every dog she sees, and will fall asleep in shul. Reply here.
WANDERING JEW-ISH VAGABOND (28M, London/Norfolk) looking to share adventures with someone outdoorsy. I like climbing, camping and rocks (especially if I can climb them). Will obv like your cooking. Queer gay and willing to learn a new language (also your love language whilst I’m at it). Reply here.
QUEER ISRAELI ART HISTORIAN LOOKING FOR A PEN PAL (22). A nice Jewish boy from Jerusalem looking for someone from all over the globe to be my pen pal. We can talk about art, archeology, Judaism, struggles about everything… but not on the phone or via social media. Just keep it old school. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR BEST FRIENDS FOR MY RECENTLY WIDOWED GREAT AUNT (late 70s, located in Sarasota, FL)! She’s a tiny little lady who loves mahjong, making her own jewelry, and kvetching about how her family doesn’t visit her enough. She’s been lonely since my great-uncle’s death and could use some new gal pals! Please hmu if you also have a bubbe in the area so we can set them up! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on October 21, 2021:
NICE JEWISH TRANS BOY (22 / NYC) seeking a cute boy to date. Lover of museums, books and Avatar the Last Airbender. Reply here.
CRAZY DOG MOM ISO CRAZY DOG DAD. 36/f in the Chicago area looking for someone to hang out with and then maybe more. Must love dogs. I am a dog mom to one, nerd, lover of books, history, dogs, and the unmatched joy found in a good cup of coffee. I also listen to way too many podcasts. Maybe we can listen together? Reply here.
SEPHARDI BISEXUAL (22/female/Montreal) looking to make some local LGBTQ (or ally!) friends. Let’s go on walks in the old port and in Mont Royal, grab bagels or brunch (or honestly any food) and talk about movies, politics, cooking, dogs, or whatever you’re passionate about! Reply here.
LOOKING FOR LITERALLY ANY JEWS IN BANGKOK please find me (27f) for a meme and bread filled friendship. Migrant rights, soup, jazz, kdramas, tashlich in the lumpini pond. Reply here.
PLATONIC IDEAL OF PLATONIC LOVE (23M) converting Orthodox, gay, liberal, and new to Montreal. Looking for friends who like to discuss and judge as much as I do. My personality lies somewhere between Camille Paglia and Fran Lebowitz. If that sounds like fun to you, (1) seek help and (2) message me. Reply here.
A DEEPLY FRAN FINE & NORA EPHRON AUTUMN INSPIRED CHICAGOAN LOOKING FOR LOVE (23F). You: a Billy Crystal inspired man (ages 23-30) also looking for laughs, literature and love in the Windy City. Let’s exchange playlists and debate where is the best place for coffee or breakfast in Chicago. Reply here.
ULTIMATE COMBO OF ABBI AND ILANA (27/F/SF) seeking NJB who loves to eat homemade babka. I’m a social worker and expert Jewish summer camp counselor who loves to ride my bike and spend time outside. Looking to adopt a dog and a used Subaru in the near future. Let’s hang out to see if we vibe. Reply here.
MIZRAHI, QUEER, JEWISH GAL WANTING PALS (20). Strictly looking for conversations and friends, new-ish to the Southampton area. Two lockdowns later, there’s still not enough Jews around for me. I would love to be able to have a regular (as regular as possible) Shabbat dinner with other Jewish friends, regardless of denomination/age/sexuality. My Savta says my cooking is great! So you should totally take her word for it. Reply here.
SWAMP-LOVING JEW (30s, genderqueer, NYC) who loves earth pigments, hygge vibes, and groovy tunes seeks an adventure companion into braiding hair and challah, old book smell, queer parsha interpretations, and who understands that cozy pillows can be travel destinations. Must love stargazing. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted on October 14, 2021:
SNARKY QUEER BRITISH JEWESS (24/F/HTX). Second-year law student, new to the area — looking for some friends to enjoy my new life in a new country with. Female-identifying folks preferred, bonus points if you like baked goods (I make a mean challah). Reply here.
CHILD OF MONICA GELLER AND CHANDLER BING’S PERSONALITIES (18F, looking for Jewish friends or a NJB of course in NYC!). Lover of art, museums, fitness, ballet, books, Harry Potter, fashion, classical music and Judaism. Reply here.
MODOX LONDON BOY (25) ISO sociable NJG to share cultural explorations, tea and Haim albums. I want the Gerwig to my Baumbach. I’m not bad at cooking and very good at talking. The city’s open now so let’s make dinner and then go dancing x Reply here.
QUEER NONBINARY PERSON IN SEATTLE (23) currently in the process of conversion (reform) looking for people to chat with and share (virtual or in person) shabbat dinners and vegan challah. Reply here.
LA VALLEY-GIRL-TURNED-CITY-GIRL ISO DR. BENJAMIN (23) if Zachary Levi were actually Jewish. I’m a Jewish professional who loves knitting, musicals and macaroni and cheese, looking for a guy to cuddle and watch docu-series with me and push me to explore the city once in a while! Reply here.
INTERNATIONAL REFUGEE ADVOCATE BY DAY, DANCE CARDIO INSTRUCTOR WANNABE BY NIGHT (Gay/Queer/32M) seeking love with same in NYC/DC. Perfect Sunday: biking to the Whitney, JCC yoga class (avg age 70+), and binging Sex Education. Let’s cook Shabbat dinner together? Reply here.
BUILD A METAPHORICAL SUKKAH OF FRIENDSHIP (NYC). Mid-30s married male (no kids) seeking friends of all genders to share in art, food (I make a mean brisket), and psychologically astute conversation. My philosophy: heritage and culture joyfully inform how we embrace the present. Reply here.
WITCHY JEW NEW IN PHILLY (she/they 22). Young educator & writer looking for like-minded people who enjoy open mics, concerts or staying in for a tarot reading. Let’s go thrifting or take a beach day! Hit me up if you’re creative, spiritual and passionate about social justice. Reply here.
NICE JEWISH LATIN TEACHER (27F) looking for love & friends in Bay Area. Rambler, collector of eccentric hobbies, tired of dating apps. Hit me up if you’re into the ancient world, social justice, cats, media literacy. We’ll get along if you’re passionate! Invite me for Shabbat and win my heart. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted October 7, 2021:
SPICY KREPLACH IN PARIS. Late 20s, non-binary Mexican (Ashkenazi) Jew seeking friends/dates in Paris, France. Student at Beaux Arts with a love for natural wine and adding chili to my Bobe’s recipes. Hmu for a drink on Canal St. Martin 😉 Reply here.
JEWISH ELLE WOODS (24F, LES NYC) seeks her Vivian. DYK an alt ending to the movie had them together? Let’s: host shabbat dinners, walk around the city, rant to each other on the subjects we’re passionate about, & be so queer & Jewish that Hollywood would deem us unpalatable for general audiences. Reply here.
GOLDA ISO TEVYE (29/F/NYC). My looks are better than my dowry, but bubbe says lovers don’t need much room 😉 I dabble in treyf, play klezmer clarinet, <3 Coen Bros flix. Kiss like seltzer on a schvitzy day. Reply here.
DREAM ROOMMATE (31F) in Raleigh, NC seeking a genuine, amiable person to share a home with. Late 20s-early 30s female-identifying preferred. I enjoy dinner & drinks with friends on the patio, gardening & perfecting furniture arrangements. I’m talkative, bold & kindhearted. Plus, I have a great cat! Friends welcome too! Reply here.
QUEER, SECULAR JEWESS IN CAPE TOWN (21F). I’m always looking for Jewish friends around the world that I can visit (when the pandemic is over). I’m passionate about Judaism, the I/P conflict, waffles, gender and lgbtq issues, crocheting, and obviously Taylor Swift. Pros: phat ass. Cons: can’t do math. Reply here.
SEEKING THE L.A. LESLIE/MORTICIA TO MY FRENCH BEN/GOMEZ (31M). Ashkenazi Parisian in Hollywood looking for a not-too-nice JG who is active, ambitious, and kink-friendly. I’ve been described as passionate, kind, and with just the right amount of deviancy. Loves museums, cooking, activism, archery, empathy, and Jelly Belly. 🖤 Reply here.
CYNICAL, SULTRY JMILF (30s NB) looking for queer jewish revelry. lithe writer type, half ashkenazi half druidic ancestry, looking to daven in and out of time travel downloads. philly lenapehoking based. martinis, mikveh, and meditation. ISO queer jews of all varieties, be a babe, a baker, be an iconic badass. Reply here.
JEW IN PROGRESS (26F) in Vancouver, Canada, full of general queer yearning. Can offer decent challah, excellent massages, terrible puns. If you’re a woman and we cook together I will probably fall in love with you. Sober, trans, and a grad student, so like, buckle up for a weird time. Reply here.
LEFTY, HEBREW-SPEAKING IRREVERENT BON VIVANT (33M) academic seeking F in Bay Area for extravagant home cooked meals, literary analysis, banter, and outdoor excursions. Looking for someone brainy with plenty of emotional acuity and zest for life. I’m bi-coastal, bi-continental, let’s buy each other banh mi! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted September 17, 2021:
BEN PLATT LOOKALIKE (23M). I am a physiotherapy student looking for a NJB to check out cute cafes, have picnics, and go on long walks with! Located in Toronto, I am a passionate fan of St Urbain bagels and love spending time with family/friends on adventures around the city. Happy to chat, go on dates, and meet new people ☺️! Reply here.
STUDENT OF GAYT MIDRASH (25F). Bi NJG Brooklynite looking for queer Jews to help uncover the sexiest parts of the Tanakh (Leviticus 18:22??)… will also settle for falafel, a beshert, or a good embroidery lesson. Reply here.
ISO PLATONIC WRITING CHAVRUTA (26M in NYC). We both want to make time to write but life and work and chagim and news — oy vey. Let’s grab a coffee (in person or over Zoom), write together, and keep each other on top of our projects. I also bake and need excuses — I mean, people — to make more pastries. Reply here.
PAN ART-STUDYING JEWESS IN LONDON (24F) looking for company to fight patriarchy with. I have no links to the community here and would love to make some. Hit me up if you like dumb jokes, home cooking, dancing freely and respect for human rights ♡ Reply here.
MODERN DAY YENTL NEAR DC (24F). Admittedly, I tend to dress less 20th century yeshiva boy-esque and more somewhere between millennial-gen Z woman. But I’m looking for my modern day Avigdor (who prefers a woman to challenge, question, and passionately love in return). I want love, Torah, and to find a family in my own piece of sky. Reply here.
FOXY-ASHKY LADY IN NYC (23F) seeks M to shake up my opinions and my bed frame. Tall? Believe in science? Passionate? If you like hiking, biking, and talking with your hands you may be my beshert! Be ready to talk out your feelings on Jewish law. It could get steamy 😉 Big into lentils. Call me. Reply here.
INDIGENOUS 26F SEEKING THE ONE & FRIENDS (USA). I love the finer things & seek who loves the same. I’m fun, picky, love to party but also a homebody. If your suits/suspenders might match my gowns and boots lifestyle let’s talk! I love standup, art & science. Zivug Rashon (M) & friends wanted! Reply here.
NICE FLORIDIAN JEWISH BOY (early 20s) looking for other nice Jewish boys. I’m a private chef so let me win your heart with my roast duck matzah ball soup as we talk about how Torah study can help us understand Black Liberation. Reply here.
LESBIAN UNDERGRAD (18F) in Pittsburgh looking for friends and/or more. We can thrift, drink boba, and go to a charming little used book store. Reference Parks & Rec or New Girl with me 🙂 Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted September 2, 2021:
BISEXUAL RABBINICAL STUDENT IN NYC (28M) seeks the Heathcliff to his Cathy (of any gender identity). Is an intensive chevruta session your idea of romance? Are you high right now? Do you ever get nervous? Are you single? Do you appreciate jokes based on Drake’s hit song HYFR? Drop me a line! Reply here.
LIBRARIAN EX-ARTIST CAT MOM THAT’S MOVED A LOT, but now based in Montreal, looking for late 20s/early 30s friends nearby to kvetch and get babka with 🙂 missing my jewish community in europe so pen pals from across the pond are also welcomed <3 Reply here.
PLAYFULLY SARCASTIC & TALL NJG (27F) in LA looking for a NJB who celebrates Halloween as aggressively as Hanukkah and agrees that Israeli food > deli food. An appreciation for spontaneous travel is a plus, as is a willingness to comb through used bookstores. Reply here.
27 Y/O BI JEWESS (SHE/HER) IN EAST VILLAGE (NYC) looking for a date with someone who is willing to travel across town to the newest food spot (I’m good at sharing). Bonus if you have Top Chef cooking skills, great book recommendations and quick wit and banter. Reply here.
JUST A JEW WANDERING THROUGH THE DESERT. 25 y/o Jewish gal looking for some friends in the valley of the sun. Just moved to Phoenix (from STL) and have no one here but my goy of a boyfriend. Looking for a nice Jewish community and friends to share some food and laughter with. Reply here.
MODOX BI NJG LOOKING FOR HER BESHERT. I’m a 19 y/o art student currently located in Cleveland who loves writing, pop-punk, cats, and the 1920s. Let’s take romantic shabbos walks, daydream about baby names, and argue if saying soda or pop is more correct. May or may not be a vampire. Reply here.
SEXY SEPHARDIC SAGITTARIAN (23F) in the midst of a quarter-life crisis. I’m a film student in Sydney looking for a strong, Spanish-speaking hunk of a man that can secretly nerd out with me. Ideally a Ben Barnes look-alike, but I’m willing to let it go if you can make me laugh 🙂 Reply here.
NEW-TO-NYC NJG (22F) seeks friends to day drink, try seasonal Trader Joe’s items, and find the best rugelach in the city with. My areas of expertise: bar trivia, books by and about women, bad reality TV, and Taylor Swift. Reply here.
CALLING DENVER JEWS: 25F Looking to be set up with your M friends in the mile-high city (bring on the blind-dates!). Looking for someone I can explore breweries & hike with. Must be willing to listen to classic dad rock & assist with the NYT crossword. Jews with a Denver connection, put your matchmaking skills to work 🙂 Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted August 12, 2021:
BAGUETTE WITH PASTRAMI (Jews in Paris). I’m an exchange art student (early 20s) who wants to know the community here. I’m a not-so-nice Jewish girl with a really open mind and leftist thoughts who loves to meet new people and go out with friends. Let’s prendre un verre and chat! Reply here.
31 Y/O BI JEW-ISH WOMAN IN VANCOUVER looking for friends and maybe (hopefully?) more. Think Ilana from Broad City meets Elaine Benes. I’m a big fan of traveling, dogs, craft beer, hiking, coffee, brunch and the occasional dive bar. Could you be the Patrick to my David? Reply here.
JEWESS SEEKING CREATIVE COMMUNITY IN D.C. (33F). Married + child-free Latinx girl whose friends all had babies and/or moved to the burbs during covid (mazal!). Seeking a diverse, open-minded friend group to check out art openings, semi-seriously read tarot cards, and talk about federal consulting as little as humanly possible. Reply here.
YALLA LA! 26 y/o queer guy, new to LA (from NY via TLV) looking for new friends in the area! Let’s get a crew together and become the hottest Jews in LA. Queer Hebrew speakers get a bonus! Reply here.
NYC’S BEST MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHER SEEKS NON-BORING MAN. Literate, parents love her, “was going to make mojitos for Shabbat dinner but then took a nap instead” jewess (25F) looking for a Jewish man with opinions that are interesting but not too strongly felt and a flexible schedule. Must like parks and physical touch. Preferably anxious about climate change but good at compartmentalizing. The taller the better. Reply here.
27 Y/O PATRILINEAL LESBIAN on the conversion/affirmation path in Western Australia (knows her Hebrew teachers will see this) seeks others in similar boats for irl/zoom conversations, byo wine and cheese. Reply here.
NEW TO THE MILE HIGH (CHAI?) CITY. 22 y/o (she/her) looking for a Denver area Jewish community. I love biking, trivia, fantasy novels and art museums. Bonus points if you can teach me how to ski (haha jk……unless?). Reply here.
20F IN THE U.K. LOOKING FOR A LOVE CONNECTION, either in London or Bournemouth, the two cities I go between. Bisexual, open to any Jewish love connection. Reply here.
HORNY GAY NYC MENSCH, 36, ISO the right chemistry in and out of bed. I’m OTD but on the hunt for someone to make kiddush, shabbos, and mischief with. You’re also a mensch, looking to help this doctor recover from a global pandemic, do some global travel, and have epically great sex. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted August 5, 2021
ISO A NJAGTNCM (nice Jewish any gender that’s not cis male). 24, Chicago. AFAB genderqueer seeking my beshert, but until then happy for fyn. Ready to embroider a cover for the challah I bake you. Work in the Jewish nonprofit world, 4/20 friendly, bonus points if you’re already seeing a therapist. Reply here.
SPORTY ADVENTURE-LOVING NERD (33F) looking for her guy in Detroit but open to other places. Bonus if you enjoy petting dogs, watching superhero movies, earth science, exploring all the places, bamba, and spontaneous camping trips with no bathrooms. Reply here.
NJG SEEKING NJG (20, F) moving across the country to LA and looking for queer Jewish friends (or something more). Let’s hang out and listen to Taylor Swift and/or unpack intergenerational trauma… I’ll bring homemade gluten-free cupcakes <3 Reply here.
GAY MAN ASPIRING TO BE LESLIE KNOPE. 23 y/o cis man (he/him) in NYC. I love reading books, geeking out over Sondheim, eating greasy dollar pizza and ogling Greek statues at the Met. Up for cute dates or to make new friends. Just finished studying for the bar exam, so ready to go out again! Reply here.
EARLY 20s TEXAS GAL LOOKING FOR A PEN PAL to interpret my crazy dreams. Interests: cooking (or just eating good food), infectious diseases, jigsaw puzzles, and discussing how Panda Express should expand their milk tea bar to locations outside of California. Reply here.
SAN FRANCISCO QUEER JEW (23 y/o) looking for queer, creative Jewish friends in the area. I’m a filmmaker and sex educator who loves to listen to music and collage in their free time. Must be actively anti-racist and sex positive. Excited to meet you!! 🙂 Reply here.
SEEKING ARM CANDY IN CLE. You: cool/nerdy NJB with drive. Me: 30F, soft, sporty, cerebral. We: share our time & thoughts over ballgames, barstools, sunrises, snacks, bedsheets & soundtracks. Reply here.
28 Y/O CULTURALLY JEWISH GAL IN PORTLAND looking for her Nice Jewish Boy (or Girl or Enby). As I get older I find myself being drawn back to Jewish values and want to share that joy with someone. I am a software engineer who enjoys cats, performance art, warm beverages, reading and a good cuddle. Could you be the person my mom keeps hounding me to find? Reply here.
SEEKING SISTERHOOD OF SEXY SEMITES. 21F looking for old & young NJGs in the Shenandoah Valley for a monthly Shabbat dinner. Must be pro-carb & pro-Goldblum. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted July 29, 2021
MAHJ WITH ME! 27 y/o (she/her) in Chicago. I inherited my grandma’s mah jongg set before she had the chance to teach me how to play. I’m looking for folks who can teach me the craft or who want to learn alongside me! Patience is a must because I make no promises about how quickly I’ll pick this up 🙂 Reply here.
GOD’S FAVORITE. 31 y/o F redheaded convert in the City of Angels. Seeking a relatively tall (M) and spiritual romantic partner for Hot Jewess Summer. Must be good with hands (for kneading challah dough) and be willing to break kosh occasionally for charcuterie board dates at parks on the East Side. Reply here.
BADDIES WHO BRUNCH IN DC?! (22, she/her, Sephardic Jewess.) I’m looking for a bad bitch (all gender identities welcome) who will finish my sentences, wants to shit talk (ideally in French), gets brunch with me on Sunday mornings after a weekend bender, likes rollerskating, and will be the Carrie to my Samantha (but wayyyy hotter and less problematic). Bonus points if you’re a pothead #chailife and into fashion! Reply here.
HALF-JEWISH, HALF-CHINESE, FULLY CONFUSED. 24 y/o femme designer/artist looking for queer connection. Give me one good honest kiss, I’ll be alright. Pittsburgh currently but I also love writing emails. xoxo Reply here.
BOOK-LOVING BROOKLYNITE (27 y/o, they/them) new to the neighborhood and looking for friends who love Jewish history like I do! Let’s have coffee, share books and build community as we swap Jewish memes and unpack our internalized antisemitism together. Reply here.
BAY AREA JEW CREW. 24 y/o dog mama who is new to San Francisco and ready to create an iconic Jew crew in the Bay Area. If you like Naomi Novik or Erin Morgenstern, let’s start a book club. If you need a dog in your life, look no further. Who wants to explore the city with me? (Disclaimer: I will be wearing PJs on any and all adventures.) Reply here.
JEW BY CHOICE (IN PROGRESS) 18 y/o (he/they) looking for left wing/queer Jewish friends in the St. Louis Metro Area. Bisexual, Texas-born, dog and cat lover (cat owner). Loves Martin McDonagh films, leftist literature, Jewish history, Latin music, rap and hyper-pop. Aspiring skater and artist (emphasis on aspiring). Need someone to practice Hebrew with. Reply here.
MID-30s ARTSY NJG SEEKING SPORTY NJG AROUND SAN DIEGO. Must love food (I’ll cook, you clean), plants (my home is a jungle), and tolerate gluten-free baking. Me: event coordinator by day, jewelry designer by night, looking for someone to share (GF) matzah balls with, go to the farmers market, and attend the occasional Shabbat dinner. Reply here.
KINDA KOSHER SYDNEY GIRL. 23 y/o looking for a mensch (male) who’ll join the weekly Bananagrams game with gran. I enjoy a glass of Shabbos wine and Saturdays spent at the local market. Seeking a good philosophical and social justice discussion with a history buff that’ll take me on dates to art galleries and museums. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted July 15, 2021
HOT AUSSIE NJBs. I’m a half-Jewish, half-Japanese, science-loving gay Australian (23, M) looking for friends or more in Sydney, Australia. Since we’re in lockdown I’m keen for an overseas pen pal too (we can obsess over Troye Sivan together <3). Reply here.
ISRAELI YEMENITE SEEKING PALS IN LA (24, F) leaning into my Yemenite heritage and looking for a Jewish Yemenite friend (maybe even community?) in LA to learn from and grow with. Me: lifetime camp person, progressive, artist, rock climber, baker, bookstore lover, traveler. Reply here.
28M ASHKE-PHARDI, leftist, Jewish history PhD in LA seeking someone (F) with Emma Goldman/Fran Fine/witchy vibes. Can teach you Ladino and Yiddish and feed you borekas and cholent. Fan of cats, therapy, used bookstores, and Joni Mitchell. Let’s grab a drink and talk about intergenerational trauma? Reply here.
NEW YORK JEW LOOKING FOR A SUMMER FLING AND/OR CHALLAH. I’m a 19 y/o genderqueer trans man seeking someone who is 19-21. I’m an adventurous creative who loves trying new hobbies and going to events, especially anything involving baking or hair dye! Reply here.
NEW DOG MOM (29, F) in Brooklyn nervous to act on queerness for the first time at this age after ending long term hetero relationship. Seeking support, some guidance, and ultimately love with a NJDL (nice Jewish dog lover) of any gender. Reply here.
JEW-BY-CHOICE (IN PROGRESS) SEEKS FRIENDS IN THE DC METRO AREA. If you are seeking a friend who dresses like Mac Miller and has your dad’s sense of humor, I’m your girl. Looking for the queerest friend group of DC young professionals possible. (Side note: Must like dogs.) Reply here.
28 Y/O NOT-SO-NICE JG IN CHICAGO looking for a male partner who’s smart, active, and pet friendly. I’m spending most of my summer between Hollywood Beach and Fat Cat, where should we meet? Reply here.
27 (ALMOST 28) Y/O JEWISH LADY LIVING IN BERLIN, GERMANY, looking for some new friends to hang out with, bike to the lake, play table tennis, and drink lots of coffee with. I can offer amazing cooking and an open heart. Ready to become part of a cool Jew gang. Reply here.
THE JEAN-RALPHIO SAPERSTEIN TO MY MONA LISA. 24 y/o female seeks funny friends in the LA area to start a comedy group with. Sketches, parodies, improv, and definitely some sending Parks and Recs gifs in a group chat. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted July 8, 2021:
BROOKLYN-BASED QUEER RABBINICAL STUDENT (23, she/her) seeking lefty friends for Shabbat dinners, chats in the park over ice cream, and reenacting Broad City scenes. My new Big Apple besties are ideally non cis-men who are excited to swap tattoo stories and listen to me talk about my cat. Reply here.
NB-QUEERDO (30, she/they, gay, St. Paul) looking for in-person love, mutual commitment to sweatpants and British competition shows, and fervent passion for cellulite. Hobbies include smelling books, lamenting my lost academic life, and loving my pibble princess more than anything else in the world. Reply here.
JEW-BY-CHOICE READER/WRITER/EDUCATOR (30F) relocating to Dallas-Fort Worth this summer and seeking wide open spaces, a tennis partner, and a Texas man to settle down with. Reply here.
24 Y/O BI NJG looking to continue her family’s tradition of finding their basherts via personal ad (true story) in NYC. Loves baking, singing badly to her cat, and biking around to admire the trees. Looking for someone who loves to eat (a must), is funny as hell, and is politically, as comrade Beyonce once said, “to the left, to the left.” Sacha Baron Cohen lookalikes encouraged to apply. Reply here.
NERDY, WORDY NJG (28) based in Northern NJ seeking love, friendship, and/or future life partnership of any gender. Let’s eat at kosher restaurants, explore museums, swap book recs, and moon over passing pets. Bonus points for travelers, tree-huggers, and punny people. Reply here.
D.C. COLLEGE INTERN (18F) seeking some friends (maybe other summer interns??) to explore the city with! Reply here.
VERY JEWISH L.A. based (but NY bred) 30 y/o (F) designer and supermarket lover seeks life partner (M) in sincerity and silliness. Strong AF Jewish identity and sense of humor a must. Cringe jokes welcome. Reply here.
GAY NJB HUSBAND MATERIAL IN NYC. I’ve got my shit together and pair realism with a generally sunny disposition. Left a successful corporate career to pursue a long-held dream of becoming a doctor (clearly a MIL’s dream). Into cultivating community, time in the outdoors, CrossFit, DJing, dancing and finding someone I can feel passionate with & at home around. Hit me up if you know yourself and what you’re looking for. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted July 1, 2021:
JEWS IN NORWAY? Going from being in the triple majority (queer Jew from the TriState area at my liberal arts college) to a triple minority (all of those things in Southern Norway). Me: 22, queer woman, into used books & new friends & clever alcoholic beverages! Looking for Jewish friends, community, dates, etc., across the Pacific in the sweet sweet country of Norway. Reply here.
LA MUSIC PRODUCER (33M) seeks creative and compassionate cutie (F) to leave parties early with. Enjoys cult docs, good lox, and TikToks. Reply here.
MENSCH WITH AN EDGE. 29 y/o in NYC seeks her bashert of any gender to raise hell, make the world better, co-host Shabbat dinners, and go dancing with. Extra love to fellow shorties and non-dog people. Reply here.
D.C. GIRL GANG? Just a gal in her early ‘20s looking to put together a girl gang made up of the baddest bitches in D.C. Chutzpah required and love for margs strongly encouraged. Hobbies include: eating bagels, hiking, searching for the world’s best queso, listening to my mothers unsolicited advice, and trying to come up with better hobbies. Reply here.
ATTN: PHILLY JEWISH FOLK. Me: 28/f/recent convert seeking Jewish community. You: 20s-30s/any gender/seeking Shabbat dinner parties, social justice discussions, and spending time outdoors. Open to havruta opportunities. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO PRACTICE YIDDISH WITH (25 y/o NJG), virtually or in Baltimore/DMV/maybe NYC. Beginning speaker/reader learning for fun, cultural connection, and to incorporate Yiddish literature & theatre into my own art. If we happen to fall in love while practicing, that’s cool too. Progressive, Sagittarius, dog lover, down to chat about Isaac Bashevis Singer or Simone Biles. Reply here.
NJG (28) SEEKS KIND, NERDY DUDE in Brooklyn/NYC who appreciates some big Jewish hair and a lot of chaotic energy. Need someone to let me cook for them in exchange for helping fill the awkward silences. Reply here.
MARRIED MILLENNIAL JEWISH GAL SEEKING FRIENDSHIP IN WESTCHESTER. Enjoys chatting at local cafes, animals of all types, low key outdoor adventures, veggie food and singing too loud to obnoxious ‘90s boy bands. Reply here.
MANDY PATINKIN’S GRANDDAUGHTER… not really but am obsessed with him and could potentially be his granddaughter in another life. I’m a 22 gf vegan (annoying I know) looking for a queer pen pal and/or zoom buddy to chat all things queerness, jewishness and maybe even do virtual bake seshes with! Originally from Long-guy-land but living in Liverpool now! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted June 24, 2021:
OLD FASHIONED CONNECTION. 21 y/o non binary person looking for a pen pal! Letters are so fun and I tend to be extra about them. A friendship over snail mail is so meaningful. And we can be dramatic and pretend to write to our husbands at war or something. Xo Reply here.
LATE 20s TEXAN LADY seeking NJB or NJG with bi-wife energy so I can stop disappointing my parents and settle down. I enjoy food and traveling, typically at the same time. I’m also really into anime and need someone I can geek out with from time to time. I’m a cat person looking for a golden retriever s/o. Reply here.
FUN, SMART, SENSITIVE 21 Y/O GUY looking for a NJG in the College Park, MD area. My hobbies include video games (both playing and coding), baking challah, watching New Girl and West Wing, going out for bubble tea and ramen, and reading fantasy novels. My Jewish mother will probably like you more than she likes me. I will send you memes at all hours of the day. Reply here.
30 Y/O LEFTY LESBIAN VIRGO in D.C. seeks NJG in the DMV. Let’s share banter, romcoms, bread products. Here for deep dives into Jewish thought and each other. Reply here.
EX-ORTHODOX BROOKLYN JEWESS (24 y/o) looking for a local well-adjusted man on his own derech to (seriously) date. About me: loves reading, art, mostly nice, very social, and a solid 7/10. I know enough Yiddish to impress your bubby and hoping you’ll know the words that I don’t to impress mine in return. Reply here.
HOOSIER IN HOUSTON (33F) ISO female friends in Space City. I’m not new to the city but introverted enough that it feels that way. Likes cats, building things, and museums. Hoping to get back in touch with Judaism, maybe with a dash of hippy-witch vibes and sarcasm for good measure. I’m in that weird in-between part of life after settling down but before kids and marriage. Let’s talk over tacos! Reply here.
JEWISH PROFESSIONAL/DOG MOM (25, F) seeks love (M) in San Francisco. New to the city and now that things are opening up I want someone who wants to explore the city with me during the day, let me cook dinner for them, and snuggle up with me and my pup at night! Reply here.
QUEER CHUTZPANIK SEEKING PLANS. I am a 23 y/o queer woman new to Nashville, TN. Likes: funky earrings, body art, talmud & social justice. Dislikes: sports, being called the wrong name & injustice. I’m interested in spending time with any 20-something Jews (of all genders) in the area, friendship and maybe more! Reply here.
DEDICATED YOUNG WRITER (M, 27) looking for writing partner to both create great work and kvetch together — whether in person or virtually. I’m mourning the death of bohemia and the public intellectuals and I am longing for a return to that era. If you’re a writer who thinks outside the box and is looking for artistic companionship, let’s support each other! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted June 17, 2021:
CARIOCA GEORGE COSTANZA TYPE (30-something) looks for the NJG lox to his NJB bagel in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to geek about TV shows, cooking, Shabbat dinners, movies, cuddles and everything else. Must have a sense of humor, good appetite, and tolerance for bad jokes and puns. Reply here.
ISO SHABBAT DINNER GUESTS IN SOUTHERN AZ. 26 y/o Mizrahi weirdo and her 32 y/o non-Jewish, Black male partner seek radical, interfaith/interracial/Sephardi/Mizrahi couples and families to be our Shabbat dinner guests in southern Arizona. We’re vaxxed, he’s a professional cook (I’m good too!), and we’re craving a fun, supportive, and nourishing community of people like us. Let’s build it together! Reply here.
28 Y/O LEFTIE IN TORONTO SEEKING HER NJB. Half Sephardic Egyptian, half Ashkenazi, so I make latkes and shakshuka that will change your life. Let’s geek out on musical theatre and swap our mom’s challah recipes. Reply here.
LATE 20s FEMALE ~JEWISH PROFESSIONAL~ IN BOSTON looking for community, kisses, and someone to tag in my favorite memes. Bisexual, usually yelling about pop music or clinging to my glue gun. I tend to take things seriously, but I’m still pretty funny 😊 Reply here.
31 Y/O LESBIAN SEEKING HER BASHERT (ATL). I’m just a girl, standing in front of you, asking for a bite of your food after I said I wasn’t hungry. Seeking: kind, career oriented, NJG who values clear communication. Let’s go on an adventure together. Reply here.
NEW-TO-NOVA LIBRARIAN (26 y/o) seeking queer Jewish community and friendship. Let’s bake challah, share book recommendations (duh!) and hike cool trails! Reply here.
25 Y/O GAL IN LA SEEKING A ROMANTIC PARTNER WITH BI WIFE ENERGY. Together we can go on all the hikes, walk through art galleries, and mildly disappoint our families because of tattoos. 🖤 Bonus points if you’ll rewatch Avatar the Last Airbender with me. Reply here.
NEW FRIENDS IN EDINBURGH? Hey pals! I am a 23 y/o bi NJG from Canada moving to Edinburgh for school and looking to make new friends. Friendship comes with (overly dense – looking at you yeast) challah on Fridays and a laugh over some Manischewitz (read: tequila). Hit me up if you want to hang. Please. Pandemic moves are scary. Reply here.
Reply to a classified post June 10, 2021:
WANNABE BALABOOSTA (23 y/o) looking for my Sam the pickle man to cross Delancey & come find me in Brooklyn. Me: “favorite grandma” energy, love knitting, languages & buying too many Jewish history books. ISO Yiddishkeit loving traveler to sing nigunim, tell me bedtime stories & hug me like it’s his job. Reply here.
NEW-IN-TOWN LEFTIST SEEKING COMMUNITY (23, Cambridge). I’m moving in July and want to meet other Boston 20-somethings. Let’s go to protests & grab bagels! Me: Jew-ish, she/her, queer, hwc grad, likes poetry & museums. You: down for zine-making on Shabbat, don’t care that I’m a scorpio double gemini. Reply here.
EARLY 20s NJGOC (Nice Jewish Girl of Color) in Austin, TX looking for a women or non-binary person to romance. I WILL make you shakshuka and knafeh, don’t even sweat. I’m also a (hopeful) future rabbi and speak Hebrew and Yiddish, so you’re sure to make your mom proud by bringing me home 😉 Reply here.
NJB (27) SEEKING NJG IN BROOKLYN/NYC. Loves hiking, taking photos, and enjoying life. Foodie looking for someone fun. 4/20 friendly a plus. Reply here.
23 Y/O MOVING TO BOULDER SEEKING ROOMIES & FRIENDS. Relocating to Boulder this summer and would love to find housemates or friends who like going on walks, baking challah, buying too many houseplants, and geeking over dogs. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR THE JON OSSOFF TO MY DR. ALISHA KRAMER (WSM, 23F) in MN. Aspiring doctor skilled at coping w/ existential dread and dysfunctional family dynamics. Seeking man who is down to co-parent 2 cats and thrive as 1/2 of an iconic middle-aged Jewish couple. Reply here.
TORONTO CHALLAH BAKING QUEEN (29) looking for NJB soulmate to swap camp stories, laugh until I snort, and raise future mensch babies. Faves include my chaotic kitty, musicals, social justice, and rewatching sitcoms. Let’s get chai & makeout by the campfire. Seth Rogen lookalikes encouraged to apply. Reply here.
31 Y/O FULLY VAXXED, NEARLY CONVERTED, SYNAGOGUE EMPLOYED blundstone bisexual leftist seeks chavruta partner for torah study & complex convos on the lake, in the forest, over boba. New to Seattle, generally looking for queer Jewish non-men friends with chill but not careless energy. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted posted June 3, 2021:
LESBIAN LARRY DAVID (27, NYC) ISO a lady or NB love. Me: eavesdropper, gets lost while using Google Maps, too afraid to ask to pet dogs but always wants to, discusses next meal while eating current meal. You: funny, kind, introspective. Reply here.
BORSCHT BELT ENTHUSIAST SEEKS MIDWEST MIDGE MAISEL to deli hop with. 25 y/o Chicago area NJB in search of local NJG (21-26). Hobbies include admiring dogs in public, cheering on Chicago sports teams and going to Target way too often. Are you Team Applesauce or Sour Cream? Reply here
QUEER JEWISH HOTTIE LOOKING FOR SAME. Living in Oregon, early 20s, AMAB nonbinary, looking for NJB. I’m obsessed with baking, climbing, crafting and the occasional plant murder 🙁 hoping to find a queer hottie located on the west coast who can take me camping and teach me how to keep a plant alive. Reply here
LONDON BORN AND BRE(A)D NJB LOOKING FOR A NJG. I’m an amateur lock-down baker looking for someone to buy a KitchenAid with. I enjoy running, cycling and bouldering — but equally happy with a lazy weekend watching films. Reply here
LONDON-BASED FEMALE 28 Y/O NJG SEEKING NJB. Looking for a guy to explore new restaurants with as they open back up! You have to be open to me co-ordering food so we can try as much of every menu as possible. Reply here
23 Y/O VENEZULAN NJG SEEKING FEMALE ROOMMATE IN L.A. Recent architect grad moving this Sept. in search of a Masters Degree, new adventures and a cool roommate to make the most out of post-COVID life, including but not limited to: making arepas, sharing skin care routines and becoming TikTok famous. Reply here
NEW TO THE PUGET SOUND AREA (mid 20s, she/her/hers) looking for a small group of queer-friendly, not-so-kosher people to take turns hosting Shabbos meals with. I’ll bring the babka and the brisket, you bring your favorites to the table! Reply here
29 Y/O QUEER JEWISH WOMAN SEEKING LOVE, PARTNERSHIP & A HIKING BUDDY IN CLEVELAND. Me: pediatrician, Arbeter Ring type, loves hiking, cooking, and justice work. You: earnest, kind, independent, serious goofball who loves the outdoors, the indoors, and my cat. Let’s have a picnic on the lake together. Reply here
ALMOST 30 Y/O BISEXUAL NJG IN THE CLE SEEKING ROMANTIC PARTNER for Shabbat dinners, adventure and cuddles. Bonus points (but life is like whose line is it anyways and the points don’t matter) for having a love of musicals, Jewish food and humor. Challah at me for bad puns and witty banter. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted May 27, 2021:
VENEZUELAN NJB IN MIAMI (24) looking for a NJG to appreciate intense dad humor and watch endless movies and shows with me. Will you be the Jess to my Schmidt, the S2 Stevie to my David (fwb), or the Golde to my Tevye? We’ll find out on the next episode of Alma Classifieds. Reply here.
A FLASHY GIRL FROM FLUSHING… not so flashy but do enjoy reruns of “The Nanny.” 37 y/o F in Riverdale NY in search of a NJB a la Mr. Sheffield but Jewish. Charming accent a plus but not a dealbreaker. Must love dogs, enjoy the outdoors, and be kindhearted. Reply here.
ASPIRING CONVERT LOOKING FOR FRIENDSHIP (late 20s). I live in the NoVA area of Virginia and am looking for a group of friends to plug into. Hobbies include dog walking, going to queer spaces, and hanging by fire pits. I have a super cool partner who enjoys the same. I would love to connect with converts and mentors alike! Reply here.
ALMOST 30 Y/O PARISIAN GIRL LOOKING FOR A MALE-TYPE SOMEONE to introduce to my parents, and maybe share a beautiful love story with. I’ve been called a “voluptuous yum-yum” on the internet, I will always be the first to dance on the bar, and am most likely planning some kind of trip somewhere. With you? Reply here.
BBE: BIG BUBBE ENERGY ISO her bashert. Almost 26 y/o gal, NYC native and therapist ISO a thoughtful and compassionate lover of Yiddishkeit with commiserate BBE or BZE (big zayde energy — all genders welcome!). Lover of soul music a plus, but lover of food is a must! Upper West Side, NYC. Reply here.
JEWBU BAY AREA WOMAN (mid-30s) looking for an intelligent, kind man to nap next to at the beach and sing poorly with in the car. Into rock climbing, comedy, NPR, psychology and smelling the jasmine blossoms in my neighborhood. Let me make dinner, but burn it a little because I get distracted by you. Reply here.
FULLY VACCINATED 21 Y/O NJG SEEKING NJG in western Mass or the DMV (I bounce around for school). Love talking about women’s rights, Harry Potter and one-pot dinner recipes. Must be bold enough to ask strangers if I can pet their dog because I chicken out sometimes. Reply here.
SPICY JEWESS (26, Edinburgh) seeks Spicy Jewish Man. Must be able to handle the spicy love I add to my dishes; food is my love language. I love to study and hope to one day be fluent in Hebrew. Brownie points if you can help. Book lover and crocheter extraordinaire, our Purim costumes will be amazing. Reply here.
CRAFTY HIGH SCHOOL JEW looking 4 a penpal who will do craft gift exchanges w me and let me write you letters abt queer jewish communism 🙂 i want 2 send u little drawings of my cats and tales of life. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted May 20, 2021:
BI WOMAN FEMINIST KILLJOY (29) seeks romance via witty banter and hot kinky sex in the Bay Area. Must love my grumpy pug as a son (and agree the only grandkids we can provide are dogs). My love language is Jewish mothering you with my vegetarian cooking and baking. Are you the Patrick to my David Rose? Reply here.
NJG OUT HERE IN ST. PAUL (21) looking for a spicy summer romance. Into reading, plants, swimming and eye contact. A bit neurotic but I make up for it with my dry humor and endless Pixar references. Will also accept friends, pen pals and lovers. Reply here.
CRAZY 20 Y/O GAY MIAMI BOY. Just looking for a man with Jewish values to spend the rest of my life with. About to graduate university next semester and getting my masters in anesthesia. Can someone cook for me? Reply here.
FEYGELE FROM LA (mid-20s) looking to meet a queer Chasid and/or native Yiddish speaker to teach me how to flirt in the mamaloshen. Strictly shmooze … or make me your Shabbos queen? Reply here.
26 Y/O WOMAN IN BOSTON SEEKS A NJB to have Shabbat dinner on Fridays, go hiking on Saturdays, and attempt the crossword on Sundays. By day I teach kids to talk, by night I dream about my future dog(s). I’ll teach you how to make challah if you reach the top shelves for me. Reply here.
BI ROMANTIC ASEXUAL GIRL FROM TORONTO (22 y/o) currently at veterinary school in London UK. You can tell your bubbie you’re dating a future “dogtor.” Anyone know where to get good bagels around here? Reply here.
ZAFTIG BOTTLE REDHEAD, 27, interested in art and architecture, seeks nice Jewish boy or girl in Houston with whom to watch old British comedy shows and visit museums. Kosher and shomer Shabbos not required. Similar age range preferred. Reply here.
JEWISH LESBIAN MOVING TO INDIANA for graduate school realized that in her new graduate program that there are no other Jewish people. Anyone in their mid 20s or above living in the Indianapolis area: I’d love to connect! Not necessarily looking for romance only, but would love to meet other sapphic women. Bonus points if you have a cute dog or cat I can hug and give pets to! Reply here.
STRIKING NJB SEEKING ANOTHER. 26 y/o Denver man looking for mister right, seeking a mensch who wants to be adventurous, travel, and is ready to be spoiled. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted May 6, 2021
GAY PSEUDO-GINGER IN AMSTERDAM (31 y/o) seeking Taika Waititi-type. Hobbies include Latin American history, reading about the Jewish diaspora on Wikipedia, and decorating my new apartment. My brand of Judaism is singing the Shehecheyanu when a friend had her first threesome. Want to be my boyfriend? Reply here.
MAPLE SYRUP LOVING MODOX 26 y/o Canadian man seeks a shomer shabbos woman to cuddle under quilts during the long winters and frolic amongst the fireflies during summer. Fresh out of grad school and willing to travel; let’s go on an adventure. Reply here.
ASPIRING CONVERT (25, nonbinary femme) seeking Jewish mentors and friends (any age and gender) in the Nashville area. In search of solidarity and guidance in exchange for my freshly baked goods and appetite for open-minded connection. Challah at me! Reply here.
LOOKING FOR THE CREAM CHEESE TO MY CAPER. I’m a 27-ish woman looking for an Ossoff-like guy to explore these strange pandemic times with. LA-based preferred. Reply here.
NICE JEWISH THEY (23/nb) in Montreal, looking for other queer Jews to befriend and/or smooch. When I’m not working at a vegan restaurant, I write indie folk music. I’m a lover of kvetching, cooking, baking (I can make bagels!) and Taylor Swift. Looking forward to connecting with other Shabbat Shalomosexuals! Reply here.
AMERICAN JEWESS LIVING IN LONDON (27, Scorpio) for graduate school looking to find my British beau. I’m just looking for someone to rule the world with (but not in a eldersofzionnewworldorder kind of way, just a cute power couple kind of deal). Reply here.
YOUNG PATRILINEAL UKRANIAN JEW FROM KRAKOW, searching for a pen pal to talk about Jewish communities all over the world, actors you didn’t know were Jewish, baking challah, and new shows on Netflix. I would share anything you want to know about the patrilineal Jewish Ukrainian struggle and send you a postcard from the Kazimierz (Jewish district of Krakow). Shall we? Reply here.
29 Y/O CURLY HAIRED JEWISH GAL recently relocated to Minneapolis after years of bouncing around the globe seeks a same-ish age gentleman and Jewish community to share post-pandemic Shabbat dinners with. Must love the outdoors and be willing to enable my baking/cooking habit. Reply here.
MIKE, 31, QUEENS NEW YORK, INTERESTED IN WOMEN, DOG DAD (DACHSHUND). Looking for a real in-person connection, a best friend and eventual partner. Enjoys weekly shiur, hosting dinners, and is a regular at the gym. Looking to connect for long-term. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted April 29, 2021
BE THE RACHEL GREEN TO MY MONICA GELLER IN NYC. Or the Abby to my Ilana (if they lived together). 23 y/o future Manhattanite seeking a roomie (or roomies) for summer 2021! If you are a 20-something looking for a chill, clean, Jew-ish space, HMU. Roomie refs available upon request. Reply here.
MALE NPR LISTENER seeks other male self-aware elitist for Ina Garten seance. This mid-20s Chicago resident is looking for a partner in thyme for occasional Shabbat dinner parties, bar trivia, afternoons at the lake, and rezzies for two. Stanley Tucci — call me? Reply here.
27 Y/O SINGLE DOG MOM SEEKS FATHER FIGURE FOR DOG. Must be easy to laugh and willing to take the dog out during a Chicago winter. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR FRIENDS THAT ARE LOX OF FUN. Curious female/27/Milwaukee. Fancy an exhausted teacher that enjoys many conversation strands and asking questions? I always enjoy reading the stories and thoughts of others. Looking to connect with other Jewish folks. All yours for our standard postage rate. Reply here.
GAY ASPIRING LAWYER, 20, based out of Montreal. Currently taking care of Bubbie in quarantine like the classic NJB I aspire to be. Looking for someone to run with me in the morning and cuddle up to argue about the news at the end of the day. What I lack in height I make up for in Persian cooking. Reply here.
19 Y/O FRENCH (LYON) STUDENT IN PROCESS OF CONVERSION, looking for Jewish friends or more (I’m bi) to help me discover the best in Judaism. I like music, reading, movies, food, and really open to learning new things. Don’t be shy and text me. Reply here.
BORED IN THE BERKSHIRES. Lots of new folks have rolled into town over the last year while I’ve been looking for a COVID cutie of my own. I’m a seasoned local who knows good winter hiking spots and (secret) summer swimming holes. I’m a young female professional (26, no back pain yet!) working full time for a local non-profit until I move to Boston in August. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted April 22, 2021
IN THRALL TO THE GREEN OWL? Late 20s Jewish Brooklynite looking for a few of the same to make a Yiddish Groupchat while we try to keep our Duolingo streaks going and learn the mame loshn. Maybe when it’s safe we can use our drink ordering skills and have Yiddish Language Coffee Hour. Reply here.
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES GRAD STUDENT (23/f) in Baton Rouge, looking for friends around the same age and maybe same occupation/interests. I miss having Jewish friends, and I’ve struggled to find a Jewish community I fit in in the area. I like anything outdoors, sports, good beer and food, and good books. Reply here.
MIDWESTERN TRADITIONAL REFORM RABBINICAL STUDENT living in Brooklyn (for now!) looking for their partner in kosher crime! Loves baking, reading, singing way too loudly on Shabbat, and talking about his time in Israel. Non-binary (he/they), 23, and looking for men/other non-binary folks. Reply here.
NEW YORK JEW RECENTLY TURNED LONDON JEW (26, female) looking for Jewish pals to show me where to find the best bagel on this side of the Atlantic. Reply here.
CURVY & CURLY NICE JEWISH GIRL (20-something) in Tel Aviv is looking for her open-minded and kind NJB. Hobbies include going to the beach, arts, writing, attending protests, and eye-rolling at hipsters. Reply here.
FUNNY GIRL LOOKING FOR LATE-IN-LIFE LOVE! Straight woman (61) living in the NYC tri-state area looking for love and companionship! Greatest joy is my daughter (28) with travel, museums, and Masterpiece Mystery tied for 2nd place. Must be a mensch. Larry David-esq kvetching accepted. Reply here.
27 Y/O SAN DIEGO OUTDOORSY REFORM JEWISH GAL looking for pals in America’s Finest City. Camping, hiking, coffee dates, brewery hoppin’, casual Shabbat dinners, trivia nights, making fun of movies so bad they’re good — did we just become best friends?! Join me on the quest for the best bagel in SD. Reply here.
NORTH CAROLINA-BASED JOURNALIST looking for someone to share memes and dreams and pictures of our day. 29, reform, white, she/her, bi/pan/queer, 2 dogs. Would love an in-person friend or something more romantic, but open to exploring any kind of relationship at any kind of distance. All genders loved and accepted, unless you’re a Virgo (kidding. Kind of). Reply here.
QUEER JEWISH POET & HISTORY STUDENT (20) seeking epistolary pals. Located in Amherst, MA but craving long distance written connections. Lover of trees, caffeinated beverages, and explaining away my life through astrology. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted April 15, 2021
NYC MAHJONG GAME? Did you grow up with the sounds of tiles being mixed? Do you want to experience the thrill of winning a whole 75 cents? We’re two mid-20s Jewish women who want to continue the tradition of a mahjong game. We’re beginners, so anyone in the NYC area who wants to learn with us is welcome! (We will not be getting those awful white lady “stylish” sets.) Reply here.
NON-BINARY MANHATTANITE WITH BABY FEVER. 36 y/o in a long-term and long-distance relationship looking for a platonic co-parent in NYC with whom to have and raise a Jewish child. Any gender OK, since we live in the future. No Republicans. Reply here.
BALTIMORE YENTA SEEKING ABBIS & ILANAS. 27 y/o bisexual gal, recently moved to Baltimore and ISO a gaggle of fellow kweens. Together we could: have high crafting nights, interpretative dance to Alanis Morrissette, do witchy shit, mimic Love Island accents, frolic in the outdoors, etc. Reply here.
27 Y/O NYC GAY MAN SEEKS YOUNG ELLIOT GOULD LOOKALIKE. Additional Barbra Streisand references welcome as we spend weeknights trying new NYC restaurants and spend the weekend road tripping across the northeast. Bonus points if you’re into cycling, theatre, and having an emergency babka in the house at all times. Reply here.
QUEER, CULTURALLY JEWISH PUNK NERD SEEKS SAME. Me: 29, curvy-short, femme, tattoos. You: A human person. Let’s read next to each other on the couch, scream-sing New Wave to each other, and see whose grandma’s brisket is better. Denver-area preferred, but, hey, whatever. Reply here.
MID-30s NJB SHUTTLING BETWEEN FORT COLLINS & AUSTIN/SA. Currently in grad school for music education. Punk rock bassist/vocalist and classical French horn player. Impulsive buyer of one-way tickets to countries I know next to nothing about. Would cherish a meaningful relationship with a NJG. Reply here.
PANSEXUAL PHILLY GIRL LOOKING FOR LOVE IN PITTSBURGH. Finally ready to let myself love again, and you should be, too. I’m a bit like the female version of Schmidt, looking for a CeCe or Nick to fall in love with. Gender doesn’t matter, but I’d prefer someone younger than 32. Reply here.
EX-ORTHODOX FEMALE ZILLENNIAL WRITER & ARTIST still vibing to chassidish music. Looking for a big ideas x big heart kinda guy in NYC to eat my food, exchange dope playlists, make Big Plans (travel, heal the world, bagels.), explore a new denomination (culturally Orthodox?), and read to me at night. Reply here.
PATRILINEAL JEW VERY EXCITEDLY BEING DUNKED IN THE MIKVEH (30F) to be Officially Jewish™️ by Halacha seeks friend/acquaintance/stranger to be there so I’m not alone. Will provide breakfast and wear a mask (am also fully vaccinated like any good dog) and will be your friend for as long as you want. From Tulsa, but being yeeted in the water in the DC area. Reply here.
Reply to a classified post April 7, 2021
JEWISH ELLIOT PAGE (27, nonbinary/transmasculine) seeks grounded, compassionate femme-leaning creative spirit for partnership and joy. Me: NYC-based, monog playwright with a penchant for old movies, Italian wine, and Southern literature, and a face your Bubbe will love. Reply here.
MID 20S FEMALE CHICAGO TOWNIE SEEKS NJB. Accidental Jewish professional born and raised in the windy city looking for leftist Nice Jewish Boy. Must be down with community organizing, taste testing my challah experiments, listening to This American Life, picking up bagels on Sunday mornings, and long walks on the 606. Reply here.
UNDER-ROMANCED ROMANTIC IN AUSTIN, TX! Twenty-something NJG seeking same, must love dogs and Shakespeare. Let me bake you vegan challah, write you love poetry, and tell you funny stories about my middle school students. Reply here.
21 Y/O GUY FROM AMSTERDAM looking for someone to (virtually) talk about what Judaism can mean in a modern world. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR A DYKE TO DISAPPOINT MAIMONIDES WITH. 31 y/o Portland Jewish goblingirlthing. Passionate about Judaism, nihilist memes, dancing in the dark, finding myself. Are you looking for yourself too? Maybe we can meet in the middle. (Long distance okay.) Reply here.
STRAIGHT JEWISH MAN STUDYING FOR A PhD (26) in North London. Looking for guinea pigs and love. Will provide Finsbury Park beigels in return for experiment participation. Ideal participant should enjoy birdwatching, Pilates, and bringing in the Shabbas with some smooth — or rough — jazz. Reply here.
A PHILLY GIRL (32) moving to Tel Aviv with her Israeli husband. Looking for new friends to go with the new life! Big fan of being outdoors, drag queens, and bourekas. Reply here.
NYC DOG LOVER SEEKS HUMAN PILLOW. This 31 y/o enjoys long walks on the beach (Riverside Park), tragic old photos, and a balanced diet of Sweetgreen and chocolate. Seeking a man who can make her laugh while checking the closet for monsters. Ready for her Safta to stop asking if she’s still single. Reply here.
OUTGOING BALTIMORE-BASED AGNOSTIC JEW (23) currently working in Major League Baseball. Enthusiastic about space, photography, sitcoms, Spongebob memes, and dogs. Looking to make local friends with similar interests!! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted April 1, 2021
24 Y/O GAY JEWISH PLANT DAD seeking DILF-in-training. I’m a medical student in Miami — I know, the Jewish doctor bit has been done — but I promise I can outshine others with some good Mizrahi cooking skills, an easygoing demeanor, and my post-braces smile. Reply here.
LESBIAN BOCHUR4BOCHUR. What if… we kissed in the yeshiva… but we were both women? Looking for a dyke with Avigdor energy for fierce & hot Talmud debates that end with you clamping your hand over my mouth. 25/London, UK. Reply here.
WRITING NERD STUCK AT HOME SEEKS PENPAL. Passionate about baking, Broadway, comics & geeking out over Jewish representation in books, movies, TV, etc. I’m currently a college girl, so must be 18-23. Can’t wait to meet you, new friend! Reply here.
18 Y/O ANXIETY-FILLED JEWISH GIRL looking for a NJB to connect with in Leiden (the Netherlands). Must be comfortable with awkward silences, my inability to bake challah, and my ongoing affair with the temptation to disappear into the Scottish highlands. Reply here.
CAST IRON QUEER SEEKS ROMANTIC LOVE. Let’s cook a meal others would call too rich with ingredients from our garden, then share cleanup as we dance in the kitchen. Seeking deep love to grow in tenderness together. 28, non-binary, white, disabled, Jewish, in therapy. North Carolina locals to the front! Reply here.
YOUNG 20s GAL LOOKING FOR FRIENDSHIP IN DC. Previously spent a year convincing Jewish grandmothers to vote. Trying to build the ULTIMATE squad of bakers, hikers, and kvetchers. We will go on adventures big (maybe going tubing in Richmond, VA) and small (dancing down the street to get bagels). Reply here.
IRAQI JEWISH TEXAN GAL seeks NJB. 38 y/o in Austin looking for funny, kind bear that appreciates a perfect everything bagel. Long distance OK. I’ll make coffee if you take us on a road trip to nowhere in particular. I can cook but you won’t love it — I have cuddles and awful jokes to make up for it. Reply here.
TORONTO MUSIC NERD WITH A NUT ALLERGY (29). Ladies, he’s got it all! I’m a songwriter, jazz student, and Beach Boys fanboy. Looking for a musical/artistic woman that can put my record collection and shakshuka recipe to shame (yes, that is a challenge). Let’s take it slow and see where we go ✌🏻 Reply here.
27 Y/O REFORM JEWESS IN VANCOUVER, BC looking for a Jewish best friend to have morning coffee dates, late night drinks, and long walks to Solley’s together. My interests include tattoos, video games, and reading. Anyone interested in getting greasy takeout and binge watching The Office? Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted March 25, 2021
TRADITION, TRADITION… Parents met via a Jewish newspaper classifieds ad so here I am hoping their luck is genetic. Female (21) from CA living in PA, moving to NY. Loves music, dance, and languages. Reform/Conservative, likes men/women. Seeking a well-spoken, funny partner who loves music and the arts. Reply here.
9th GENERATION JAMAICAN OF SEPHARDIC DESCENT (m), Irish Catholic (p), 29, 6’2 and tons of fun, references avail. Looking for a bright, strong, independent woman with a smile that melts hearts to explore, adventure, and grow with. Sailor, brewer, director of synagogue. On-island or willing to try. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR LOVE WITHOUT PROCREATION. 37yo Ashkenazi cis/het woman in the Bay Area. Teacher, anti-racist, reader, intellectual, sassy. I love integrity, wits, and some height (I’m 5’8″). In person preferred, if you’re in my homeland (LA, CA) that’s okay, too. 😉 Reply here.
BLACK JEWISH NON-BINARY POLY FEMME looking for a femme friend in the Salt Lake City area. Late 30s, looking for same or older. We could be just friends, it could develop into something more. Open to all possibilities. I love anime, video games, and shopping at Trader Joe’s. Reply here.
EX-SOVIET RUSSIAN-SPEAKING JEWISH GRANDMA (90) seeking pen/phone pal. Located in the greater Chicago area but open to pen pals from other areas. Freshly widowed and vaccinated, so bittersweet is the current vibe. Willing to part with my borscht recipe for friendship. Reply here.
SEEKING A GAY EUROPEAN NICE JEWISH BOY. I’m an 18 y/o male, Sephardic, Reform Jew and a first year uni student looking for another guy I can connect and travel with. I’m a hopeless romantic who loves theatre, books, indie music/films, and anything Ben Platt. I’m open to anyone in Europe, just be around my age. Reply here.
QUEER STONER NEW TO TOWN. Me: Trans man, 23, recently moved to Brooklyn, looking for friends and a relationship, absolutely loves to cook, and will also clean dishes after! You: Any gender, loves food, not an asshole, and lover of the Oxford comma. Reply here.
WEIRDO ARTSY PROFESSIONAL SEEKING SOULMATE (WSM). I am a 30yo baby doctor in Chicago who loves Yiddish, my tiny dog, art, movies, bird watching, reality TV, the moon, and eating pasta. Ideal date night involves sharing lofty ideas, screaming about radical social justice, and giggling. Reply here.
FEMALE PHOTOGRAPHER making work about Jewish ritual and collective memory. Just moved to New England and am looking to connect with new people to photograph! Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted March 18, 2021:
SEEKING MY BI BASHERT. NJB (nice Jewish bisexual) seeking other nice Jewish bisexuals for a blue-purple-pink hued love story. 24 and moving to NYC soon, where we can hold hands and walk across bridges like an indie film. Let’s get a jumpstart on our forever and text to pass the time. Reply here.
QUEER & ANGRY & I CAN’T DRIVE. (19) I’ve been told I give off forest fairy vibes. If you live in LA can I please pet your dog? Or cat, I’m not prejudiced. I like plants more than people but I’m looking for new friends to help me plant flowers. Reply here.
SOUTHERN NJB SEEKS HIS JEWISH QUEEN. Looking for a girl who values education, career goals, and Jewish identity as much as I do. Points for being a musician/artist like I am. Will impress your parents and Bubbe or your money back! Reply here.
23-YEAR-OLD SLIGHTLY ANXIOUS JEWISH GIRL working in fashion, looking for other nice/stylish/fun Jews in the Tokyo area. I have yet to find any other Jews here so wondering if we exist? I’m looking for a friend I can confide in! Reply here.
BUXOM JEWESS SEEKS JEWISH FEMINIST BASHERT. 28-year-old baby rabbi w/ great curls & glasses game. Enjoys: niggunim, cholent, Torah. Hobbies: making crafts, writing poems, Netflix. You: a self-actualized man who wears Tevas, Berks, or Chacos, & is ready for this jelly. NY-based, new-job-&-city-bound. Reply here.
27-YEAR-OLD QUEER JEWTINA IN PHILLY looking for my vivacious NJG beshert. I love microbreweries, kosher Latin food, and come with two adorable rescue dogs. Let’s plan post-vaccination road trips over tehina shakes from Goldie. Based in PHL but open to PGH/NYC-area NJGs. Reply here.
ALLERGY-BRACELET WEARING STRAIGHT FEMALE (21) looking for a gentle soul who is okay avoiding shellfish so my throat doesn’t close. Would love a NF NJB (nut-free NJB) to bake with, sing poorly with, and take art classes with. I am based in the Cleveland area but willing to travel for love. Reply here.
25-YEAR-OLD LOOKING FOR A PEN PAL! Interested in unique ways to be Jewish, true crime, reading & book clubs, & crafting. Based in NOLA but happy to write to anyone, anywhere! Really hoping to find someone who is interested in a long term pen pal friendship, not just 1 or 2 letters. With patience tho, ofc. Reply here.
HEART-CENTERED EMPATH SEEKING SAME. 27-year-old jewess in search of an LA-based hebrew, shebrew, or theybrew who shares a love of kitty cats, ‘90s fashion, hip hop, antiquing, and intersectional feminism. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted March 11, 2021:
SEEKING THE MAYA TO MY NATASHA. New-to-the-Tribe elder millennial searching for a co-star to share pop culture hot takes, existential dread, & equal billing on the inevitable film about the healing effect our witty banter will have on humanity. Deep love of late ‘90s pop strongly encouraged. Reply here.
EXHAUSTED, SINGLE, AND 30. Nice queer Jewish girl looking for a nice queer Jewish girl to live through this forever pandemic with. Comes with dying plants, a love of true crime, documentaries, road trips, and parents who are desperate for a wedding and grandchildren. Near spooky scary Salem, MA. Reply here.
NJB IN MINNEAPOLIS (26) seeks a local Jewish gal to enjoy Shabbat dinners, rooftop breweries, and lake life. Let’s peruse the aisles of Costco together and talk about scuba diving. If you’re a fan of cabin snuggles and making sushi, we may just be beshert. Hoping to make my mother proud! Reply here.
WRITE WITH ME. West Coast lefty, queer, Mexican, femme, and budding Jewish calligrapher seeking a chevruta to beautify the letters, share notes on a balanced reish, and practice writing lefty one-liners (tzedek, tzedek tirdof; na’aseh v’nishma). I use she/her pronouns, live in Seattle, and go to bed early. Let’s write together! Reply here.
27-YEAR-OLD QUEER LADY CAPRICORN dipping my toes back into the NYC dating life with the vaccine on the horizon. I love the beach and I miss going dancing. Down for distance dates, flirty texting & maybe more. All genders, no assholes. Reply here.
NEW CONVERT LOOKING FOR LOVE. 23 years old nonbinary/transmasc (he/they), bisexual, Philly-based, Reconstructionist convert. Seeking fun, passionate person that loves poetry and television and movies. Message me what your fave Jewish holiday is and fave Jewish TV character. 20+ only please. Reply here.
28-YEAR-OLD JEWESS FROM TORONTO looking for my NJB. JSwipe just isn’t cutting it for me these days. I bake a mean challah and am great with Bubbies and Zaidies. You’ll really want to take me home to meet them. Willing to relocate. Reply here.
YOU AND ME ON THE COUCH, cats curled up nearby. My head is on your lap, you stroking my hair while you read me your favourite words about liberation. Tell me what those would be. Me: 32, queer femme, double fire sign, based in Belgium. Looking for 27+, no cis men pls. Reply here.
SEEKING JEWISH CONTINUITY (AKA SPERM PLEASE). Jewish postdoc researcher in CA wants a baby, and no further obligation from you. It’s a mitzvah, let’s make a v cute, future doctor. Nerds to the front, please, and especially interested in Mizrahi donors. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted March 4, 2021:
AMERICAN LOST IN TEL AVIV. 25-year-old female looking for a curly haired boy with a goofy sense of humor to go on long camping trips and start a stardew valley co-op farm with. Let’s fight about the correct way to make latkes. Based in TLV but moving to the DC area soon so open to any. Reply here.
GOING POSTAL & LOOKING FOR PEN PALS. Typewriter and vintage stamp-loving Chicago millennial (she/her) is seeking pen pals from anywhere and everywhere. Global and stateside welcome. Interests include: theatre, baking, Jewish king Jack Antonoff’s impact on pop music, and Stanley Tucci’s new Italy show. Reply here.
STRAIGHT CREATIVE-TYPE DORKY MALE SEEKING BESHERT. Me: Writer and software guy (32) looking for a challah-baking better half (the better shouldn’t be hard) in/around PA to accompany me on adventures (read: netflix and cheese). Must like energetic Pomeranians and a good kvetch. Reply here.
LOOKING TO HAVE A BIG LESBIAN CRUSH ON YOU. Me: nice Jewish girl. You: nice Jewish doctor/lawyer/pharm girl or similar. Let’s binge watch Schitt’s Creek, take our shelter dogs to the brewery, and bake hamantaschen with Bubbe. Near ATL. Reply here.
20-YEAR-OLD MODERN ORTHODOX GIRL in New York City looking for my bochur to go on long Shabbos walks with and explore all the kosher restaurants in New York City. I need the beshert of my dreams so the ladies at shul stop asking to set me up with their grandsons. Reply here.
QUEER JEWISH FEMME STONER (26) seeks affectionate anti-capitalist living near D.C. Me: consent educator from CA. Likes cooking, music, dancing, nature, and reality tv. Ready to shower you w/ affirmations & memes. ISO: witty, tender, monog cutie, down for communication, cuddles, and collective liberation. Reply here.
LATE TWENTIES WRITER IN ZURICH, SWITZERLAND SEEKING FRIENDSHIP. Looking for another Jewish woman to go on hikes, have coffee outside, talk art, Judaism, books, and writing. Reply here.
SOON-TO-BE 30-YEAR-OLD STUDENT RABBI looking for his future rebbetzer. British-educated American-Israeli citizen with a playful streak, looking for like-minded. Interest in politics, literature, art, and food a plus. Brooklyn-based — let’s grab a drink, share a laugh, and heal the world. Reply here.
OFF THE DERECH & STILL HAVEN’T FOUND WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR. Separated from our tradition in my teens, looking to explore it again in my late 20s. Seeking someone to relearn and reclaim our texts with, through virtual chevruta. Expect lefty politics, irreverent jokes about rabbis, and rusty Aramaic. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted Feb 25, 2021:
GAY MIDWEST SNACK SEEKS SAME. You: caring, courageous, gay. Me: 29/queer/Reform/Chicago/cis male, here for lakeshore strolls, working the polls, abolitionist goals. Thinks most things would be better with a Google doc but not pushy about it. Open to friends, dates, and even shtetling down someday. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR THE STEVEN SPIELBERG TO MY KATE CAPSHAW, except if Kate Capshaw were 22, from SoCal, and was adopted from China by her Jewish mother and secular father. I may be Ch-ewish, but that isn’t stopping me for looking for a mensch. Let’s use the Netflix party feature until theaters open again. Reply here.
GENDERQUEER ASHKENAZI TATTOOER PUNK seeks like-minded pals for zine swaps and kvetches! Are you into human rights, bagel breakfast sandwiches, and art projects? Let’s be friends! Trans Jews to the front! Reply here.
SINGLE, 30-SOMETHING MALE IN LONDON, UK, seeks pandemic pen-pal, eventual best friend, partner in crime, and soulmate for a combination of curiosity-sating adventures and comfy, silly nights in. Looking for the Pond/Shellstrop/Santiago/Ludgate/Knope to my respective Rory/Chidi/Jake/Andy/Ben. Reply here.
MODERN ORTHODOX & UNCOMMON ABOUT IT. 31 y/o Philly woman, hardworking but also loves rambunctious Shabbos dinners, rotund animals, singing, nature walks, and stellar coffee. Seeks curious, confident man 4 enduring love. Be into your Judaism and bring banter game that would wow the authors of the Talmud. Reply here.
LOOKING FOR MY SHAH. 25 y/o straight gal. Located in Ontario, Canada. Oldest daughter in a Persian family (’nuff said). Looking for a NJB to call my partner in crime. Note: You will be fed well. Reply here.
THIRTY-SOMETHING MARRIED LADY IN THE MIDWEST currently trying to get pregnant with her first Nice Jewish Baby, looking to connect with someone in the same boat. Bonus points if you like reading, dogs, and/or The Real Housewives. Reply here.
BISEXUAL L.A.-BASED LEFTIST (23, cis man) looking for a queer 20-something romantic partner who shares my fervent obsession with pop culture, TikTok, and the alt stand-up comedy scene. Tell me your top four movies and TV shows and I’ll write back if it seems like a good match 🙂 Reply here.
LITERAL GAY DIVORCÉ. French, suitably cute, and neurotic. Looking for kindly sarcastic partner to queer-havruta our way through mid-life crisis and world pandemic, in such order. Already daydreaming about our long-term long-distance textual relationship. Reply here.
Reply to a classified posted Feb 18, 2021:
HUMBLE ARTIST WITH BIG DREAMS. Baltimore 31yo straight guy. Wishing for love and cuddles but there’s a pandemic. I love amateur singing, cooking, fantasy stories, animation, movies, cats. Would like to talk with you and say hi. Bernie Sanders in the streets / Leonard Cohen in the sheets. Reply here.
PUPPIES & PUZZLES. That’s my love language. I’m an 84 years young mainline Jew (outside of Philly). Looking for a companion to speak on the phone with about classical music, grandchildren, and golden retrievers. Reply here.
JEWISH FARMER IN NC (38, cis woman) looking for a magical, silly, feminist, confident, nerdy man to fall in love with. Open to long distance until you can move to NC and we can drink coffee in bed, listen to D&D podcasts, play in the woods, and spend Shabbat singing with our rad Jewish community. Reply here.
POST-SOVIET JEWESS FROM BROOKLYN LOOKING FOR MULTILINGUAL LOVE. Russian heritage speaker noncommittally learning Yiddish + Hebrew. Really into TV and laughing at antisemitism to cope. Seeking early to mid-20s boyfriend in the NYC/Hudson Valley area. Reply here.
HAPA JEWISH COLLEGE STUDENT currently on Oahu looking for any Jews who grew up in Hawaii. Interested in talking and sharing experiences. Reply here.
LONDONER LOOKING FOR LOVE (28) Gay cis-man looking for someone to support me on my journey to embracing my Jewish curls, buy me biscuits and learn Queer Torah together. Be the David to my Jonathan (but with a happy ending). Reply here.
LESBIAN JEW LOOKING FOR LOVE IN THIS LONELY WORLD. Violinist & hopeless romantic. Write me a love letter with your favourite Jewish quote and I’ll write you back. Montreal, 18-22 only. Reply here.
YOUNG, NEUROTIC, MILLENNIAL in the process of converting seeks friend to connect with over Judaism as well as reading, crafting, being neurodivergent, or really anything. Hoping for a modern day pen pal. With love from your future friend 🙂 Reply here.
HUGE NERD SEEKS SAME IN NYC: 27 year old lesbian looking for someone to take long walks with and go on deep dives into what we’re reading and the world. Tell me the random thoughts on your mind and I’ll bake you sourdough challah. Let’s escape the city and our isolation in my car and explore the wild. I got all my (moderna) shots. Reply here.