Israeli Bar Institutes ‘Bloody Hour,’ Gives Discount to Women on Their Periods

Well here’s the best thing ever: A bar in Israel has foregone the concept of “happy hour” for “bloody hour,” in which women who are on their periods get a 25% discount on drinks. Fuck. Yes.

The idea was started by two women (obviously) who own the Jaffa bar Anna Loulou (great name) as a way to both treat menstruating women while they go through mother nature’s monthly punishment and also break down the taboo of talking about periods—for both women and men.

“Beyond the initial childish embarrassment, ‘cause [that’s] how it is with anything connected to the body, we want to speak about this important issue,” Moran Barir told Haaretz. “There is no platform for addressing the subject of menstruation and there’s no legitimacy in the public sphere for discussing it without people immediately going, ‘Ick, why are you talking about that?’”

For those curious, you won’t need to wave a bloody tampon in the air to get a cheap drink—as their Facebook announcement explains, the discount will work on the basis of trust.

I’m really hoping this idea catches on in the States because sometimes the only thing that can cure a day-one cramp is an affordable glass of red, red wine.

Image via Flickr/Thomas Hawk

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