The Best Panic Joke Tweets About Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Ribs

This morning, news broke that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is hospitalized with fractured ribs after she fell in her Supreme Court office. We, like the rest of you, are panicked at this news. RBG is a Jewish icon and a powerful progressive voice we need on the Supreme Court. She can’t leave us yet!

Twitter users feel similarly. Here are the best get well soon RBG jokes to make you feel better:

1. We have ribs.

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2. Kate McKinnon is available.

3. Did we, too, just break ribs?


5. Superheroes, now is the time to reveal yourselves.

6. She will be okay.

7. TYSM.

8. Praying to Ruth for Ruth sounds about right.

9. Alyssa Milano, we see you.

10. Not sure if this is a RBG-related tweet, but we’re taking it as one:

11. But, for real:

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